CliqueClack TV

Survivor – The Blindside

Farmer Ralph becomes the season's breakout star by finding an idol and challenging Russell, but Rob will have his hands full after this week's "vicious blindside."

- Season 22, Episode 2 - "You Own My Vote"

Andrea reacts to a blindside

Another solid, if unspectacular, episode of Survivor this week that leaves me with a lot of nagging questions. Like, is Phillip for real? Where did they find this guy? Is he a plant that we don’t know about? Are the producers playing with us (and his tribe)? Did anyone notice that, when they superimpose his name, the graphic reads: “Phillip – Former Federal Agent?” Even the official bio is listed that way! That’s hilarious, but it just makes me wonder what exactly is going on with this guy.

The other thing that left me laughing was Francesca searching for a flint on Redemption Island … while holding a gas lantern with a flame! I’m no camper, by any means, but if I had a lantern with a flame I’d find some way to use that to make a fire. It has to open so you can light it in the first place, right?

Things are getting interesting on the Zapatera tribe. Russell has fallen into his usual game play — targeting the girls as allies (at least he hasn’t called them all stupid … yet) — and trying to find the hidden immunity idol without a clue. Luckily for him, the tribe won immunity and reward which came with a clue. Russell snatched that scroll up, but Ralph is keeping an eye on things and saw what Russell did. The funniest thing about all of this is that Ralph already found the idol by accident while he was collecting rocks! I think Ralph needs to align himself with Mike and Steve to take the evil troll out of the game. I just can’t wait to see the look on Russell’s face when he figures out the idol has already been found and that Ralph has it. It was refreshing to see Ralph call Russell out on taking the clue — even if he did deny it — and how heated things got when Russell was challenged. Hopefully this just makes him careless with his game play.

On Ometepe, Rob has clearly taken the role of leader. Whether this is going to help him or hurt him remains to be seen, because it always seems that whoever takes that leadership role is always one of the first to go. His plan this week to take out Matt wasn’t really the best decision, but I can see where Rob was coming from … to a point. Was Matt’s display of good sportsmanship that egregious to warrant what Jeff Probst called a “vicious blindside?” Matt doesn’t really know anyone on the Zapatera tribe, so he wasn’t showing some kind of bond with anyone there that could hurt Rob at the merge. Matt could have been Rob’s puppy dog if Rob had just had a talk with him, but now all he’s got is one pissed off tribe member in Andrea (who was the other reason Matt got the boot — couples are dangerous).

There were no fireworks at Tribal this week, and Phillip actually did what Rob told him to do (although it would have been awesome to see Phillip and “Fransequa” do battle next week). Kristina also played into Rob’s plan by playing her immunity idol so everyone on Ometepe is back on even footing. Rob has made some spectacular moves already for himself, but it remains to be seen how long his alliance within his tribe remains faithful to their leader.

Photo Credit: CBS

13 Responses to “Survivor – The Blindside”

February 24, 2011 at 2:43 AM

I don’t get the move to take out Matt at all, but we’ll see how it pays off for Rob. He had a solid alliance of 6 with two well-defined outsiders who had no particular defense. Now he has a less solid alliance of 4 (since they know he lied to someone who really didn’t deserve it), a wild card with some degree of loyalty to him, and one really ticked off former ally. I still like him, but this was a questionable strategic move when he was already in control. Over on the other tribe, Ralph is going to be pretty entertaining down the stretch. Can you imagine him and Philip on the same tribe? That could be legendary. I’d really like to see Russell go out as soon as they go to tribal. He really poisons the game, and the downright nastiness he displays when threatened only underscores that. There are many people I’d rather they had brought back instead of him.

February 24, 2011 at 11:54 AM

I agree, taking out Matt (who worshiped Rob) without even having a talk with him was stupid. Rob accused Matt of playing the game too hard already, but that was a move based on fear of the potential couple Matt and Andrea were or could become. After six days, that’s not playing too hard, Rob? I still think they all overreacted to Matt’s good sportsmanship. That’s just who he is. And I agree, I hope Zapatera makes Russell the first target, but Ralph may have to start telling the tribe he has the idol so no one will be afraid to vote for Russell – which then makes Ralph a target. He’s going to have to get the votes, or align with those other guys, without giving away his secret.

February 26, 2011 at 8:07 AM

Guys, I don’t know. I think the move to take Matt out was warranted if not compulsory. Chuck you wrote that Russell always bonds with a female to go to the end (did so twice). Rob said he managed to do that with Amber.

So what’s not to get here? Andrea had tears in her eyes when Matt got the boot they were that much of a couple already.

