CliqueClack TV

Human Target can’t get good and then screw with continuity … that’s just wrong

Am I just one of the sheep now, because I've actually grown to like the 'Human Target' reboot? Nah, because as much as I enjoyed tonight's episode, I do have one huge nitpick ... and I mean enormous.

“So I guess you’re a love expert now? What, are you waiting for me to give you an apology for doubting you?” – Winston
“Love is never having to say you’re sorry.” – Chance

Aw, geez. It’s official — I’ve fallen for Human Target all over again. Let’s review: It took me a few episodes to get on board with the first season, but once they abandoned the Die Hard formula, I fell hard for the trio and everything that came with them. I even loved the second season premiere … and then subsequently hated the next few episodes, mourning the changes like Chance’s castration and zero trio chemistry.

But slowly, the second season has found its groove and I’m pretty sure I love what they’re doing with it. Several episodes ago, they really got tongue-in-cheek with life in suburbia, and tonight we saw the same awesome social commentary with the institute of marriage. I’m blown away by how cleverly they did it, and they actually gave Ames a purpose and she wasn’t annoying. Much.

Chance and Angie’s scenes were awesome — from the hilarious wine-drinking at the dinner (yes, you thought of The Princess Bride too, I know you did), to each of them stashing a knife and stealing the clip from the other’s gun — man, was that scene well-choreographed. And the whole double clean shot thing? That was a blast (literally) from the very best episodes of season one.

Here’s my beef, though, and it’s a big one. The premise that Chance was never in love was a big part of this episode. Hello? Did the writers expect us to forget that Chance’s love for Katherine is what created the premise for the entire series? When Chance fell for Katherine and Baptiste killed her, it was the impetus for him leaving the Old Man and beginning his life of redemption. I’m sorry, but they can’t reboot the whole premise of the series just to make one episode’s point. I require continuity, as any viewer with half a brain would also demand.

This and that:

  • “Maybe it was a drive-by; I did have rap on in the car.” – client Bob, trying to figure out why someone was shooting at him … incidentally, the rap was “Bust A Move”
  • “Still, actuary tables show that married people tend to live long lives.” – Guererro to Winston, after he complains about what he doesn’t miss about being married
    “Says the guy who tends to make people live shorter lives.” – Winston
  • Guerrero and Winston, my beloved team of Bert and Ernie, discussing Winston repelling down the side of a 40-story building.
  • I hope the have an intriguing follow-up to the Marshall Pucci file and photo … they could really do something with that story arc.

Photo Credit: Liane Hentscher/FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Human Target can’t get good and then screw with continuity … that’s just wrong”

January 31, 2011 at 11:52 PM

I still love the guys and still hate the women. of the two women a very little Ames is ok, but Pucci ruins it every time she is in a part to me. Tonights show was funny except for the Pucci parts once again. and yes, I would have bitch slap Pucci when she told Chance you have never been in love, cause he has been as you said.

February 1, 2011 at 7:00 AM

I don’t give this a full “they threw continuity out the window” since they can play it as more “Ilsa doesn’t know Chance was in love with Katherine” thus making it more painful for Chance when she said it, but the writers could also have just blown it…

February 1, 2011 at 9:23 AM

I suppose you could read it that way, and maybe they’ll get out of it in future episodes. I just felt that Winston and Guerrero were supporting that fact as well. And, that Chance was, with his not understanding marriage etc. Katherine should have been mentioned, or at least lost loves or something for continuity.

February 1, 2011 at 7:46 PM

Don’t get me wrong Debbie, I think what they’ve done to the series this year is criminal and they should suffer for destroying what was a good show with a potential to be great, just think back to how awesome the finale was last season and how much they’re nowhere near it except in rare episodes like Cool Hand Guerrero

February 1, 2011 at 1:16 PM

I have to agree with diane. I saw it was Ilsa not knowing Chance that well. I even said to my sister that it will probably come up again in the next couple of eps. If it doesn’t, well, then it is a pretty big continuity problem. Let’s hope they know what they’re doing!

February 1, 2011 at 7:41 PM

yeah … I thought it was just Ilsa being unaware of Chance’s history … and Chance being to big of a person to correct her

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