CliqueClack TV

We’re really not that far away from The Walking Dead season 2

Season one of 'The Walking Dead' is being released this week on DVD. Then, before you know it, they'll be coming to get you, Barbara.

The Walking Dead. I experienced it at Comic-Con; I salivated for it as October drew near; I saw it and I loved it.

I soaked in the first season of the series without delving into the books. Currently, I’m hitting ‘em hard. As far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t make any difference which way you want to go — comics first … series first. Your enjoyment will not be diminished one wit whatever you decide.

And I couldn’t help but become one of the living dead myself in an attempt to relive the series through the recent marathon on AMC. (No … I didn’t make it all the way through. I crashed in the wee hours of the morning trying to take it all in. I paid for it the next day, too …)

Now, to whet our whistles, we not only get the first season to ogle over (packed with extras, it hits the stores March 8th), but some tasty tidbits about the upcoming season two which really isn’t that far off.

Spring is almost in the air, school will be winding down, summer will buzz by and — before you know it — autumn will be falling with the whisper of AMC promos for The Walking Dead on our television sets.

I can feel the anticipation building already.

THE WALKING DEAD “Opening Titles” from Daniel Kanemoto on Vimeo.

Photo Credit: Michael Noble

Categories: | Features | General | News | TV Shows | The Walking Dead |

2 Responses to “We’re really not that far away from The Walking Dead season 2”

March 8, 2011 at 1:41 AM

*Squeee* I can’t friggin wait til October

March 8, 2011 at 8:46 AM

But I want my zombies NOW

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