CliqueClack TV

Who’s not coming home on Army Wives?

Did Pamela seriously say that she notices people with really nice pens? In the age of 140 characters or less, is a manual writing instrument still a sign of status and success, or should the traditional graduation present be modernized?

- Season 5, Episode 3 - "Movement to Contact"

I’m sure that, unfortunately, there’s truth-to-life in how many times we’ve seen the wives on Army Wives get paid visits by teams of soldiers delivering news — Michael captured, Frank captured, Trevor injured, Joan injured, etc. Yet the frequency of those visits has left me somewhat desensitized to them on the show.

At the same time, I believe that the end of last night’s episode was the first time that we saw an actual notification team arriving at someone’s doorstep. It’s a bit of a strange “cliffhanger” for episode three, no? I wonder why the story’s being told this way.

Here’s what we know: Michael and Frank, who it was great to see together again, had a big meeting with Afghani leaders. But if there was news on one of them, there’d be news on both — even if only one had died, the others’ wife is senior enough that someone would be there with news for her as well. So I think they’re in the clear.

Chase is off on a mission and is due to retire from Delta field missions soon. We’re supposed to think it’s him — I think it should be him, because Pamela needs to move on with her life — for many reasons, one of which is that Pamela said to Roxy that she’s really worried about him. But if it was Chase, Pamela would have nothing keeping her tethered to the base. And since she’s already flirted with a spin off and flamed out once….

Trevor and Roxy are fighting, and it would be a certain kind of TV bitterness for Trevor to die before he and Roxy could make up. That being said, it’s not going to be Trevor.

Which leaves us with Jeremy. And here’s why he’s my pick, despite my thoughts last week on Chase not coming home in general: Jeremy’s death won’t affect one of our wives in a “My husband just died” sort of way, and I think Tanya’s (Erin Krakow) tale is meant to be with Denise.

Think about it … Tanya is having her bridal shower with Denise’s friends, and I don’t think she’s even meant to be stationed at Fort Marshall. All of which leads me to believe that she has neither friend nor family. If Jeremy dies, the only place she has to go is Denise’s … and she’ll become Denise’s surrogate daughter, the last person to have been close to her dead son and a pretty reasonable replacement for the child who’s now gone. It’s actually not a completely uncommon thing for a child-in-law to be adopted by their dead spouse’s parents, and I’m willing to bet that it’s happened before in the army.

The only thing is, while I’m sure that I’ll feel for Denise, I certainly won’t mourn Jeremy’s death. He was a bad kid who was never properly rehabilitated as far as the show’s concerned, and I didn’t see any redemption in his running off to the army after hitting his mother. In the same way that Amanda’s death only reached the audience as far as Claudia Joy and Michael were concerned, I think Jeremy’s a character that never meant very much to the show’s fans. At least not to this one.

But that’s all to be explored in the weeks to come. As for last night’s show I did have a few thoughts. I was proud of Claudia Joy for standing up to her boss about how he was treating her, but at the same time the singular events that we witnessed were not adequately demonstrative of a significantly larger issue. The foundation wasn’t laid on that one properly. Plus, I don’t trust Chandler (Harry Hamlin) very much, so while his personal story was touching, I’m not sure that it’s either true or that he won’t use it to manipulate Claudia Joy in the future.

Tanya dumping Jeremy was obvious from a mile away. There’s a difference between not being able to answer newlywed game questions and simply not knowing who a person is, and Jeremy and Tanya suffer from both. And his promise to her about being there to answer her questions for the rest of their lives is reason number three of mine for how I know that it’s Jeremy who’s dead … somewhere down the road we’ll hear her say “He promised to always be here!”

I’m enjoying the humor of TJ becoming a whole new person at the same time that the actor change was made, but no other part of that story is particularly enjoyable. Why didn’t the writers give Katie (Chloe J. Taylor) and Lucas (Jake Johnson) anything better to say than “He’s weird” when they were telling Pamela that they didn’t want to sleep at Roxy’s house anymore?

I’m really disappointed in the type of person that Joan is being written as, but I also think that Roland is a total sucker. Some might say he’s supportive, but I think his expectation that Joan would be at their daughter’s pre-school interview was totally correct, and it was something he should have followed through on. The fact that Sarah Elizabeth’s getting accepted basically ended Roland’s disappointment in Joan is a theme all too frequent in their relationship.

And what kind of person is she to come home with the whole perception thing regarding the Child Development Program on base? A career driven woman is not a black-or-white character; it is possible to also think about your family while you’re reaching for professional rings. So why is Joan incapable of doing that? And why should that be something that Roland’s supportive of? Does anyone else understand their relationship?

And any thoughts on who’s getting the bad news next week?

Army Wives Trevor really doesnt know who TJs become [51BrcurVH8L. SL160 ] (IMAGE)Army Wives Trevor really doesnt know who TJs become [51kaTVRmJ4L. SL160 ] (IMAGE)Army Wives Trevor really doesnt know who TJs become [51J6xOgGq5L. SL160 ] (IMAGE)