And I don’t believe the preview for next week. That is (again) just a shill. There won’t be any “wrath” from Andrea just as much as there wasn’t any “harsh words” between Russell and the hick. Russell basically brushed Ralph off and that was it, the way he has done it numerous times in the past. It doesn’t endanger him and “knowing that Russell always looks for the idol without clues” after seeing him doing so two seasons in a row is nothing novel. To be honest I was wondering what took the whole tribe so long to talk about that feat of Russell…

Anyway, the season looks good. I can’t stop laughing about Philipp :-)

February 26, 2011 at 12:34 PM

I never used the words, “Russell,” “bonds” and “girls” in the same sentence because he doesn’t bond with anyone. He targets the girls and preys on them because he believes they’re all stupid and easily manipulated. Rob bonded with Amber, Matt may have bonded with Andrea. My question about his elimination was that Rob didn’t appear to even have had a talk with the guy to see where his head was at. It was only day six at that point. Matt and Andrea were totally in with Rob’s alliance so he could have kept Matt around a little longer, but as much as Rob accused Matt of playing the social game too hard at that point, Rob is playing the individual game too hard at this point, and when your tribe has lost two challenges in a row, getting rid of one of the stronger players on your team on day six does not seem to be in the best interest of the tribe. Of course, there is also a lot we don’t see because of the editing, so maybe they did talk and Rob felt it was warranted. I can only give my opinion based on what we see and I just don’t think Rob gave the guy a chance because he had a strong alliance of six who could have taken out Phillip and Kristina, but he’s lost two votes at this point. I’m sure the “wrath of Andrea” preview is as much hyperbole as the “wrath of Na’Onka” preview last season, but she could still start working to convince the others that Rob is not trustworthy and could do further damage to that alliance. I just think it was a risky move at this point to take out Matt.

February 26, 2011 at 12:37 PM

I think Rob and Matt just don’t connect on any level. Maybe it’s because of religion, maybe it’s the age difference or maybe Rob simply wasn’t able to talk to Matt at all because he simply didn’t manage to get him alone without Andrea.

But not saying “Russell” and “bond” in the same sentence is indeed something that should be avoided. That guy only bonds with glue and not because he wants it ;-)

February 26, 2011 at 8:28 AM

One more thing: didn’t a guy who was almost the same as Matt win last Season? I mean I could be wrong but blonde long hair, young, with being religious as an added bonus, lots o’ muscles – and he started playing the social game early on. And he teamed up with a girl.

Sorry but there are so many warning signs on Matt… Danger Will Robinson, Danger!

Besides, isn’t Philipp right now already the willing puppy you saw in Matt, Chuck?

February 26, 2011 at 12:40 PM

Fabio won last season. I don’t remember his having an alliance with any one female tribe member. He was sociable with everyone. He played the male dumb blonde role and basically did what he was told to do, then won all of the immunities in the end to get him to final Tribal. He won because everyone liked him and he turned it on when it counted, not because of a single person he paired up with.

Phillip is hardly anyone I would consider a puppy. A rabid puppy, maybe. He’s not the guy you’re going to confide with about any plans until the very end, and then you’re not going to give him the details of the real plan – like Rob did by making him think Kristina was the target. He told Rob that Rob “owned his vote.” Well, Rob cashed in so what happens next is anyone’s guess. He might have some hard feelings for not being let in on the Matt plan.

February 26, 2011 at 12:45 PM

Yeah I know that Fabio didn’t have a female partner I was more talking about the other half of the equation namely being very social to every. Rob called Matt out on congratulating the other team on their win (e.g. playing “the social game” early on). Which Fabio did as well (not congratulating per se but rather being very nice to everyone). And I think Matt is playing dumb as well if you listen to all the “Whoas” he lets loose.

Philipp on the other hand is like the Dragonslayer. All you have to do is stroke his ego. That’s all he cares about – being someone people look up to and respect no matter if it’s warranted or not. I think he can be steered just as good or bad as Rupert who was just as much of a “loose cannon” IMHO on the season where Amber won.

February 24, 2011 at 3:52 PM

Philip reminds me a bit of The Office’s Michael Scott — he’s all in, completely un-self-aware and often cringe-worthy when watching. However unlike Michael, he’s slightly BSC. And if he stays around, he’ll prove to be a loose cannon the likes of which Boston Rob has not seen before.

PS: Ralph is my new hero. Man sweater and all. Team Ralph!

March 16, 2011 at 11:43 PM

i was looking closly at Survivor S22E05 (we hate our tribe)toward the beginning, Phillip is doing a talk to the camera and the caption is:PHILLIP FORMER FEDERAL AGENT?

The thing that has me wondering is the question mark at the end of his job description…………

Could there be a twist coming?

March 17, 2011 at 12:03 AM

I pointed out the question mark in my review above. It’s also included on Phillip’s official CBS bio. I don’t know if it’s just because they’re having some fun at his expense or if there is some surprise coming. I don’t know what kind of background checks they do on the contestants, so either he told them he was a federal agent and they didn’t believe him, or he told them he was going to tell the others he was and they’re just playing along to see if the viewers will start questioning who this guy is. He did seem to be a little more together on the S22E05 episode.

March 17, 2011 at 12:09 AM

my appologies, i guess i was too quick off the mark (or too slow) and had not done much research LOL

March 17, 2011 at 12:51 AM

No worries. That question mark does make one wonder!

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