CliqueClack TV

The Killing – Did El Diablo kill Rosie?

Who killed Rosie Larsen? We still don't know, but we move closer to an answer in day three of the investigation.

- Season 1, Episode 3 - "El Diablo"

The Killing continued into the third day of the Rosie Larsen murder case and moved at a very slow pace. About half-way through the episode I emailed my fellow Clackers to see if anyone else was watching, I wondered … was I missing something? Then, Keith reminded me that this is a procedural with one case that will take all season to solve. And, I breathed a sigh of relief that I wasn’t missing something and was able to enjoy the show.

On Rosie’s home front, grief permeated the family. They didn’t seem to know what to do with themselves. Mitch was non-functional; first sleeping in Rosie’s bed, then listening to Rosie’s answering machine recording continuously, and finally trying to feel what it was like to drown in the tub.  Stan was getting through the day and helping their sons cope. This part of the story is heartbreaking; I really hope they aren’t involved in her murder.

As I mentioned about the premiere, the election storyline is not my favorite. I’m not sure how it all fits in and I don’t really care about it. Unfortunately for Darren, Sarah wasn’t able to keep her promise to keep the story out of the press and it potentially cost him an important endorsement. Jamie was implicated in the campaign leaks, though he adamantly denied it. For some reason, I really think there is more to Gwen’s story and she is more likely the culprit.

It took the whole episode, but we did make some movement on who killed Rosie.  So, Jasper was with her that night. He and his friend Kris raped her in the cage and videotaped it. Though, seeing this is only the third episode, I’m guessing they didn’t murder her. My guess: they left her there and someone else came in. But, who could that be?

After getting used to the show’s slow pace, I really enjoyed it. The story is being thoughtfully played out with amazing performances by the actors. Even the politician storyline is presented well, even if it isn’t my favorite.

Other thoughts:

  • Is there a reason for the plot point that Sarah was moving to California with Rick and her son?
  • The janitor liked Nasty Cheerleaders … ugh!
  • I’m glad to know that Holder wasn’t really smoking pot and giving it to kids, but he is still creepy.
  • NarcScent appears to really exist.
  • Mitch’s bathtub scene was brilliantly executed.
  • Kris and Jasper are pretty stupid to be sending the video of the rape to other students.

Do you think that Kris and Jasper killed her? Or, was it someone else?




Photo Credit: AMC

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