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House, Thirteen and the promise of some interesting dynamics

Interesting is the key word for this 150th episode of 'House.' Interesting choices, interesting character dynamics and interesting storyline choices.

- Season 7, Episode 18 - "The Dig"

“You broke into my home?” – patient, whose wife is a hoarder
“We slowly pushed into your home.” – Taub

I’m not sure what to say about this episode except that it was an interesting choice for the monumental 150th episode of House. Interesting in that the Powers That Be thought it was more important that Thirteen was coming back than it was to have the characters together, interacting in their usual way. Cuddy wasn’t even in the episode at all, and House was on the road with Thirteen the whole time. Interesting.

That is not to say that I didn’t enjoy it, because the dynamics between House and Thirteen were, again, interesting. The timing was perfect, with House coming off his hurt in being dumped by Cuddy, and Thirteen hurting in many deep, real ways; it made House getting dumped seem like a little deal in the big picture, which, if we look at it objectively for a moment, it probably is. What I liked is that I think House realized it. He started off the episode being all dumped and addicted and House-esque, but by the time he realized Thirteen was jailed because she euthanized her brother who was dying of the same disease Thirteen will someday die of alone, I think he got it. His misery was trumped and he was able to rise above it, offer to euthanize Thirteen when the time comes and take another step in the character growth we’ve been missing since the break up. I have to think some of House’s enlightenment came because of Thirteen saying, “It’s no wonder Cuddy broke up with you.” Ouch.

I think we also need to credit much of the goodness to the Spud Gun.

I’m not sure how I feel about Thirteen being back (we know what Masters thinks of it all …) because I didn’t love her to pieces before and I didn’t miss her when she was gone. But I do know that I like what her return brings to the table. I’m anxious to see Masters and Foreman uncomfortable, and to see Taub and Chase enjoying every minute of their discomfort. That’s what I like about this … ahem … supportive team that House has created.

I’m loving the roommate team of Taub and Foreman … Foreman spying on Taub and catching him with his wife, for starters.
Just when I think Taub has maybe learned something, he’s back to doing what works for himself again. Sure, his wife seems an equal and willing partner, but it’s going to backfire, this much we know.

Do I have to mention the sad story of the infertile woman turned hoarder? No.

What is it about House that makes the characters and their interrelationships so successful? It’s not always the writing, the acting is definitely a contributing factor, but there’s another magical piece that just makes everything work, no matter what the storylines. Is it the directing? Speak your mind in the comments — about House‘s quality, the 150th episode, about anything House’s return makes you think about. I still say, “Interesting.”


Photo Credit: Jordin Althaus/FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | House | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “House, Thirteen and the promise of some interesting dynamics”

April 11, 2011 at 10:23 PM

I didn’t like 13 when they introduced her because they didn’t define her outside of the ‘mysterious,’ ‘hot sexy lesbian.’ Once they moved beyond her sexuality/looks, and developed her character (including a great mean streak, post Foreman-breakup)), I started to enjoy her. However, the 13 I saw last night wasn’t the one I missed but the 13 they first brought to the show. I wonder if the writers didn’t know how to re-introduce her so they defaulted to the “mysterious resident with a secret” personae or if Wilde hasn’t fully dropped into her character with so much time away.

On a side note, I recently caught an old House episode with the original 3. House seemed more concerned about his patient, than I remember in recent years. This episode reminded me of that. Perhaps he isn’t growing, but returning to his old self.

Good review.

April 12, 2011 at 7:56 PM

13 has been gone so long that they kind of had to make a big deal about her return. The length of her absence was put in perspective when she asked about Lucas. Although I never liked 13, I hope her return means that Masters will exit soon.

What’s interesting about this episode is that it really shows how much House has grown emotionally. He is capable of compassion and selflessness. Maybe he only went to pick up 13 because he was curious about what crime she committed – or maybe he actually cares about her as a friend. In Season 1, he might have reacted to her revelation with his sarcastic brand of cynicism (something along the lines of “Life sucks. Too bad for you”). But instead he reacts with appropriate silence and, after getting over his shock, with an offer that he knows will give her peace of mind (even though it might send him to jail). He is still unscrupulous, but he’s become a much more compassionate person since we first met him.

April 12, 2011 at 11:47 PM

I read that Masters is gonna leave, she’s gonna have an episode or 2 with Thirteen around and then leave, so I guess changing the House opening for the first time in 6 years and giving Olivia Wilde her own ‘card’ in the opening was correct

April 12, 2011 at 11:43 PM

What House said at the end, that he’ll kill her, he’ll do it when the times comes, it was both kinda macabre and sweet, and the fact that Thirteen said nothing and that that is how the show ended really gave you a moment to just go “0_0…House….”
Thirteen saying “It’s no wonder Cuddy broke up with you.” that made me wince
House shooting Harold with that spud gun – Go House

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