CliqueClack TV

Saturday Night Live – Helen Mirren / The Foo Fighters

Frank Stein, a Crunk-Ass Easter and a "few corrections" for 'Fox & Friends'. An OK episode of 'SNL' this week, and we'll have embedded videos of the sketches here when we get 'em, as usual.

- Season 36, Episode 19 - "Helen Mirren / The Foo Fighters"

Cold Open: Presidential Address — You know me — I wasn’t keen on seeing politics again in the cold open. It was a big odd, though, for him to throw in a word about Saturday Night Live. That sorta woke me out of my brief coma, because it wasn’t like the show to pull that in an Obama sketch.

Monologue: Helen Mirren — This seemed really short, and … was she really in an orgy scene in Caligula? Apparently, yes!

Mort Mort Feingold: Accountant for the Stars — I have a problem with these skits repeating skits that aren’t all that great, yet they go about throwing them a theme song. What the heck is with that? Same goes for Gilly, though Mort Mort isn’t half as bad as that.

Helen Mirren’s Titties — Best part of this sketch was the montage of oddities flashing through Nasim Pedrad’s head, including humping monkeys and the Brendan Fraser clip from (I believe) the Globes.

Fox & Friends — You know you want to see those “few corrections” that flashed by the screen, so here they are:

  • President Barack Obama’s middle name is not “Danger.”
  • First lady Michelle Obama was born in Illinois, to human parents.
  • “The first trimester” refers to a stage of pregnancy.
  • It is not a Tom Clancy novel.
  • Libya is a country in Africa. It is not part of Saudi Arabia.
  • Singer Rebecca Black’s song “Friday” refers to a day of the week.
  • Not to a Chris Tucker movie.
  • The American flag does not have an eagle on it.
  • Nor is President Ronald Reagan’s picture on it.
  • Hawaii is part of America. Hawaiians are not of Arabic descent.
  • Lil Wayne is a popular hip hop artist.
  • He has never toured with Wayne Newton.
  • Nor does Wayne Newton have a dwarf brother.
  • Apples are not vegetables. They are also not grown in Kenya.
  • Most scallops are edible and safe when cooked.
  • “Jai Lai” is a sport played on Florida.
  • It is not known if the activity is preferred by Mexican drug cartels.
  • Bruno Mars is an American pop singer. He lives on Earth.
  • He has never been indicted or convicted of organ trafficking.
  • Green is a color.
  • Moamar Quaddaffi is President of the country of Libya.
  • he has never driven a taxi for a living.
  • Ronald Reagan did not create the lottery.
  • Nor did he invent casual Fridays.
  • Jane Fonda lives in America.
  • She has never been photographed with Osama Bin Laden.
  • There is no, nor are there any plans for, a “Six Flags Baghdad.”
  • The Federal Food Stamp program was not created by Karl Marx.
  • Egypt has never had a mummy President.
  • Your sexuality is not determined by your blood type.
  • Nor is it determined by your enthusiasm about the songs of Lionel Ritchie.
  • It is not possible to catch AIDS by having a beard.
  • The state of Massachusetts has never mandated that Mohammed be put next to Jesus in Christmas nativity scenes.
  • The sun is not made of “hot gravy.” It is actually made up of several gasses.
  • Cell phones do not cause chlamydia.
  • Filmmaker Michael Moore has never shut down the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade.
  • Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas never fought in World War II.
  • Nor was he ever given the “Congressional Medal of Truth.”
  • There is no such medal as the “Congressional Medal of Truth.”
  • A baby can only be created by sperm and an egg.
  • A homosexual cannot create a baby using trickery and the Internet.
  • Americans landed on the moon in 1969.
  • This was part of the NASA space program and not to “get away from hippies.”
  • No one has ever eaten a pizza with their butt.
  • Former President Bill Clinton has nothing to do with the Rebecca Black video “Friday.”

Frank Stein — “… and she didn’t.” It might actually be funny for the show to do a series of these, showing the inspiration of famous works of literature.

Musical Guest: The Foo Fighters — Another group that’s much more my style. Great songs from a band I’ve dug for a while. Man, though … that’s a lotta guitars!

Weekend Update — I think my favorite impression of Hader’s is his James Carville impression. Damn that never gets old!

The Best of Both Worlds with Hugh Jackman — This was a pretty good skit, and it was a prefect place to bring Helen Mirren in as Julie Andrews.

Crunk-Ass Easter Festival — God I love these Crunk-Ass skits. This one wasn’t as good as the past ones, but it had a few funny moments.

The Roosevelts — Y’know, I wouldn’t put it past some network out there clearing way for a series about the Roosevelts. Pretty good sketch, with a bit of a blunder toward the end. It didn’t seem to get many laughs out of the audience, though.

Perspectives Photo Studios — Not bad, but the joke about cell phone pictures of penises seems months old at this point, doesn’t it?

Bongo’s Clown Room — Man, this could have been a lot funnier, especially with having Helen Mirren hosting. At least we got a quick appearance by Dave Grohl.

Photo Credit: NBC

5 Responses to “Saturday Night Live – Helen Mirren / The Foo Fighters”

April 10, 2011 at 2:21 AM

Dame Helen has been quite well-known to “get her kit off.” Yes, she is in the notorious Caligula (which is even more notorious for having been converted into a hardcore X-rated flick after the principle cast had finished filming) and a film entitled The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover. She’s had quite the career!

April 10, 2011 at 10:15 AM

sorry, jokes about penises never get old, regardless of the media.

April 10, 2011 at 12:44 PM

Kristin Wiig’s flight attendant was hilarious! I don’t know why, but the image of Kindle’s lifting off of people’s laps and flying out of the plane really made me laugh.

April 11, 2011 at 6:57 AM

UGH, I know I’m nitpicking, but my little English Major heart was frustrated when Igor came into the room. Dr. Frankenstein never had an assistant in the book. Even in the first movie, the humped assistant was named Fritz. The monster didn’t have bolts in the book either. I know, I know… nitpicking.

April 11, 2011 at 4:47 PM

Not nitpicking so much as basic factchecking, although I suppose accuracy wouldn’t have been nearly as amusing in this case.

I must be watching too much Onion News Network, as the political/news skits seemed weak and toothless and therefore unfunny this time. In fact, only the Hugh Jackman skit was a solid hit for me. Whatever the strip club skit was supposed to be was uncomfortably embarrassing.

The Kennedys humor was probably too inside for the studio audience, who would be less likely to deconstruct and blog about their viewing habits.

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