CliqueClack TV

Our American Idols give their take on some classic tunes

Fortunately, (most of) our 'Idols' bounce back from last week's snoozefest with a Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame theme night. Special bonus feature: White boy dance moves!

- Season 10, Episode 25 - "The Top 9 Perform"

You just don’t know what you’re going to get on Wednesday nights when you tune into American Idol. That’s half the fun … the anxious anticipation.  You flip your television set on, get a little opener from our buddy Ryan Seacrest, a bit of intro about the theme of the night, out come the no-longer-judging judges (who haven’t any problem glad-handing praise at each contestant after their performances, whether it’s deserving or otherwise … *sigh*), then dapper Ryan shows us our Idols. We tune in for the songs, for the styles, for the words, for the possible drama. An hour and more of escapism to end our day and liven our spirits.

And we’re rarely disappointed. Idol often delivers. Good or bad. Even when there’s a humdrum show such as last week’s, we’re still happy we check in. Because you just never know.

And on this night, on Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame theme night, who glowed and who ended up all wet?

Leading off, Jacob Lusk performed “Man In The Mirror.” Seeing the choice Jacob picked, and getting to know Jacob after all these weeks, how could he go wrong with this song? His lilting, emotive take wasn’t bad in the least. Despite his “They’re coming to take me away!” asylum whites he wore. At least his clothing wasn’t so distracting as to take away from the performance. I’ll admit I did crave ice cream after watching him perform, though.

Oooooooooooooooooo. Haley Reinhart. “Piece Of My Heart.” We had the potential for a whole lotta flop with this one, but right out of the gate Haley put her heart and soul into it. And you know what? She was nothing less than respectable. Her scratchy yelp aided the performance well. Way to drop the bomb on me, Haley.

Lauren Alaina’s take on “You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman” left me feeling she dialed it way back. I originally thought she should have upped the ante  and deposited this tune right in the lap of each audience member. And then I realized what was bugging me: She didn’t give it to us with conviction. It seemed a tad fake. It sure didn’t leave me feeling she was that natural woman.

Casey Abrams “Have You Ever Seen The Rain?” I didn’t expect this type of output from Casey. Very, very unexpected and a bit strange. Did I like it? In a weird sort of way, yes. I still like the guy, but the raw energy and confidence he exude in the beginning of the competition has morphed into something a bit too smarmy. Am I ever going to get my old Casey back? His take on CCR wasn’t hideous by any stretch of the imagination … but it’s definitely been a while since he hit one out of the park and rounded the bases in triumph.

Speaking of swinging for the fences, here’s a guy that did just that. James Durbin’s decision to forge ahead with this take of “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” could have been disastrous. But instead James captured it, molded it to his own and ended up taking the night with it. (There’s nothing like a little comeback after the whole “Pepsi moment” incident that elicited monkey business from the Jackson camp, after all.) But … there was one distracting item of note with his performance. So I plead: Someone, anyone in the props department … can you please find a roofing gun and some nails to pin his ears back against his head? I know the guy can’t help it, but the red blood-vessel-y glow of those sound catchers attracted the eyes like a magnet. Who’s with me on this one? See for yourself …

And what in the world was Scott McCreery channeling with his performance of “It’s Alright Mama”? I think it was The King, but I was a bit confused because he’s never looked more like Alfred E. Newman than during this outing. (You know: MAD magazine’s “What, me worry?” icon.) Was he mimicking Eminem? The Man In Black?!? Whoever Scotty was personifying up there, he committed some of the strangest microphone hold moves I’ve ever seen. Regardless, it was nice to see him mix it up. Hip hop white boy gangsta moves notwithstanding …

Despite her obviously cultured voice, Pia Toscano conveys a cold, cold iciness  for me. Her “River Deep Mountain High” came across with an android mannerism that chilled me to the bone. At the bottom of that “river deep” was cold darkness … and at the top of that “mountain high” was a numbing frigidity. The girl is an automaton. It won’t be the last time I say she does nothing for me.

