CliqueClack TV

Diary of a True Blood virgin – Jason is a complete idiot

Things heat up in Episodes 3 and 4, even if Sookie and Bill are still just at the holding hands/claiming her as my own to prevent her from getting eaten by vampires stage. Oh, did I mention Jason Stackhouse is a complete idiot?

I have a feeling Jason’s stupidity will be a running theme of the show, mostly because in only four episodes the guy has managed to be a suspect in two murders, be forced to make a First Lady themed sex tape and overdose on evil Viagra. Facepalm!

1.3 “Mine”

So, the episode opens with the continuation of episode two … i.e. with Sookie in danger (why do I feel like this will also be a running theme?). Bill ultimately saves her from being eaten, but not before Sookie sees him at his weakest. There’s been a lot of talk about the show being a thinly veiled metaphor for homophobia in America. While I do see the connections, I think the stronger metaphor is drug abuse. You see it particularly in this scene; Bill barely recognizes her at times and there’s no life in his eyes … even more so than usual, I mean. Vampires might have superhuman abilities and immortality, but it comes with a crippling need for the red stuff. It’s an interesting contrast and this first scene of the episode really highlights that.

I can not believe the Sookie losing her virginity fake out. Actually, I can believe the writers would pull that crap, but it’s still annoying. Granted, as the dream was closing, I did say, “Wait, that was pretty short.” So I’m hoping that when “it” eventually happens, the two will savor it a little bit more (to the delight of the audience, of course).

It is really fun when my predictions come true mid-episode. Specifically, when Tara asked Sam for a beer at the bar, I immediately proclaimed to my boyfriend, “If he lets her have a beer, they’re going to have sex during this episode!” And I was right! They are kind of adorable together and Sam whimpering in his sleep just solidifies my “he’s a werewolf” theory. I really enjoyed seeing a more tender love scene … until they immediately cut to Jason humping Dawn. DO NOT WANT!

So, now we get to Jason. Maybe it’s just me, but if I was just a suspect in the murder of a girl I slept with who I know slept with vampires, I wouldn’t go have sex with another girl who I know slept with vampires. Hell, I would stay away from having sex for at least a couple days. But hey, I’m sensible. And a straight girl. And not a character on an HBO show that thrives on sex. You know, for a guy who hates vampires, maybe he should think about not taking the highly addictive vampire blood. Then again, this is the guy who allowed himself to be videotaped in nothing but his underwear and a Laura Bush mask.

While Sookie finding Dawn’s body was pretty disturbing (although not shocking), the “blood donor” being drained upside down was just chilling.

1.4 “Escape from Dragon House”

Jason, this is why I told you not to buy the damn vampire blood! I know he panicked when he realized he still had the vial on him, but drinking it all was easily the worst thing he could have done. He ended up pushing the empty vial into the seat cushion anyway — he could have just pushed it all down there. Even if they would have found it later, at least he would have tested clean. Anyway, I’m kind of hoping the whole experience (doctor’s visit included) will teach him to be more careful. I doubt the lesson sunk in, but I can still dream, can’t I? We also learn just why Tara pines after Jason the way she does. After seeing what a piece of work her mom is, can we really blame Tara for crushing on the one boy who protected her, even once?

As they were bringing out Dawn’s body, I heard a voice I recognized. That’s right, it’s Artie from Glee! At first, I wondered if he was just an extra, but as soon as the mortician gave him a name, I knew his character would at least be in a few more episodes. Seeing him all gothed out at the vamp bar makes me wonder if he’s human or not. Since we’re talking about the bar, I wanted to point something out. As a writer who takes great pride in her spelling, it is pretty frustrating that a show called True Blood features a beverage called Tru Blood. It took me a few tries to remember which is spelled which way.

So, we’re to Eric. I’m going to be honest … while I am watching this show for the first time, I do have friends who are fans. That means I know a little bit about the upcoming storylines and I know Eric is going to try to seduce Sookie. So far, I’m not super interested in Eric, maybe just because he hasn’t really done anything yet. Even though Bill keeps his guard up, we’ve also seen some hints of his internal struggle and that helps us relate to him. The only thing I saw in Eric this episode is that others are wary of him. I’m sure we’ll find out more in the next couple episodes, but I’m holding any more judgment until then.

Oh, one more thing: I still think Sam is a werewolf, but I have no clue what was going on in that last scene. My one shot-in-the-dark is that Dawn was his sister and that’s why he was so emotional. I still don’t know why he wore gloves to the crime scene when he just ended up smooshing his face in the covers anyway.

Photo Credit: HBO

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