CliqueClack TV

The biggest American Idol shocker in ten years

This episode of 'Idol' was a three-ring circus without a ringmaster. Calling it anything else would be a huge understatement.

- Season 10, Episode 22 - "Top 11 Elimination"

Well, THAT was interesting.

American Idol pulled a fast one.

Everyone was expecting an elimination last night.

Like Stefano.

Or Haley.

Maybe Thia.

But … Casey? Casey Abrams?

And then … redemption.

Strange night. Strange, strange night.

If you watch that video, there are tons of interesting things going on. To name a few: Casey’s obvious dishevelment during his “I Don’t Need No Doctor” sing-for-your-life song that was cut short. His weird meltdown. The judges’ stumbling words.

Was this whole thing just one big staged sham? Nah. You merely need to take a peek at our beloved Idol host in the video above: ‘Ole Seacrest is good … but he’s no actor. It wasn’t staged.

It all adds up to bumbling bevy of chaos. Wanna hear what some of the viewers had to say about this episode?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

- “Some bearded dude is having the biggest meltdown ever on American Idol.”

- “Now I remember why I don’t watch American Idol.”

- “I think American Idol jumped the shark tonight.”

- “The most awkward American Idol in history.”

- “Omg ! I’m never watching American Idol again!
Why would u save the worst person on the show!! I can’t believe this. Stupid move judges.”

- “Best American Idol season ever.”

- “Casey thank you for the best 5 min of American Idol ever.
We thought you might puke on J-Lo.”

- “American Idol. &#*$ you.”

- “American Idol was so intense.
Casey doesn’t deserve to go home and thankfully the judges saw that.”

- “Thanks for the biggest heart attack of my life, American Idol.”

- “Welcome to American Idol … where we make up the rules as the show happens.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Bottom Line?

  • Because of the judge’s save, all 11 contestants will be headed for the Idol tour this summer.
  • Casey’s safe … for now.
  • Two Idols will get axed next week during eliminations. (And I don’t see how Stefano can save himself this time.)

If there’s one thing the contestants should take to bed with them each and every night from now on, it’s that no one is safe from elimination from this point forward.

No. One.

Now … love the episode or hate it, let’s let the comments flow.

Photo Credit: Fox

11 Responses to “The biggest American Idol shocker in ten years”

March 25, 2011 at 9:53 AM

While I agree that Casey shouldn’t have been in the bottom 3, he hasn’t bowled me over at all. I’m still waiting to see what the appeal is about.
Haley, Pia, Thia, Stefano, Naima .. jeez, I could go on. It is like shooting fish in a barrel of mediocre talent. The judges need to ease up on their drooling praise of people who possess ‘meh’ vocal and entertainment skills.
As for the antics of the show, it was a HUGE WTF!? moment for me when Hulk Hoga came out on stage. I had been watching COMMUNITY and missed the first half of the show. Really, who needs to watch anything but the last 5 mins of AI elimination night? Well, other than you, Michael. Only because I don’t like the show following COMMUNITY did I view the circus of stupid that was AI last night.

March 25, 2011 at 11:08 AM

I was in bed recovering from general anesthesia (seriously) and opted not to tape it because I would absorb as much was necessary. I mean it was, afterall, just a stupid results show. Imagine the shock this morning when I regained total consciousness. What had occurred was true. It wasn’t just a drug induced perception. The Hulk on Idol. Get outta town.

March 25, 2011 at 12:09 PM

I had since on that Casey was at the bottom so, I was shocked before the show. I KNEW if he was up they would save him but I was ready for the dramatics. LOL! I really thought Casey was having a heart attack. Anyway, I am very happy with the save. I really thought Thia should have gone home. She may be talented but she really hasn’t shown that since the auditions. And I differ with you in that I like Stefano. Pia is getting really boring. She has a beautiful voice but all the ballads are starting to sound the same. And Haley is at least trying to listen to the judges. Anyway, that’s my opinion. Great show!

March 25, 2011 at 3:37 PM

Strange…only word I can think of to describe it.

March 25, 2011 at 7:18 PM

I was surprised that Casey was in the bottom but not surprised they saved him. So long as my wish comes true next week and one to these three go home: Haley, Thia, or Stephano.

March 25, 2011 at 8:22 PM

After reading other comments today, I’m beginning to think I’m vastly out numbered, but I felt like a schmuck after watching last night’s show. I had the feeling I had been suckered, tricked, taken for a fool. The show seemed so staged and fake to me. Starting with the wrestling bit…come on folks is this where we’re headed – wrestling..Hulk Hogan ? I don’t think the kids were in on the results sham but it was definitely set up so 11 kids could go on tour in case Casey has health problems this summer. Yikes…I hate being played. Most people feel it was the best results show ever…while I feel like I just got taken by a huckster at a carnival.

BTW…a couple of years ago when there was a food fight/wrestling between an almost 30 year old man and a 16 year old girl…that bothered me too.

March 25, 2011 at 9:03 PM

……… I’m on oxygen today. GOSH! I hope something like THAT doesn’t happen again. I’m too old for all that friggin’ excitement.

Love the ‘viewer’ comments. HA! Almost makes me miss the American Idol blogs/forums……. NOT!

March 25, 2011 at 9:07 PM

I know the last three minutes weren’t SUPPOSED to be funny, but I laughed so hard during Casey’s reaction that I pulled an ab muscle. It DEFINITELY looked staged to me, but maybe that’s because I knew the outcome before I watched it on DVR,

I have a feeling the judges are gonna do something “unprecedented on Idol” (I can just hear Ryan saying that) and add another save somewhere around top 5.

March 26, 2011 at 9:42 PM

My son and I had “oh puhleez” moments when Casey went all Oprahs big surprise falling out all over the stage.

March 25, 2011 at 10:00 PM

I’ve come to expect the unexpected on elimination night, but who would have thought as Stevie Wonder was wheeled onto the Idol stage that we would be talking about Casey the next morning?

Call me out of the loop, but what exactly are Casey’s “health issues”?

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