CliqueClack TV

CommercialClack – Rock’em Sock’em Robots

It was a Christmas without a 'Biff!' or a 'Pow!' or an 'Umph!' One's childhood can be hard. Not getting what you want for Christmas? Harder. ...

Nothing (nothing!) was more coveted by yours truly than Rock’em Sock’em Robots.

So … imagine the disappointment come that Christmas morn when I was bereft of my heart’s desire.

*sigh* It’s a sad tale of woe.

I remember receiving nothing but clothes. And that was it.

Oh … I’m certain there was some cool ultra-cool stuff found beneath the Christmas tree that year, but the ache which I’m sure resided in my heart, manifesting itself as disappointment at not receiving Rock’em Sock’em Robots, washed away any joy I might have felt from the reception of any other wrapped gift I got.

The kid in the video below? That first kid? Blurting out, “They’re slugging it out in the middle of the ring!” with enthusiasm? I would dream that was me.

To think I could’ve been “the heavyweight champion of the world” and take down some big palooka like the whiny dude in the spot below … well, that would’ve been heaven:

And you know what? “This Christmas … it’s Rock’em Sock’em Robots … by Marx!” just might have to come to pass.

I believe I have a date with a lost childhood in my future.

(*Note*: Some of you may have noticed Tara isn’t here this week. And there’s one reason for that: Because she’s not here this week.)


Photo Credit: Marx Toy Company

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2 Responses to “CommercialClack – Rock’em Sock’em Robots”

March 18, 2011 at 6:46 PM

I share your pain.

Back in those heady days of the early 70’s, when I was a wee lad, I too coveted the Rockem Sockem Robots, along with my brother. We dreamed of duking it out with our robots. We even picked our colors that we’d play when and if we ever got them.

Of course, when you have 5 other siblings, the Christmas dreams of frivolity for two young lads often go unanswered.

My Dad tried to build us a set out of wood and used railroad spikes, bless his ever-lovin’ heart, but you can’t fool a seven and ten year old. At the time I was sorely disappointed, but now I appreciate the effort and love that went into it. I wish I had the ersatz robots that my father made, now more than the actual Rockem’ Sockem Robots.

March 19, 2011 at 2:33 AM

Okay…weird. I commented and the button brought me back to the home page.

Anyway, I was saying that I was lucky enough to get the aforementioned toy, but it was disappointing anyway because one robot’s head was more easily knocked off than the other one. My brother and I fought over who got the red robot. I had a few cousins who all had this toy and every one of them had the same complaint, so it wasn’t as great as it seemed.

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