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NCIS – Who’s the low man on your totem pole?

It was one of his drier points, but I found what Ducky said about totem poles to be rather interesting. Have we really been using the term incorrectly for all these years? You mean those were compliments?

- Season 8, Episode 20 - "Two-Faced"

I feel like I’ve been lulled into expecting a certain thing from the opening scene of NCIS, namely a creative way in which someone finds a dead body. In fact, we’ve talked a lot over the last few episodes about how good the ideas have been lately. So I was thoroughly surprised — and impressed — last night when, instead of the discovery of a body, we were witness to a murder. That was cool in how ill-prepared I was for it. Plus, you know, the creepy baby doll drawing the poor sap’s attention long enough for him to be sliced and diced.

And while I continued to enjoy the serial killer nature of the story, I was a little disappointed in how much the team was treading into Criminal  Minds BAU profiling territory. I enjoy that kind of thing just fine, but there’s a time and place for everything; Gibbs would likely make for an awesome profiler, but that’s not what he does.

And he also shouldn’t be subjected to dealing with annoying, egotistical babies like EJ (Sarah Jane Morris), who returned last night from wherever it was that she went. I suppose I can see the jurisdictional battle that Gibbs and EJ were waging over the case — if this is, in fact, one in a line of related murders — but shouldn’t she also have wanted to benefit from the skill and experience that Gibbs’ team brings to the table?

She and Tony, meanwhile, have no chemistry whatsoever except for the fact that we’re being told that they have chemistry. In truth I think that EJ’s around to be a cog in some wheel … I just haven’t identified the vehicle that the wheel is on just yet.

I almost always enjoy the personal focus in the weekly tales, but last night I just wanted it to stop. The problem with team romance on this show is that it’s usually treated in the most immature, high school crush sort of way. Ironically it’s Abby and McGee who do it a lot better, and I think that their pairing would be a catastrophe. But at least they don’t bide their time with jealousy and teenage angst like some other people that we know.

When CI-Ray Cruz (Enrique Murciano) popped up it was Tony who burned with jealousy; when EJ returned it was Ziva’s turn. And can someone explain to me what Ziva flew off the handle about? Because I certainly don’t get it.

But I do wonder this: could CI-Ray be the killer? It would seem likely that he was in every city where a murder occurred. And it might help explain why, once Gibbs’ team was assigned to the investigation, he still didn’t mention being the CIA’s liaison to EJ’s team. Anything’s possible with a “To be continued” story, right?

And I hope you’ll excuse how dark this sounds, but I thought the funky ice cubes were really cool from a creative perspective. I don’t know how anyone gained access to sneak an eyeball into Tony’s drink, but that actually could make for a great opening next week — people out for drinks find a finger encased in ice in their glass. That would work.

NCIS When it comes to affairs of the heart. ... [51YTJvzPHVL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)NCIS When it comes to affairs of the heart. ... [51eRnHz2DHL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)NCIS When it comes to affairs of the heart. ... [517viGC516L. SL160 ] (IMAGE)

Photo Credit: CBS

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13 Responses to “NCIS – Who’s the low man on your totem pole?”

April 6, 2011 at 1:06 PM

That was actually one of my first thoughts – that CI-Ray could be the killer. He was acting awfully suspicious at points (and in more than just an I’m-in-the-CIA way).

April 6, 2011 at 2:56 PM

They’ve introduced this sort of turf war in so many ways over the years and I’m used to the idea that, of course, no one else can do a decent job, but I really felt like it went a bit too far. I’m not particularly fond of the EJ character either, but she’s hardly the new-interfering-boss or person-from-an-outside-organization type. I felt many times that Gibbs was just being a jerk. More than what I think is the usual amount of gruffness and circumventing working with people he doesn’t want to. I don’t know – it felt off to me, even though we’ve seen the same kind of thing before.

April 7, 2011 at 8:48 AM

I agree – I thought that Gibbs was being the jerk in the episode. Isn’t he a little too experienced – not to mention old – for playground politics. I think that Ray being the killer would be too convenient and obvious. I am hoping that NCIS would be above that.

April 7, 2011 at 7:12 PM

Liz and Mary (and Ryan) — I don’t know … I thought Gibbs was in the right on this one. Whether or not EJ was actually his equal here, she handled things terribly in her dealings with Gibbs and the team. I think she was unprofessional and only looking out for herself. I thought Gibbs was right to put her in her place like he did. At the very least she should have realized that she needed the support of Gibbs’ team to get anything done, so why wouldn’t she play nice?

April 6, 2011 at 7:56 PM

Is there going to be a follow up episode to “Two Faced” that finishes it?

