CliqueClack TV

NCIS – Life is just a heist movie

Tony and McGee flinging heist and getaway movie references was awesome. Has McGee been studying up for just such an occasion? Because he kept up with Tony just fine.

- Season 8, Episode 17 - "One Last Score"

It wasn’t the Artful Dodger, but the young couple in love discovering the dead body last night on NCIS was more of the same creative work that landed fingers and teeth in a purse last week. I wonder what the process is for writing the reveal, because it’s rarely even remotely connected to the rest of the story. Maybe coming up with those is someone’s full-time job.

Anyway, I loved when Tony was questioning Jason (Jimmy ‘Jax’ Pinchak), who thought that the NCIS agent was asking about Jason’s personal experience prior to slipping in the dead guy’s blood. Great response when Tony asked about “the body!”

The shower theme was funny in the beginning, when a misinterpreted idiom turned into a group discussion about showering habits. I loved that Palmer showers 18-19 times per week, but does Brad Pitt really only shower three times a week to preserve his natural aroma? Because that’s kind of gross. That’s not something to emulate, Tony.

The dead man under the car, next to whom Palmer got himself stuck, was a former NCIS employee who’d apparently been stealing seized property. While it was a clue that led the team onto Leona Phelps’ (JoBeth Williams) plot, I’m still kind of wondering what he planned on doing with all of the stuff in his trunk. And why retain the tags that identified them all as NCIS property?

But ultimately it was a rather interesting story once you followed the threads. A bunch of criminals on their last score parked their ill-begotten gains with Phelps, who turned out to be running a scheme that resulted in the loss of all the stolen money. So Ruleo Medilla (Enrique Castillo) was compelled to return and find Phelps’ ledger and locate his missing cash. Nice.

What I wondered was how Ruleo got so unlucky as to invest his money with a manager who was actually fleecing her clients. That, and why would he invest in something as illiquid as a fund? He could always sell his holdings, but the process is so much slower than going back to a hole in the ground for another stack of twenties, or better yet visiting one of the many safe deposit boxes around the world where your money’s waiting for you.

I did not understand the randomness of NCIS Special Agent Erica Jane Barrett (Sarah Jane Morris) showing up, nor do I understand why Tony cared that she came from the office that he might have been sent to run. And their kiss was the first of three, one per show I review on Tuesday nights, that was awkward and painful to watch.

It’s great to imagine that Tony might be off the market and free from making some other horrible romantic mistake, but I didn’t feel that the episode had built up to that moment at all. Instead, the kiss combined with Tony creepily hanging around the women’s shower room to make he seem like a pervert or a predator … even more than he naturally can be. I hope EJ is not here to stay.

NCIS Would arms dealers have to be serious gamers in order to get the codes? [51YTJvzPHVL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)NCIS Would arms dealers have to be serious gamers in order to get the codes? [51eRnHz2DHL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)NCIS Would arms dealers have to be serious gamers in order to get the codes? [517viGC516L. SL160 ] (IMAGE)

Photo Credit: CBS

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10 Responses to “NCIS – Life is just a heist movie”

March 2, 2011 at 1:58 PM

I thought Michael Weatherly (Tony) did a good job directing the episode

March 2, 2011 at 2:02 PM

Thanks! Meant to mention that….

I thought it was convenient that he made sure Tony got a romantic scene in! :)

March 2, 2011 at 6:36 PM

I disagree, the episode was poor in the story telling and left loose ends, it was clearly an actor who thought he could direct and was given the episode to keep him quiet. Bad cuts, bad storytelling and nothing creative. Nothing.

And yes, NCIS in general is not an overly creative show but the directors can keep a bad script interesting.

Weatherly needs to keep his cushy day job. And deargodno another shipper roadblock? deargodno, not another show keeping the eventual coupling apart.

March 2, 2011 at 9:28 PM

Eventual coupling? You mean Tony and Ziva? I sincerely hope that never happens.

March 3, 2011 at 11:00 AM

Yup, the “Tiva” posts on other boards are deafening.

I agree, it should not happen, but it is being teased and has been alluded to (remember the whole Paris hint dropping?)

March 3, 2011 at 3:29 PM

I’ve never seen the chemistry. I’ve more often felt like we were being shown that they had something brewing, instead of seeing it … if that makes sense.

March 3, 2011 at 3:55 PM

It completely makes sense…it is as if we are being TOLD that we love “tiva” together. That IT MUST BE that way because that is the way the script is written.

Kinda like an arranged marriage instead of a love affair.

March 3, 2011 at 4:11 PM

Oh, Aryeh, you’re mistaken. They’ve got chemistry by the bucketful. However, it isn’t the brother/sister thing that he and Kate had.

There IS sexual tension between the two of them, but at this point, it really has morphed into something completely different, and (here’s where I agree with you) something that should never evolve into a relationship, at least on screen.

As much as ‘shippers (including myself) complain about the pace in which some relationships are finally put together, if the writers actually feel compelled to put Tony and Ziva together, it would work best, IMHO, as a copy of NCIS’s sister show.

No, not NCIS:LA, but JAG. Mac and Harm didn’t get together until the very end, and it was a story that worked quite well.

March 4, 2011 at 2:46 PM

I’d sooner agree that they did have brother/sister chemistry. I’ve never felt anything between them that’s romantic.

Either way, for them to get together at this point would be just for the sake of doing it; their natural openings passed long ago.

March 4, 2011 at 10:21 PM

I guess millions of viewers must be wrong, and you’re right then :P

Though, I”m not sure their “natural openings’ as you say, are passed. They have never been “in the same spot” to use the cliche. Again, I’m not necessarily a fan of the pairing, I do love their dynamic.

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