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Chuck – Spying, lying, and a pre-nup

'Chuck' returned tonight with a new episode and not sure it could have been any better. The Volkoffs returned, as well as, Mama Bartowski.

- Season 4, Episode 20 - "Chuck Versus the Family Volkoff"

Chuck returned with a great episode that included one lie after another, plus the Volkoff family.

I actually fell for Vivian’s lie that she was just a businesswoman, but perhaps because I want to like her. Though, when the shots were fired at the meeting, I began to doubt her. It turns out that she is as manipulative as her father; she just comes across as believable, while Alexei is crazy through and through. It was fun to see Alexei out of jail and “helping” the CIA. He really is crazy. Though, I do think he was trying to make amends to Vivian, Mary, and even the Somalian terrorist.

While the Volkoff family is clearly dysfunctional, Chuck’s family isn’t much better. Chuck is lying to Ellie about being a spy. Ellie is lying to Chuck about their father’s computer. And, then there is Awesome, who is keeping both of their secrets. This isn’t going to end well. Mary is also lying to both of her children. It was disheartening to see Ellie lie to Chuck, but he kinda deserves it. If he was honest with her to begin with she wouldn’t feel the need to lie. Ultimately, these secrets are going to put her life in danger.

While not a life-or-death situation, Casey and Alex are also lying to her mother. Though, Casey is trying to be a good father when he tells Alex not to lie for him. It looks like they are going  to tell her mother the truth. How freeing that will be for both of them, though I don’t expect Casey’s reveal to go smoothly.

The issue of the pre-nup didn’t really work for me. I think it only served one purpose: to give Sarah a reason to mention her father. In regards to Sarah and Chuck, it was a non-issue.

Other stuff:

  • Morgan and Casey together at breakfast: hilarious.
  • Must suck to be double-crossed by your own daughter, Alexei!
  • Spy Ellie was fun to watch, especially since she wasn’t very good at it.
  • In the past, I wondered how Mama Bartowski would fit into the show. I enjoyed how she was incorporated into the story.
  • Who is Agent X?
  • “Remember, family and friends are everything. Money, greed and power are a dance with Satan. And he looks like me.” – Alexei Volkoff
  • “My sister just lied to me. She’s never lied to me. Not cool.” – Chuck
  • Who was Vivian talking to on the phone about Agent X? Is there a significance to the camera shot of the horse on her desk?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Chuck | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Chuck – Spying, lying, and a pre-nup”

April 12, 2011 at 7:55 AM

Was that a “Game of Thrones” shout out regarding the book he was reading? I couldn’t hear the whole thing, but it sounded like he was worried that Eddard was giving the kids the direwolves.

April 12, 2011 at 2:23 PM

I wasn’t sure if it was a GoT reference or not, since I haven’t read the books and have only seen the first episode of the show. But, after verifying with someone who has read the book, it does seem to be a shout out to GoT.

Here’s the line Chuck says while reading a book (can’t see the book title though)

“Eddard, you don’t let your kids keep a direwolf. That’s a terrible idea.”

April 12, 2011 at 4:51 PM

Which is kind of funny, because from what I’ve read in the first book,

SPOILER ALERT (if you haven’t read the first book)

the exact opposite is true.
The kids who lose their direwolves fall into bad straights (straits?, how does the idiom work anyway?) very quickly.

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