CliqueClack TV

That’s the way the cookie gets tossed on Survivor

A ho-hum 'Survivor' offering yields little ... unless you revel in lots of big talk from Secret Agent Man Phillip.

- Season 22, Episode 7 - "It Don't Take a Smart One"

“I do love constructive criticism and I do need to buck up more.”

Well, let’s just see how that works out for you, shall we Sarita?

A calm, cool and rather collected episode of Survivor this time around, but there were a few interesting moments of note:

Interesting Moment #1: Stephanie and Matt duel on Redemption Island with the contest going to Matt for the fifth time (WowZah!) while David and Ralph from Zapatera and Rob and Phillip from Ometepe look on. The moment here was Steph’s final act of defiance — she laid things on the line for the onlookers, calling out who to look out for and what she thought should happen within their respective tribes. You could see the wheels a’turnin’ in Rob’s mind at her revelations … but will those revelations help him? Stay tuned …

Interesting Moment #2: I find it comical to watch the steps Phillip is taking to “solidify” his place in the game. (News Flash: He’s not.) As Chuck noted last week, the dude borders on the delusional when it comes to the Survivor social game. And make no mistake about it: The social game comes with and portends huge ramifications whether it’s played right or played wrong. And that monkey business with the crispy rice? No better way to divide a tribe than to get in everyone’s face and have their numbers work against you over something so silly, Phillip. Dude … you’re doing fantastically at dooming yourself. Keep up the good work.

Interesting Moment #3 was the coolest of the show and the one that made me chuckle: Rob’s sacrifice of the immunity idol clue into the volcano they visited on reward. Holding up the clue he extracted from the cookie jar he proclaimed “… it really doesn’t matter what it says, because I already have the idol. So … might as well just throw it away … in the volcano.  Bye-bye!” *toss* Love it.

The six-on-six duel of the episode resulted in Ometepe eking out a win by a mere basketed ball and being helicoptered to reward, immunity securely in hand. And, again, there’s Phillip … prognosticating with grandeur in voice over while munching away at the spoils of victory. The dude just never shuts it, does he? So, for at least one more week, we get to decipher his own special brand of blather and get the pleasure of watching him dig his own grave.

Wait … let’s revisit Sarita back at camp: “I would say kick me off if I felt like Dave was stronger than me.” Hmmmm … interesting statement in light of her “buck up” comment above. But it doesn’t really matter because she’s on a mission to oust David during tribal council.

It’s to little avail, however, because — despite the fact fellow Zapaterian (and enemy) David has a slight target painted on his back going into tribal (and he even admits to it) — Sarita gets a one-way ticket to Redemption Island to meet up with The Mattster for next week’s duel.

As mentioned, no fabulous goings on with this episode of Survivor. Just lots of schlock and awe from Phillip which will end up ultimately biting him in the ass.

Photo Credit: CBS

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