CliqueClack TV

Just give me a rocket, man, ’cause there weren’t any American Idols last night …

I really like the word "lackluster." There's just so much that simple little 10-letter word conveys. For example, it totally and completely defines last night's 'Idol' ...

- Season 10, Episode 23 - "The Top Eleven Perform ... Again"

See if any of these sound familiar to you, hokay?

“It’s crazy.” “You gave a full performance.” “You slayed it.” “You’ve never been better.” “We’ve always loved you.” “You’re in your element.” “It was amazing.” “Dude, that was a great performance.”

Think hard: Heard any of those before? What? Last night, you say? All of ‘em? And the week before that? You heard ‘em on American Idol a month ago, too?

Yeah. I know. Same here.

The piano? The one James Durbin walked atop? The one exploding in flames at the end of his performance? Next week Steven, JLo and Randy need to plant their backsides on that thing while flames shoot up their asses and some fire comes out their critiques. Because … They … Sound … Like … Automatons. The same #*&@+%! thing over and over and over and over, ad nauseum. I’m exhausted already with what they (don’t) have to say.

Regardless of the fact it was Elton John Week and it should have been rippin’, the judges fed the contestant’s mediocrity so they performed like this:

Scott McCreery “Country Comfort”:  What? You mean Scotty didn’t do Sir Elton’s “Gulliver / Hay Chewed” …  ??? That would have been more appropriate, but, instead … *yawn*

Naima Adedapo “I’m Still Standing”: No. No. And no. No. Just no. Not something that should’ve been done … inna reggae style. Naima — can’t you please just be gone?

Paul McDonald “Rocket Man” Whereas it seemed the song fit Paul, wasn’t this one of the flattest versions you’ve ever heard? Cripes … William Shatner walked through it with more spunk …

Pia Toscano “Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me”: Yeah, yeah, yeah … ballad, ballad, ballad … she did good, she did good, she did good. I hadn’t noticed before, but it wouldn’t surprise me if this girl gets by on her looks as well as the strength of her voice. She’s a dark horse at this point.

Stefano Langone “Tiny Dancer”: Ladies & Gentlemen, for you dining and dancing pleasure, please put your forks down and let’s have a round of applause for our resident lounge lizard … what do you say? Cripes: All I needed was a watered-down Mai Tai in some dive in two-bit joint in Laughlin, Nevada. And that outstretched hand to JLo at the end? I’ve seen nothing sadder. I couldn’t help but chuckle at Randy mocking him.

Lauren Alaina “Candle In The Wind”  Utterly forgettable. “Keep singing like that and someday you’ll be able to afford the rest of that dress.” When Steven Tyler can upstage the contestant — and there wasn’t much of a trick to that – then you know there’s a problem with her performance.

James Durbin “Saturday Night’s Alright (For Fighting)”: I’m at a loss for words. Other than to say it was a cheese-fest-o-rama of the highest order. Definitely your “Pepsi Moment,” James.

Thia Megia “Daniel”:  “If they believe it, you’ll get to the following week. If they don’t, you won’t make it.” Jimmy Iovine’s pronouncement just might come true. Probably Thia’s worst performance to date. “That was beautiful … it was a beautiful moment for you. Very beautitful.” Come on, JLo: Who were you trying to convince? Yourself … ?!?

At this point in the post, I would like to take a quick break and ask: Is anyone — anyone – going to shake things up and do something memorable? (And, no … James’ frantic performance doesn’t count.)

Casey Abrams “Your Song”: Did Casey redeem himself from last week? Maybe. His attempt at heart-felt and sincere still contained a bit of the old Casey that’s unmistakably “Abramesque.” Better than the last few weeks, at least.

Jacob Lusk “Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word”:  I’m sorry … but what was that? Did we witness a performance … or an orgasm? *eyesh* “And that last note? You don’t see that everyday.” Two senses, one unintelligible statement. Thanks for that, JLo.

