CliqueClack TV

American Idol knows how to do sensationalism

Boy, did the 'Idol' hype machine kick things into high gear this week, complete with lots discussions and rumors and promises all would be explained. But, in the end, it was just ... hype.

- Season 10, Episode 5 - "Austin Auditions"

Casey AbramsHokay …

Let’s talk sensationalism.

sen·sa·tion·al·ism [sen-sey-shuh-nl-iz-uhm] –noun

1) subject matter, language or style producing or designed to produce startling or thrilling impressions or to excite and please vulgar taste.

2) the use of or interest in this subject matter, language or style: The cheap tabloids relied on sensationalism to increase their circulation.

Origin: 1840–50; sensational  + -ism

Now that we have a dictionary definition, let’s witness a few examples of sensationalism as proffered on American Idol Wednesday evening:

  • It’s my buddy Seacrust (Ryan Seacrest) twittering (or tw@ttering or twextering or whatever it’s called) about the Idol Powers That Be issuing some sort of apology at some point in the coming week on the Idol
  • It’s Courtney Penry doing an impression of a chicken …
  • It’s Seacrust playing to the drama of Courtney Penry’s “thing” she has about him …
  • It’s the painfully severe hairstyle Jennifer Lopez sported during the Austin auditions …
  • It’s the camera angle Idol’s director decided to showcase Jacqueline Dunford from during the majority of her performance, highlighting her backside more than her singing abilities …

When it comes to American Idol, sensationalism is all these things and more.

But the Austin auditions gave us two pieces of sensationalism that really took the cake:

One was simply and utterly ridiculous … not in and of itself, but because of everything that led up to it. Seacrust’s twittery shenanigans, the aftermath that followed and finally the video snippet below. Some might find him funny; I find him to be an utter doofus.

The other is pure joy without a sob story attached. Please relish in it.

Photo Credit: Fox

5 Responses to “American Idol knows how to do sensationalism”

February 3, 2011 at 10:38 AM

Aw, thanks for the YouTube clip of my favorite performance of the night, Casey “Seth Rogan” Abrams. His moment was pure joy and sheer gosh-darn-good musicianship. Depending on how things shake out, I might even … wait for it … vote again, something I haven’t done since Bo Bice and his leather pants whet my proverbial whistle.

PS: Any “Soul Patrol” references will be ignored. ;-)

February 3, 2011 at 11:12 AM

. . . . .

Please note the magical transformation of JLo in the above bottom video:

1) Terse “How are you?”, hands immediately fold, followed by more short information-gathering queries and a icy, no-nonsense “Let’s hear it” topped with a downward “ain’t no way” look …

2) Scatting by Casey causes her to tilt her head dog-like in wonder … glance over at off-camera producer …

3) Slight in-chair bounce develops …

4) Repetitive head shift begins … smile begins forming …

5) Hands no longer clasped, JLo give out a “Whooooooa!” midst-Casey tune …

6) Hands in the air, fingers pointing, clearly butt dancing …

7) Post-audition, unmistakable enthusiasm as she joins in with the other judges in unanimously whizzing Abrams through to Hollywood …

8) Clapping and frolickry from JLo as Abrams begins playing his melodica …

Oh. Look. More sensationalism ….

February 3, 2011 at 6:57 PM

I had a dickens of a time trying to log in…got here then..crash..then got busy. But…what the heck was with JLo..the hair and her red red lipstick. Looked like something in Amsterdam…***bad bad keyboard for typing that***. I am glad we were not the only ones who caught her transformation from shallow to really shallow…!

February 3, 2011 at 8:19 PM

Gee, somehow I blinked and missed the big apology–thanks for posting it here!

The Courtney Penry bit was the funniest part of the night.

February 3, 2011 at 8:57 PM

so I never watch the full things of idol since I’ve been sleep early, is Steven really rhyme the last name of that guy with bad word? And they are not cover it or something?

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