And then comes “When A Man Loves A Woman” by our resident loungy-boy Stefano Langone. *eyesh* You know … I didn’t see anybody up on stage holding a pair of pliers to his nads, but he sure sounded as if someone had been. Dude was a few octaves too high in parts. This is one of my all-time favorite songs. But now? Well … now I’m going to hear Stefano shrieking the lyrics each time I hear this and I’m going to have to come up with some way to quash that. *shudder*

Paul McDonald “Folsom Prison Blues”  Paul gave it the ‘ole college try, but this simply wasn’t his tune.

I can’t state with confidence The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame would have been proud with this Idol airing, but it was definitely a better night than last week’s dreary debacle.

The Bottom Three? Stefano and Paul, absolutely. And what the heck? Let’s toss Haley in there to round out the group, because I highly doubt Pia will dip down to join this trio.

It will be Stefano saying good night, however. Don’t you think?

Inexplicably strange goings-on: Guest of The Black Eyed Peas sitting in with Jimmy Iovine during the contestants rehearsals and dissing Madonna. Wow.

And Randy Jackson asking Ryan if he was wearing deodorant. What … ?!?

Photo Credit: Fox

7 Responses to “Our American Idols give their take on some classic tunes”

April 7, 2011 at 1:28 PM

Wow…someone else who sees the iciness about Pia. She has some chops but is like a well manufactured robot. Although she didn’t totally, as many others before her be professional or armature, slaughter Rivers Deep Mountains High it still left me to wonder what the heck was she thinking. I have yet to hear anyone be able to power out that song like Tina. Even professional impersonators have learned to steer clear of it and sing another Tina song.

April 7, 2011 at 2:29 PM

I am not a fan of Pia either. I never thought about her being icy, just boreing but you are right icy fits. I disagree about Haley, I think it was just awful. Sorry, but she is too animated or something. Just comes off as so very fake to me, or like she is in a musical or something, way over the top. I normally try to be nice but I really think someone should slap Stephano for messing up my all time favorite Percy Sledge song. I had to walk out of the room I really wanted to cry.

I happen to like Paul I don’t believe he is the best singer but I love him. He just makes me happy when I listen to him and watch him. Crazy maybe but I can’t help myself.

I will go with your bottom 3 and hope it is Haley or Stephano and not my beloved Paul.

April 7, 2011 at 3:26 PM

Good review Michael. I actually really liked everyone last night. I do have to agree with you regarding Pia. And obviously Jennifer saw it cuz she told her to watch some videos for dance moves. I am definitely seeing either Paul or Stefano going home but you never know with idol.

April 7, 2011 at 4:07 PM

What? “a bit of intro about the theme of the night”? That’s all you have to say about a photo montage of 57 years of classic rock history narrated by Steven Tyler? Not even a snark wondering who the 1st best was??

Other than that, great as usual. I’m not sure who will be the third in the bottom three, but I think Stefano and Paul are definites. The third might even be male, since I think we have reduced the ranks of the female contestants to a level that the voting male audience can support. Wait a minute, could that mean Casey could be in the bottom three again? Scary, isn’t it?

April 7, 2011 at 4:17 PM

. . . . .


When Tyler stops acting like wet bar mop and starts critiquing the contestants the way they should be critiqued (and I’m not talkin’ ‘bout Simon Cowell-style critiquing, mind you), I’ll say something more than a cursory “a bit of intro about the theme of the night”.

How about calling a spade a spade and telling them what they did sounds like crap when it sounds like crap?

And that critiquing goes double for JLo and Randy, too.

That sound fair? Yeah … I thought so …

April 7, 2011 at 8:37 PM

yep sounds fair!!!

April 8, 2011 at 1:51 AM

You’re so right about automaton Pia. And Durbin’s ears.

For me, the standout was Scott. I was thoroughly entertained by his performance (and I don’t like country music).

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