CliqueClack TV

Fairly Legal set visit: Michael Sardo interview (part 5)

In my final interview in the 'Fairly Legal' set visit series, Michael Sardo talks about all things legal mediation, 'Fairly Legal', and his decision to hire Michael Trucco.

Below find questions asked by the other writers which anti-toaster fans might enjoy.

Panel: I was just going to ask if there’s any chance you might reference Battlestar Galactica, or a [inaudible] Battlestar Galactica.
It’s a dangerous one, having Michael Trucco there. You worry about getting a little too meta. Are we commenting on ourselves, you know? But I’ve been tempted. I’ve been tempted. We’ll see if I lose control somewhere down the line in the scenes.

Panel: Would it be possible to ask one quick — just about Michael Trucco, and how he came … you talked about everybody else, but how he got cast, and why you chose him?
It’s interesting. He’s really well loved for good reasons at Syfy and USA. And they said, you know, “Look at Michael Trucco.” And I went, “Well, okay, sure. You know, bring him in.” And he came in and he did a really nice audition. They said, “You can only see him once. And you know, because he’s Michael Trucco, and blah, blah, blah.” And he gave this audition, and I said, “Well, that was nice.” And I went out in the hall, and Michael was there.

He said, “What do you think?” I said, “Oh, it was okay.” He goes, “Do you want me to do it again?” I said, “Well, yeah.” He said, “What do you want me to do?” I said, “This,” and he did it. And we looked at our film, and I said, “You know, I’d like to have him in again.” And they said, “No.” His agents, I think it was. “No, you can’t.” And then Michael found out and said, “I want to come in again. I want to do this part.” He said, “Just tell me what you think.” And he just could do any version of the scene that you wanted.

And there was just such a great … initially, I saw that part as maybe six out of twelve episodes. And when we got Michael and I saw what he could do, and how he was with Sarah, I said, “Well, we’ve got to have him in every episode.” You know, and you’ll just see as the season develops that the depth that he gives — to answer your question, there are scenes without addressing their past where, especially when they get angry at each other, where you just see the history of a couple in a scene without having it reference, you know, something that happened five years ago. They play so well together. And, you know, it’s hard to find someone who has the presence to stand up to Sarah. But he’s got it. So we feel very lucky to have him.

Photo Credit: USA Network

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4 Responses to “Fairly Legal set visit: Michael Sardo interview (part 5)”

February 19, 2011 at 8:52 AM

Too bad that the show is so bad that even though you put so much work in these intwerviews there’s nothing that would make me want to read them :-/

Mitigation is just something that’s so uninteresting… and there are scenes where people are made to do things by the gal from “Life” that only make me want to wish “Life” was back on the air and that the authors would think about what they make us want to believe there.

I basically wanted to stop watching after the scene with the guy on the bike with the coffee and the guy with the coffee in the car. She said something and all of a sudden the two guys were content and I simply could not get past her smelling the coffee afterwards. It was just so cheesy and unbelievable that the guys would give up their coffee like that and have someone who’s just THERE talk them into doing that. They didn’t know what her job is so why should they be willing to compromise?

And after that, all the scenes just felt cheesy. Her slamming that watch where the guy was “shocked” – yeah right, as if. “Slight of hand with two hands under the table” – no thank you.

Again it’s really a shame because I like set visits. I just feel that I would’ve read this interview if I didn’t know the show so it should’ve been published earlier. Maybe it has something in it that would make me understand the show better but I already reached my verdict and already don’t watch the show anymore…

February 19, 2011 at 9:05 AM

Wait, Sebastian, let me get this straight, you’re posting on the article, but you didn’t actually read it?

If you’ll notice, I started posting the ‘Fairly Legal’ set visits since the beginning of January, BEFORE the show started.

However, try _reading_ the Sardo set visit and the advanced preview I did of the show and let me know what you think. My questions to Sardo focused on concerns I posted in the advanced preview.

February 28, 2011 at 8:44 PM

My cousin has a great gift for writing good job mike

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