CliqueClack TV

V is finally picking up the action

"The humans think they're building their future when in fact they're digging their own graves." Wow, Anna is ruthless. But, you gotta love her dedication to her people and plan, right?

- Season 2, Episode 5 - "Concordia"

One of the things that started to annoy me about V is the lack of action by our faction of the Fifth Column. They really haven’t done much of anything since Erica killed Anna’s spawn soldiers. In the original V series, one of the things I enjoyed the most was that Julia, Mike and the resistance were always trying to bring down the Visitors. Whether it  was outing them as lizards, trying to kill them or just staying hidden from the Visitors and their informers, they were always in action. In this updated series, the Fifth Column really hasn’t done much of anything. The only resistance has been done by Eli Cohen and his faction, but they were willing to sacrifice innocent humans.

When I read the preview for tonight’s “Concordia” and it mentioned a possible assassination plot, I finally thought we would see some of what I loved about the original series. Of course, then I was disappointed when Erica and her team were against the assassination plot because of the possible danger to the innocents. Yep, I was frustrated! Why not consider a plan that would protect them or limit the casualties? That is my problem with Erica; she wants to bring down the Visitors, but where is the action?

Okay, so Erica finally came around and realized there was a safe way to try and kill Anna, but it took further risk to her son before she even thought about using a sharp shooter. In the end, I was glad to see a plan come together and that she decided to do something instead of just sitting around complaining.

Unfortunately, Ryan ended up betraying the Fifth Column, but the mission was not a complete failure, as Marcus was shot. Of course, I never expected Anna would be killed or even shot, so I was glad to see some progress made by the Fifth Column. I hoped Ryan’s betrayal was all part of their plan, but that definitely didn’t seem to be the case. Sadly, I don’t think Ryan has let anyone in on what Anna is holding over him, not even Erica. And, that has made Ryan a liability and a target for Cohn and Hobbes now.

Finally, Tyler made a good decision by staying with his family instead of with the Visitors. And, makes the show much more intriguing. Who are Anna’s other options? And, how will Lisa react to potentially having to mate with someone other than her love, Tyler? I can’t wait to see how this plays out.

After last week’s episode, my excitement for the show was starting to wane. Not anymore! It is starting to get thrilling….

Photo Credit: ABC

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One Response to “V is finally picking up the action”

February 9, 2011 at 3:31 AM

I can’t wait till next week’s big meeting!

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