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Fringe ends with a shocker that changes everything

Tonight's 'Fringe' returns us to the other universe and a mysterious case about extinct bugs. But, it was the shocker at the end that changes everything. If you haven't seen the episode stop reading and go watch it now!

- Season 3, Episode 13 - "Immortality"

Tonight’s Fringe “Immortality” takes us back to the other universe with Fauxlivia, Walternate and a world with no sheep.  The case of the week was of the normal Fringe variety, but  showcased some of the differences in this universe. We got to know the alternate characters better and their world that survived an avian flu epidemic, but has no more sheep. Every episode about the “other side” brings me closer to liking them and not wanting to see it eliminated, but I think that is the point. Peter is not the only one who will have a choice to make, as viewers, we are also being put in a position to care about both universes.

The main takeaways from this episode revolve around Walternate and of course the shocker about Fauxlivia. Previously, Walternate was shown as the one with no limits, who would try to succeed at any cost or sacrifice. That perspective was thrown out the window tonight when Walternate said,  “No … no children. That is not an option. Try something else.” He does have boundaries, which puts into question the differences between Walter and Walternate. Walter had no hesitation in testing on children. So, does that mean that if Walter regains his full brain capacity that perhaps, he doesn’t need to worry? Wow. It is time to reconsider Walternate and whether he really has it in him to destroy another universe if there is another way.

The big reveal … Fauxlivia is pregnant, presumably with Peter’s child. This possibility was hinted at in the  last two episodes. First with the “father” comment by the Observer, November, to Peter when they were on the rooftop and then last week when Sam Weiss said that Peter would not necessarily pick Olivia over Fauxlivia.

What will this do to Peter, Olivia, even Fauxlivia? I don’t want to watch as Peter and/or Olivia find out about this pregnancy — that will be a dreadful scene. But, I am intrigued to see how they react to the news. I was disappointed in the lack of reaction by Fauxlivia. She seemed rather non-emotional about the news that she was pregnant and even more so that it is Peter’s child.

What did you think about this episode? Surprised by Walternate’s conscience? What about Fauxlivia’s pregnancy? The first part of this season has been building up to this moment and I can’t wait to see how it all plays out.

Photo Credit: FOX

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15 Responses to “Fringe ends with a shocker that changes everything”

February 11, 2011 at 10:46 PM

fringe is just a soap opera disguised as scifi.

February 12, 2011 at 4:19 AM

It’s not disguised, what a silly remark.
So should all sci-fi be about formulas & robots and show no emotion. Yeah, that would be awesome!

February 12, 2011 at 8:02 PM

I think the writing is much deeper than a soap opera.

I was on a conference call with the Executive Producers last week and from what they said I don’t think it will play out like a soap opera at all. Here is what they said, “The expectations that one would have [re: pregnancy]—it will not unfold in a way that is traditional. People should be prepared for that, could be really interesting.”

February 12, 2011 at 1:29 PM

He made a big deal about not testing on children, but I’m thinking he wants to do some experimentation on the baby; “the mind is infinitely possible at birth…”

February 12, 2011 at 8:03 PM

Oh, I hope that doesn’t happen. I think Walternate will use the baby to try and get Peter back. If Walternate wouldn’t test on children, I can’t imagine a reason he would test on his own grandchild. But, it wouldn’t be the weirdest thing to happen on Fringe.

February 12, 2011 at 1:51 PM

I voted Yes. This will be interesting to see Fauxlivia’s character develop with motherhood.
Will the baby inherit Peter’s ability to operate the Machine?

February 12, 2011 at 8:05 PM

Definitely an interesting premise. Or, will Fauxlivia be able to operate it when the child in utero? Hmmm….

February 12, 2011 at 2:22 PM

loved the episode, but sad for the real Olivia! :)

February 12, 2011 at 4:31 PM

Shark alert – as in Fringe jumped the shark with that episode’s revelation about Bolivia being pregnant, supposedly by Peter.

Trite, stale, overdone, stick a fork in it… so discouraged by this turn of events.

Of course, I’ll still WATCH the series. I have a small hope that the series will redeem itself from this plot device, and I just love John Noble’s Walter too much to quit cold turkey.


February 12, 2011 at 8:08 PM

As I mentioned in a comment above, after hearing the Executive Producers talk about the rest of this season and hints about what they would do in a Season 4 & 5. I went from being disappointed in the pregnancy (I saw the episode prior to the conference call) to being excited to see it all play out.

Fringe hasn’t let me down with their storytelling yet, so I am trusting in them with this as well.

February 13, 2011 at 4:44 PM

It was a god awful episode.

It changes nothing, besides the fact when the show gets canceled now I will no longer care.

February 14, 2011 at 9:23 AM

Seems you no longer care now, so … Why watch :P

March 29, 2011 at 4:24 PM

Why do some people call her “Bolivia”… it’s Fauxlivia, as in “Fake Olivia”. I’ve seen it several places. Bolivia makes no sense at all.

March 29, 2011 at 4:34 PM

In the scripts, she is referred to as Bolivia as in B-Olivia or the second Olivia.

I use Fauxlivia because I like it best of all the names. I actually considered switching to Bolivia in this post because she really isn’t a “fake” Olivia anymore. She definitely was when she was on our side and pretending to be Olivia. For continuity, I decided to continue calling her Fauxlivia.

March 29, 2011 at 5:10 PM

Because that’s what the creators of the show call her, so if you don’t like it blame them.

It makes perfect sense, if you actually think. She is in the “B” universe, so she is Boliva. Then there is Oliva and Belloliva.

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