CliqueClack TV

CBS Sunday Morning – The need for weekend learning

When it comes to television for me, few things are better than taking in a well-rounded program offering things I'm familiar with, things I didn't know and something I wasn't expecting.

I’ve mentioned previously how much I like CBS Sunday Morning.

It’s a weekly primer leading into the upcoming week, fueling new ideas and thoughts in the the ‘ole noggin. It’s the perfect opportunity to get some learning into your brain … after you wake up, drag a toothbrush across those teeth and grab that glorious cup of coffee, of course.

This morning, for example, after an update on the earthquake aftermath currently unfolding in Japan, what’s happening in Libya and news about that bus accident in New York, I sneered at “Pluto: Planet Or Imposter?” (stupid meddlers mucking about with our astronomical foundations), powered myself up with information about Bryan Adams I never knew (Cripes! The dude wrote “(Everything I Do) I Do It For You” in a mere 45 minutes!) and marveled at Cameron Cohen, the 11 year-old (at the time) inventor of the iSketch application. (Can you imagine teaching yourself how to create a smart phone application and watching it turn a profit so you can make a $20,000 donation to UCLA? Wonderful.)

And while I could give a rat’s ass what Daniel Radcliffe is doing now with the conclusion to the J.K. Rowling’s series of films coming to a head, the kid did engrain a new word into my head today — “epigrammatic” — a thoroughly wonderful item I’m adding to my vocabulary.

Lastly, we have Lou Batori, the feel good story of the morning. He’s a 100 year-old skier who just keeps plugging along. Dude’s a firecracker:

“I have been often asked what ski school have I attended.
And you know what my answer is?
‘What flying school did the Wright Brothers attend?'”

I love that. Which leads me to wonder: You ever miss something you think you can’t live without and bemoan the fact you did so, whether by your own choice or by circumstance? That’s how I feel about CBS Sunday Morning.

No, it’s not Lost or American Idol or Bob’s Burgers. But it is a bit of programming to help make things right with my world.

Photo Credit: CBS

3 Responses to “CBS Sunday Morning – The need for weekend learning”

March 14, 2011 at 2:08 AM

Well, not everything can be Bob’s Burgers. That would just be heaven.

OH, and I’m mad that I miss last night’s episode. To be fair, I was super-sick and completely conked out when it came on… and of course I forget to DVR it. :(


March 14, 2011 at 5:02 PM

In my junior year accelerated english class, my professor often spoke of this program as one of the best on tv. He was an intimidating man and if he suggested you watch something, you better watch it since it will probably come up on a test. Most of us in class had to set VCRs to record the program since a 17 year-old had a hard time getting up at 9am on a Sunday. How times have changed…I now program my DVR to record it and sometimes my Sunday Morning is a Tuesday Evening or a Saturday Afternoon – nonetheless, I love this show! I enjoy the “moment of nature” at the end of every program (almost as much as my dog loves it – he freaked out when they showed deer a couple months ago – trying to get behind the tv to run with the deer). I’ve gotten my mom hooked on the program as well – if we both watched it live, we chat about it over Sunday dinner. There are few more interesting programs featuring entertainment, art, history, current news and overall uplifting and interesting topics. Glad someone else out there loves it as much as I do.

March 14, 2011 at 5:22 PM

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