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Royal Pains returns with mulligans for the Hank Med team

When we last saw the Hank Med team members, they were all left in precarious positions of sorts. Did Papa Lawson survive? What about Divya's kiss?

- Season 2, Episode 13 - "Mulligan"

When we left Royal Pains, Hank and Evan had just found out their father was a criminal and had been spying on their benefactor, Boris, for the FBI. And, Divya had kissed a patient of hers, even though she is engaged to Raj. The show picks up with Hank and Evan’s father, Henry R. Lawson, having a heart attack after being exposed to his sons. And, Divya has to face, Adam, her patient … that she kissed.

While those stories were interesting and will most likely have an impact on the remaining episodes this season, my favorite part of the show … having Tom Cavanaugh back on my TV screen! I enjoyed the golf pro, Jack, and hope that we have not seen the last of him. Though, I am a bit torn about whether he should date Jill or if Jill belongs with Hank. The best scene of the show was when Jill got loopy from the spider bite antidote.

“How cute are you when you’re beings all doctory? “He’s so cute, isn’t he cute? He’s like a puppy, you want to scratch him behind the ears and scratch him on the belly.” – Jill

“I miss you Hank, I really miss you.” – Jill
“You know, good friends. So …” – Hank
“We used to be more than thaaaat, Hanky.” – Jill
“Really good friends, and just for the record, that’s the first time she’s ever called me that.” – Hank

The episode was titled, “Mulligan,” and it was a chance for them to start over again. Jack got his hands back and gets a shot at a professional golf career again. Henry R. Lawson got a fresh start with his sons. Hank decided to give his father a chance and try and build a relationship with him. And, oddly, Evan, who was always forgiving and supportive of his father, wants to start fresh without him. While Hank and Jill may have a shot to get back together again as they both miss each other. Or, will Jack get in the way?

And, Divya. Poor Divya. I like Raj and she likes Raj. But, her life is in the Hamptons and not overseas. And, she deserves passionate love, not a life-long friendship. Hopefully, she will come to accept that she does not belong with Raj due to her kiss with Adam. She deserves a mulligan, as well.

Overall, this was a fun return for Royal Pains and sets up the series for the remaining five episodes.

Photo Credit: USA Network

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