Haley Reinhart “Bennie & The Jets”: I really don’t care for Haley. But you know what? Halfway through her stint I said (and, for what it’s worth, Randy confirmed it): Best performance of the night. She was the only one who came out of her shell and put something into a song, effectively salvaging the night.


See that picture of Elton up there? He looks fantastic. He looks Captain Fantastic, even. We didn’t get that last night. We should have. Maybe with Jacob and Thia and Stefano ending up in the Bottom Three (and with the latter two getting the boot) everyone will finally wake up and shake of the lackluster funk.

Photo Credit: Sportcartoons UK

9 Responses to “Just give me a rocket, man, ’cause there weren’t any American Idols last night …”

March 31, 2011 at 11:17 AM

Why must you hold back, Michael? Why so evasive?

Your funniest review this season. Way to slay it dude. You’ve never been better. See, that’s what it sounds like when it’s for real.

March 31, 2011 at 12:42 PM

I think if Simon did an over all critique of last night’s Idol it would be in three words: Carnival Cruise Line.

March 31, 2011 at 1:20 PM

I agree with Lois. I love it when you’re this hateful! Reminds me of your excellent rants on the Idol site years ago.

I’m over Casey. And Pia is not a dark Horse. She should win flat out.

I’m still laughing at your description of Jacob. Just like I laughed all the way through Naima and Haley. If Elton John were dead, he would have been rolling in his grave at those two. CORN-Y!

Great review!

March 31, 2011 at 1:30 PM

I thought the judges were a bit harsh on Naima. Her performance wasn’t half as cheesy as James Durbin’s (and I just can’t take him seriously as a rocker with that baby face and the giant ears).

Naima’s voice sometimes reminds me of Natasha Bedingfield. She’s funky, and even though she’s not the best singer, at least I can always look forward to something different from her. The rest of these contestants don’t take any risks, with the exception of Casey (although trimming one’s beard does not count as a risk). I don’t think she should win, but keep her around for the entertainment. There’s only so much eyebrow waggling (Scott), scratching (Paul, Casey), howling (Pia, Thia, Alaina, Stefano, Jacob), and screaming (James, Haley) that I can take.

March 31, 2011 at 3:45 PM

Michael, if I had known where you were headed with this review, I wouldn’t have given you a hard time about calling Haley best of the night. You are absolutely correct that Haley’s lackluster was better than any of the other lacklusters of the night. [Kudos to you for bringing the snark to Season 10 … since the judges have failed us.]

However, I don’t want to “step outside myself” and be objective when I can stay myself and enjoy portions of a lackluster show. Scotty finding a REAL country song in an Elton John songbook was genius. As an aging adequate soprano, I still want to bow at the feet of Pia … even if she is singing the phone book. Casey [almost] made it through a performance straight and closed with a killer note. If you ever WATCHED Jim Nabor sing, Jacob is an improvement. If you are too young for Nabor, close your eyes the next time Jacob sings and you might enjoy it. And my personal favorite of the night – James Durbin – could have lip-synched Elton’s soundtrack and I would have still enjoyed the presentation. Midseason I expect to have a few rough shows, so I take my fun where I can. As long as Stefano, Naima, Lauren, Paul and/or Thia go home this week, I don’t mind admitting Haley was better than usual last night.

March 31, 2011 at 5:11 PM

I think going bye bye tonight should be Jacob and Naima , atleast I have my fingers crossed anyway

March 31, 2011 at 7:21 PM

I missed the show and had to youtube it. I had forgot about Paul when I watched earlier after remembering Paul I went back and watched his song . I know change my who goes bye bye to Naima and PAUL. LOL

And I thought Stephano did the best last night :D

March 31, 2011 at 8:17 PM

This is a great review. I was so bored last night that I did not watch it live so I could fast forward through all the chit chat crap today. I don’t think I can watch the results live, for the same drively reason. Just give me the results. No duets, no guests, just results. Please!

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