April 7, 2011 at 9:52 AM

Tammy: This is supposed to be an arc that takes us through the end of the season. It might not be the A Story in every episode, but it will be a big part of the rest of the season.

But Ayreh, I disagree about EJ and Tony. I’m not saying that they’re periodic tables full of chemistry, but I do like them together. Tony is different with her than he’s been with other females (that he’s dated or not), and I like the change.

They’re obviously not meant for each other, but I like something different.

April 7, 2011 at 7:15 PM

My barometer for Tony is always going to be his relationship with Jeanne. Regardless of what we learned about it after-the-fact, he loved her … that was real.

April 7, 2011 at 7:17 PM

Sure, but do you expect people to act the same way in every relationship they are ever in?

April 7, 2011 at 7:26 PM

Sorry, I meant that between them I actually saw chemistry. I haven’t seen Tony display that with anyone before or since.

April 7, 2011 at 9:54 AM

I found Ducky’s bit of trivia easy to believe, in that we naturally view other cultures through the lens of our own, and settlers/missionaries in earlier centuries would be disinclined to learn the exact details of native religious/spiritual practices.

Actually, it seemed to me that E. J. was doing the classic profiler reading we see on a half-dozen other shows, Gibbs was ignoring her proffered profile, and the rest of the team was following his lead.

I found it odd that Gibbs was so angry (and so obviously angry) with E. J. being made lead on the investigation. They weren’t co-lead agents, so it was clear that she was supposed to call the shots and direct the interrogation, even if she had to threaten to have Vance repeat his earlier orders to them. Is it solely because Gibbs is now openly contemptuous to Vance and some of that spilled over into his dealings with E. J.? Usually Gibbs is much calmer, even appearing bemused, when being equally uncooperative with a fellow agent.

I don’t care for the fact that we’re seeing the murder more and more often this season as opposed to just finding the body. It happens nearly every week on NCIS:LA, so I suspect that it’s a preference of the showrunner for more action, but it leans the parent show more toward the tendencies of the darker, more violent crime procedurals I prefer to avoid. To be fair, I did just marathon the last eleven or so episodes (teared up a little at the Kate retrospective), so the incidences may have appeared to be more noticeable due to their compressed proximity.

The ice cubes are definitely Ice Truck Killer-worthy, but I won’t buy it if C.I.Ray is P2P. E. J. said that he was the CIA liaison with NCIS from the beginning of the investigation, so Ray would have had to accompany her and her team from city to city in pursuit of the killer, never knowing where the next victim would be found. Those agents would have to be pretty stupid if they never discovered that Ray always got there before them in time to commit the murder.

Just watched the two-hour backdoor NCIS pilot on JAG again. It was bizarre. Gibbs is cracking smiles much more often, Tony (with glasses and slicked-back hair) and Abby are both more subdued, McGee and Palmer are both absent, and Ducky hits on the attractive young female Agent Blackadder in multiple scenes. Intensifying my fondness for Bellisario’s attention to detail and decorum, the characters use jargon like cover (for hat) and DI without explaining what they mean merely for the sake of the audience. I wish there had been some way to keep him involved with the show.

April 7, 2011 at 7:20 PM

You’d know better having just watched half a season, but I can’t even remember the last time we saw a murder on the show. Haven’t the past five or so episodes started with awesome body discoveries?

CI-Ray has joined the team on each investigation, but that doesn’t preclude him from having been in the cities beforehand. I’m not saying he’s definitely the killer, but I could see it. Ziva’s made worse choices in men….

April 7, 2011 at 9:13 PM

Ziva blew up at Ray because, like Rivkin, he had romanced her and lied to her, covering up his real assignment. Rivkin also slept with other women as part of his assignment which is why she wanted to know if Ray had slept with EJ. She thought he was using her like Rivkin had. Not to mention both her brother Ari and her father Eli had used her and lied to her. The men she is closest to had treated her badly and she thought Ray was doing the same.

I thought it was an interesting parallel to Tony and EJ. EJ hid things from Tony but that wasn’t a problem for Tony because unlike Ziva, he didn’t have the emotional baggage from a previous lover lying to him. In his relationship with Jeanne, he was the one who hid things and slept with her to cover his assignment.

How did EJ get to be a team leader? Is NCIS so barren of competent people? Gibbs was out-of-line contemptuous of her but I don’t blame him being impatient. If she’s going to be the lead, the P2P killings may never be solved.

April 8, 2011 at 12:14 PM

I don’t know … I think there’s a big difference between lying and withholding confidential information. 99 times out of 100 Ziva would not only have understood that, but encouraged and supported it. I think you may be right that the intention was for her to feel like he was acting just like all the other men in her life, but they did a bad job substantiating the reason for her getting so upset.

Yeah, EJ as team leader makes little sense to me, too.

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