CliqueClack TV

The first real shocker of the season on American Idol

It's a really lucky St. Patrick's Day for one 'Idol' contestant. I mean REALLY lucky. Not for our bilingual participant, however. So much for the next piece of my 'trifecta' puzzle taking shape on 'Idol' ...

- Season 10, Episode 20 - "The Top 12 Elimination"

But … but … but … my “trio of oustness” was going so well. Right down to the very end, even.

Seeing the duos and trios take the stage, I picked out each and every one to make it into the Bottom Three.

Really … I did.

I picked Hailey.

I picked Naima.

And I picked Karen.

My little trifecta, shaping up perfectly, contained my named contestant who was to not only be the one with the least amount of votes, but who wouldn’t get the benefit of a judge’s save. Nope … not this time around.

And then – all of a sudden – my mouth was on the floor:

“Are you freakin’ KIDDING ME … ?!??!?” I yelled at the screen. I dropped my head and slowly shook it back and forth in shock for a few moments. I couldn’t believe it: Seacrest just announced Karen Rodriguez was out of the competition.

Naima Adedapo was still alive and well. Of all the unlikely contestants to be favored by St. Patrick, Naima made the grade for at least one more week on American Idol.


Karen shouldn’t have gone so quickly. I figured she’d scored lots of Brownie points by putting her bilingual bent on those couple tunes. Whether anyone wants to believe it or not, stuff like that scores points with many of the listeners.

I believe voters just didn’t vote enough for Karen … not that they didn’t want to vote for her. That’s what will get you to come up short against your competition. That might have been her fated ouster.

See why I dig this competition? Even when you “know” what the outcome is going to be, you just don’t know. The Powers That Be will surprise you with a shocker pulled out from beneath their sleeve.

Am I pissed about it? Yes. Am I disappointed Naima’s still in it? Yes, I am. Does she deserve to be? Not in my opinion. She’s stinkin’ up the stage with what she’s doing and doesn’t deserve to be there.

Do I still love Idol despite all the drama? You betcha, Bobo-Nose …

Photo Credit: Fox

8 Responses to “The first real shocker of the season on American Idol”

March 18, 2011 at 3:39 AM

Karen has a pretty voice, but it lacks power in a major way. I knew she wasn’t going to go too far. I’m glad Naima made it through another week. She amazed me during auditions and Hollywood week, and brings something to the competition that we never saw before. With a little guidance, and less nervousness, she could be incredible.

My money is on Hailey next to go.

March 18, 2011 at 7:33 AM

Karen succumbed to two weeks of less than great performances. Sad, but true, without dazzling the audience at least every other week you are at risk.

So, does that explain why Naima is still there? All I can think of is the Steven Tyler factor. He really likes her. He’s looking to put more rock and less pop into the next American Idol, and he’s turned into a fan favorite judge. [Sorry, Randy, I guess you are just destined to be the #3 – “We don’t try at all” judge.]

March 18, 2011 at 11:13 AM

Once again Idol viewer’s fickled finger of fate strikes down another contestant.

March 18, 2011 at 11:29 AM

I picture the majority of the people watching the show to be hicks and therefore don’t like the fact there is Spanish on AMERICAN Idol.

March 18, 2011 at 4:27 PM

Or maybe she’s just boring and forgettable…

March 18, 2011 at 8:58 PM

This Hispanic never liked her. It’s silly to think that just because someone sings in Spanish that the whole burrito has to vote in lock step.

March 18, 2011 at 12:12 PM

Oreo — you may be right about the viewers, but I still thought that Karen would have had a large Latin-American following, especially with J Lo as host.

Brooke — I agree with you (Michael, don’t faint!). I like Naima’s strong voice and thinks she brings something original to the show. She’s just made poor song selections thus far, which is half the challenge. I hope she steps it up next week.

March 18, 2011 at 12:19 PM

Karen shouldn’t have gone but she has been consistently trying to be someone else so I think that worked against her. Haley is not my favorite at all but I think she is a lot better than Naima. Naima should be the one to leave in fact, she should have been booted last night.

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