CliqueClack TV

Britta finally gets to be funny on Community

It may have taken making out with a war criminal to make it happen, but Britta finally gets to be funny on her own, instead of just the butt of jokes on this week's episode of 'Community.' Rejoice!

- Season 2, Episode 18 - "Custody Law and Eastern European Diplomacy"

Gillian Jacobs often has a thankless job on Community. She’s on one of the funniest shows on television right now, but while she’s fantastic on it, no one really says, “Oh man, did you see Britta last night? She was hilarious!” Sure, some great jokes get made at her expense, and her ridiculous proclamations elicit some of the best reactions in any given episode (especially from Troy), but Britta is never really funny. This week though, I can say that a lot of my laughs genuinely came from her.

Britta does tend to ruin everything one way or another, so it’s no surprise that her oversharing about guys has stopped Troy and Abed from making lasting friends outside of the group (or inside the group, as in the case of Jeff “nipple play” Winger). So it stands to reason that once Britta tries to stop Britta-ing everything up all the time, they guy she’s interested turns out to be the next Slobodan Milosevic.

Watching Britta trying to be smooth and getting to see so many scenes of just Troy and Abed reacting off of her was amazing – so much so that I didn’t really notice Pierce and Annie’s absence. Although I will say I probably subconsciously noticed Pierce’s absence, because I didn’t feel the same sense of dread I’ve been feeling during the last several episodes. Pierce has been truly evil lately, so it was nice to get a break from the impending doom and just laugh at Britta being a giant dork.

While we had very little Pierce, we had a whole lotta Chang this week. Shirley’s smart to try to get Chang to give up his parental rights before she even knows who the father is. She’s got to protect her family, and a crazy kidnapper/cop fighter isn’t someone you want all up in your business after you have a baby. In fact, I can’t imagine Chang actually being this baby’s father. The urge to just leave it at a fire station would just be too high.

The one thing that excited me about this episode was that they’re working in paintball references. Not only did Abed try to give Britta a hoodie he made after their last battle, but Jeff was wearing one when Shirley came to bail him out of jail. “Modern Warfare” was probably last season’s best episode, so I’m beyond psyched to have them revisit it in this season’s finale.

Also, in case you haven’t heard: Community was picked up for a third season! Long live Greendale!

Photo Credit: Adam Taylor/NBC

3 Responses to “Britta finally gets to be funny on Community”

March 18, 2011 at 11:26 AM

Hmm. I didn’t find Britta funny until the end when she ruined Catfish.

March 18, 2011 at 11:31 AM

I found the episode to be rather lacking.

NBC should pick it up for a fourth and finale season too. That would be awesomer. ;)

March 19, 2011 at 10:20 PM

It was a decent episode, but I didn’t find myself laughing as much as usual. I like Britta, but I still didn’t find her funny.

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