CliqueClack TV

Dancing With the Stars – Kirstie and Maks take a fall!

Who says reality TV can't teach you things about yourself? I actually had an epiphany during 'Dancing With the Stars' this week. O.K. It wasn't an Earth shattering epiphany or anything. But still!

- Season 12, Episode 5 - "Season 12, Episode 5"

Wow. I love live TV. You just never know what’s going to happen, or how people will deal with it when it hits the fan. I was privy to Marie Osmond passing out on Dancing With the Stars, and now a couple takes a spill. Kirstie and Maks went down early in their routine this week, when Maks’ thigh inexplicably gave out. I gasped. Truly. Kirstie took it a lot better than I did, I’ll tell ya. Being a professional, she got up and took her cues from her partner. After all, the show must go on you know.

My revelation? I had no idea how much I’ve grown to like Maks. For those of you regulars, you’ve heard me rail on him being hard and verbally abusive to his partners. But I think the guy has grown on me like mold in a wet shower. I really wanted him to be OK. So that led me to think: why have I changed my mind? Well. I guess it has to do with how patient and funny he’s being with Kirstie this year. And how he stands up to the judges when he feels he should. He takes responsibility for mistakes he makes during a performance. He sticks up for his partners. All in all, Maks has a good sense of who he is. Lately, I’ve been struggling with standing up for what I think is right. After “losing my own voice” when I was laid off from my on-air radio job, I’ve been working on finding it again in the “private sector.”

So, I’m looking around for inspiring people who are themselves. And proud of that fact. Sometimes you don’t know how you feel about someone until they get injured or have some chunk of life crap thrown in their faces. I remember when my cat Nina was little. She was a freaking terror. She broke many of my authentic ’50s and ’60s irreplaceable tchockies. She chased and harassed my older cats to no end. I was ready to scream. But my husband loved her. One day, he told me she should be allowed to go on our balcony like our other two animals. And she fell off. I saw her go over the edge. I had no idea until that moment, that I loved her. No idea. Same thing with Maks. (Nina is fine by the way, and sitting next to me right now.)

I don’t know if this love fest with Maks will last. But again, I point out the power of television. Ain’t it grand?

Oh, and Wendy Williams is so outta there tomorrow night. Her trying to be sexy was like a scary bad drag show. Sorry. That was mean. But I’m just trying to be myself!

Photo Credit: ABC

9 Responses to “Dancing With the Stars – Kirstie and Maks take a fall!”

April 5, 2011 at 11:01 AM

I admit it…I do love Maks…can’t help myself! I love Kirstie’s dress in that photo! ;)

Speaking of cats…my Hannah LOVES to take apart my yarn and projects…found several “paths” of yarn all over our living room this morning! LOL! She thinks is a fun game to find a yarn ball and bring it to me in her mouth–dropping it on the computer desk and waiting to play “fetch”! ;)

April 5, 2011 at 11:40 PM

Shaya, I know you’ve always been a Maks fan :) And your kitty sounds awesome!

April 5, 2011 at 11:29 AM

About Wendy Williams: “Her trying to be sexy was like a scary bad drag show.” Best description I have heard…lol….!

April 5, 2011 at 11:41 PM

Glad I made you laugh … and she’s ….. GONE! (That’s 2 in a row for me. But it will get harder to predict as it goes down the line.)

April 5, 2011 at 11:47 AM

Hi Gurl***

I felt the same way about Maks. He and Kristie really were very professional. I know I would have just lost it at that point. I know when I am playing the piano and I make a mistake, it really does through me off but I know I have to keep going in a performance.

Definitely Wendy should go. I just felt uncomfortable watching her. Also, did you think the judges praises Sugar Ray too much. I felt Anna was doing all the work and he was just walking and doing a few moves around her.

Anyway, great review as always.

April 5, 2011 at 11:31 PM

Thanks for the comments girlies!

April 6, 2011 at 12:52 AM

Glad it was Wendy that got voted off. I always worry that there will be a surprise elimination.

April 6, 2011 at 12:54 AM

Also, loved Kristie’s responses to air head Brooke.

April 7, 2011 at 1:10 AM

I’m definitely liking Maks more these days, too. He and Kirstie seem to have a really good chemistry. I was kind of expecting him to be impatient with her, but so far they really seem to work well together!

I think Wendy was the right one to go, though when it came down to it, I was afraid the wrestling guy might go because I didn’t expect his fan base to watch DWTS. Shows you what I know!

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