Photo Credit: Lifetime

9 Responses to “Who’s not coming home on Army Wives?”

March 22, 2011 at 2:34 AM

So the past two weeks I’ve been playing catch up cause I had all last season on my DVR, but 3 episodes in the middle of the season (that got deleted cause I didn’t save properly and was waiting to see if they’d rerun). Anyways, my mom told me how the previews were saying someone dies and it’s really is a toss up. I mean Jeremy wrote the book for his little sister, Chase went off just as Pamela made a decision on staying in the marriage, Trevor and Roxie are in a tough spot in their marriage, both Frank and Michael are deployed. I agree Frank and Michael seem to be in the clear (and I’ve really have begun to like Frank a lot). I’m really hoping it’s Chase – cause Pamela isn’t really a Army Wife anyways right now so it would harm the group dynamic. She’s Roxie’s best friend (and close to the rest) so it really wouldn’t hurt the dynamic of the group anyways. I’ve grown to really like Jeremy and think they have worked through the he hit his mother story. And I think his troubles from last season went back to his troubled past some and he’s really working on himself. I’d hate it to be him cause I’d like to see more of the Tanya and Jeremy story and I hate to see Denise suffer. I was really moved when Amanda died and would hate for another one of them to lose a child. I see your point how Denise could take Tanya in as her own but I’d rather have that story told with Jeremy deployed. Plus Tanya does have parents in Florida

I hate it how the commercials were totally misleading us to think we’d find out this week — I mean I knew, I knew it would be the last seconds of the show but that still frustrated me so much.

being that I just finished the last season over the weekend it’s disappointing the direction they took with TJ. I mean he was determined to help his mother and brother while his father was away and now he’s a he-l child.

Now I can’t wait to see next weeks episode , and I hate writing this but crossing my fingers on it being Chase because he’s the only one I won’t mind being gone.

March 22, 2011 at 2:59 AM

and I hope it doesn’t seem like I discount Jeremy’s abusive past, cause hitting a woman is never okay. But I think they’ve dealt with it and it wasn’t just overnight and I don’t think Jeremy would ever do that again. In real life I may think differently, but it’s a tv show and that’s trickier cause I like Jeremy and Denise (so in my mind every things has been dealt with).
I just read the post from last week and guess I never even thought about Denise telling Tanya.

March 22, 2011 at 6:01 PM

I agree with you that Pamela is well tied into the group, but I wonder what would happen if Chase died, as he’s the only thing keeping her close to the base both for herself and for her kids. Remember that she decided not to go to Atlanta only because she wanted to try again with Chase; if there is no Chase, wouldn’t she consider going somewhere else?

I wonder if TJ being so different really is a wink to the actor being new. Because it definitely doesn’t make for an interesting plot line.

I think at the end of the day Jeremy dying causes the least “problems” for the show. Plus there has to be a reason why Tanya stuck around from a plot perspective. I really think the only substantiation would be for Tanya and Denise to find solace in one another after Jeremy died. I could be totally wrong, but that’s where I’d put my money right now.

March 25, 2011 at 12:54 PM

it’s not chase it says he and pamela deal with their relationship in the episode “walking wounded”

March 23, 2011 at 7:22 PM

A lot of people think it’s Jeremy; personally, I really like him now and the relationship with Tanya. If it were Jeremy, wouldn’t Frank have called Denise rather then sending Green Beret’s? They are stationed together. How do the Green Beret’s know to go to Claudia Joy’s house to find the family member of the person who died….it’s a bridal shower. The only one who lives there is Claudia Joy. If it’s not Michael, it really doesn’t make sense. However, I don’t think it’s Michael though.

Since Joan is now Garrison Commander, she would be the first to know who was killed. Why would she call Roland, and the both of them go to give the news? If you think of everything rationally, Chase makes the most sense because Pamela and Chase ARE divorced. Everyone else is married.

I wish it was Chase, but unfortunately, it’s probably Jeremy. If it were Chase, Pamela would move to Atlanta and Tanya would replace her as the new Army Wife.

March 24, 2011 at 3:52 PM

The truth is that if Frank and Michael are still out meeting with Afghan leaders, Frank may not even know about Jeremy yet. That might explain why someone else would be coming to notify Denise … that, and the fact that Frank would follow protocol, I think. As for them coming to Claudia Joy’s house, it’s a good question, but I think the bridal shower was moved to fake us out specifically for that reason. I’m sure we’ll be given some lame excuse, like that Joan told them where the appropriate wife would be. I think that’s just a red herring.

As for Joan not delivering the news, that is about protocol. There’s a significance to notification teams that the army feels pretty strongly about.

But again, we’re all just guessing. What I hope isn’t the case is that the team is coming for one of the random people at the party. That would just be too much toying with us for two weeks.

March 27, 2011 at 4:24 PM

Those aren’t Green Berets, it’s the Army Chaplain and his assistant, they are always the ones who deliver the “bad news” of death, it’s a special unit just for that. They drive a special car, wear special uniforms, that’s why the ladies said, “Oh NO”, when they saw them, they KNEW they are the “death patrol”.

March 25, 2011 at 3:47 PM

In the commercials green berets are not doing the notifying

March 25, 2011 at 9:18 PM

I was wondering myself how they found the family of the fallen, but upon talking to a friend of mine who loves the show as much as I do. I guess it is routine to track down the person they have news to deliver to. A friend of her husband got told at work that her husband died. Rather than waiting and camping your home until your there to tell they find you. In this case everyone knows Claudia Joy and it would seem to fit that many people would know about the bridal shower. I don’t believe it is Michael, I know it’s not Chase as he is in future episodes, we all know it is not Frank as he is making the calls for the 21 gun salute. This leaves Trevor and Jeremy. I believe that Trevor is fine and that Jeremy is the one that died. This way no wives have to leave because of the loss of their husband. A friend proposed an interesting twist – that perhaps (if this is Jeremy) that he is not really dead rather a case of mistaken identity and that he is laid up in a hospital somewhere. Thus making it so Tonya is not out of the show. I don’t know about all that, but I still do believe it is Jeremy. It is sad! But now Denise has Molly so at least she won’t be childless now. I can’t wait for Sunday!!!

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