CliqueClack TV

Community gets all gooey on Valentine’s Day

It's Valentine's Day at Greendale, so of course there's a dance. What else would you be doing on Valentine's Day of you went to community college? Stop being weird.

- Season 2, Episode 15 - "Early 21st Century Romanticism"

Regardless of whether or not I’m in a relationship, I’ve never been much of a Valentine’s Day fan. I do, however, love Valentine’s Day-themed TV episodes! Watching fictional characters fall in love is what this holiday means to me (and is probably a much larger comment on the state of my life in general).


On Community, Valentine’s day isn’t centered on any one couple. Instead, it’s about one of the greatest relationships currently on television: the relationship between the study group members. Jeff, who seems to be constantly trapped in his own bizarro version of A Christmas Carol, once again realizes that he’s not the Scrooge he thinks he is.

We’ve all been there though, haven’t we? We have a fight with someone, we leave, yet we’re still surprised and hurt when they don’t call. I feel like it’s a pretty universal relationship event that was played really well — down to the sappy apology that usually follows.

My favorite part of the entire episode though was Troy and Abed going after Mariah, the hot librarian. If we’re talking about individual couples, they’re definitely the best one on the show. Props to Mariah for acknowledging that Troy and Abed asking her out is the cutest thing that’s ever happened to her, but Troy becomes the real hero when the librarian becomes ugly to him as soon as she says something mean about his friend.

Troy and Abed are basically like Chang and Eng at this point: instead of focusing on librarians, they need to find a really understanding pair of sisters to fall in love with. That’s the only way they’ll truly be happy.

Speaking of truly happy, I’m sure a lot of Community creepers love the Britta storyline this week. She makes out with a girl! She almost makes out with Annie! (Allison Brie‘s face was priceless during that scene, by the way). It’s all very exciting for a lot of people, I’m sure. I was just happy with how much it stayed true to Britta’s character. I would honestly expect her to get into a full-blown lesbian relationship just to prove how cool she is with gay people.

So what to you guys think about Pierce? Any time mini-Andy Dick is in the picture, things can’t be good. Do you think the last shot of him passed out on the park bench is indicative of a darker storyline to come? Community isn’t really a show that throws the word “intervention” around without doing anything about it. Could this lead to an episode where we finally learn more about Shirley’s drinking problem? I’m really looking forward to seeing where they go with this.

Photo Credit: NBC

4 Responses to “Community gets all gooey on Valentine’s Day”

February 10, 2011 at 9:59 PM

I have some strange ties to the Barenaked Ladies – basically, I know some people who have worked with Ed Robertson – so I have some strong feelings for BNL. When Jeff made that stinger, I was in a huff, only to find to my delight that so was the rest of the group! It made my night.

February 11, 2011 at 8:47 AM

The fact the characters stood up for has beens BNL was great! They haven’t been popular since some of the characters were like 5, yet they still love them.

February 12, 2011 at 11:48 PM

….I still like them. Who cares if other people think they’re popular?

February 11, 2011 at 11:36 PM

The interwebs have some interesting theories about the BNL discussion referring to the Big Bang Theory.

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