CliqueClack TV

Parks and Recreation – I don’t want to know about Ron’s Mustache!

Tammy's back and kicking ass all over the place. Ron goes through some horrifying transitions, but what happens to his mustache is unspeakable.

- Season 2, Episode 4 - "Ron and Tammy II"

So, Wendy’s moving back to Canada? Well, that ended abruptly. I guess there’s no hope of Tom actually getting his dream girl to love him, which is a little bit of a disappointment. But on the other hand, Ron and Wendy’s relationship didn’t actually prove to be that interesting, so I can’t say I’m sad to see it end.

Ron and Tammy’s relationship, on the other hand, is anything but boring. In fact, the best word to describe it would probably be horrifying, which is why this promo for the episode as a horror movie is so appropriate:

Scarier than Ron’s kimono, or his corn rows, or their constant dry-humping is the fact that part of Ron’s mustache rubbed off from friction. That is an image that’s going to haunt me.

Instead, let’s focus on the best couple on the show: Leslie and Ben. Sure, they’re not actually a couple, but as I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, Adam Scott is hot. Also, his crush on Leslie is adorable. It’s hard to tell what Leslie’s feelings are at this point, though. Right now she seems to be treating him like any of her other co-workers (their exchange about the calzones was hilarious and adorable), but she can’t be blind to him, right? Because he’s Adam Scott, and that would be crazytown.

Ben is definitely into Leslie though. He was clearly interested in getting as much information as possible about Dave before he was shut down for being a pervert. It seems like the fact that Leslie is so good at her job is part of what attracts him to her. After being a failed mayor, hearing that the police will give Leslie as many favors as she wants because she always uses them to help people, makes him admire her. I love the slow pace this relationship is taking, and I can’t wait to see it unfold more as the season goes on.

Chris and Ann, on the other hand, are less sweet and more hilarious. I love the fact that she’s kind of turning into him. “I would like a glass of wine. I would like it to be chardonnay, and I would like it to have one ice cube.” Now that’s a wine order. I was thinking for a moment that they were going to go down in flames when he canceled lunch, but I guess he was genuinely swamped. Also, it’s so disconcerting to see him being human, as he was toward April when he said that he understood that it wasn’t cool to try. It makes you remember that he’s actually human. Still, I don’t see their relationship as destined for the long-term.

Photo Credit: Chris Haston/NBC

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