CliqueClack TV

The Kennedys – Jack goes swimming in the Bay of Pigs

We continue our history of Camelot (no, not that 'Camelot'), the veil gets pulled on John F. Kennedy's first year in office ... And what a bumpy year it was.

The Kennedys, after covering the build up to Jack’s win in 1960, now turns to his rocky first couple of months in office. I always thought Kennedy got a raw deal for the Bay of Pigs, and this story touches on that same opinion. Jack’s indiscretions threaten more than just his marriage, and the producers make up for their casting of Bobby with a knock-out choice for the Director of the FBI.

I don’t know if “funny” is the right word, but it was a bit amusing to watch Jack and Bobby cowed as they walked to talk their father out of his idea of Bobby as Attorney General. This is the guy that, in just a couple of years, would be staring Nikita Khrushchev over nuclear missiles ninety miles away, and he can’t even pick his staff without his father imposing his will. Despite that, I’ve always liked the fact JFK had someone close to him in his administration that he completely trust. It is why I’ve always liked the Jed/Leo relationship on The West Wing. Bobby’s value to his brother became apparent in the Cabinet room after the Bay of Pigs.

A piece of casting I didn’t know about … Enrico Colantoni as J. Edgar Hoover? Simple brilliance. While there might be a couple of big screen Hoover biopics in the works, ole’ Keith Mars nailed it here. Not to say that the FBI Director didn’t have his own skeletons in his closet, but the way he delivered the “General” to Bobby? Perfection.

Another relationship I don’t think most people put a lot of thought into is that of Presidents and their wives. The scene where Kennedy was agonizing over the Bay of Pigs with his wife proves how valuable Jackie could have been to him. First Ladies, are naturally privy to much more than they are actually cleared for. A good husband (and soon rather than later, wife) will take advantage of the guidance and counsel that their spouse will be able to offer.

The thread that followed the relationship between Jackie and Rose didn’t make much sense to me. They shared two scenes together in this hour. During the first, the mother in law made a pretty rude comment about Jackie’s post-pregnancy weight loss. The next time they are together, Rose is sharing her deepest, darkest secrets. Just didn’t jive well thematically.

Notes & Quotes

  • [On potentially appointing Bobby Kennedy Attorney General] He has no experience.” – Jack
    “He has the best experience in the world … He’s your brother.” – Joe
  • Kinda feel like they half-assed it on the effects for the inaugural speech … When the real shots of the crowd were interspersed, it looked very obvious
  • Speaking of The West Wing I half expected someone to say “Leo McGarry would like you to meet an old friend of his” when they delivered the news to JFK at the Congressional Reception

Photo Credit: Reelz

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