CliqueClack TV

30 Rock explores marriage

'30 Rock' returned this week and delved into the topic of marriage. Any excuse to bring Jack and Liz together is okay in my book, and this episode featured some great antics between the two of them.

- Season 5, Episode 11 - "Mrs. Donaghy"

30 Rock returned this week after a far too long absence. The theme of the week was marriage, with Jack accidentally marrying Liz in a hastily planned foreign language ceremony. Elsewhere, Danny and Jenna fell into a pseudo-marriage when they were forced to move into a single dressing room, and Tracy’s wife Angie made another guest appearance.

As with most episodes of 30 Rock, the Jack and Liz storyline was the highlight this week. The real magic of this show lies in the relationship between Jack and Liz. That was highlighted at the end of this episode when they were forced to visit the NBC HR rep to discuss their “marriage” and make sure that there was no favoritism taking place. Of course, there were questions that highlighted just how much time these two spend together, and how much they do for each other. It was a nice moment.

The Jenna and Danny plot fell a little flat for me. I’m not sure what it was. The situation was just a little over the top, and most of the jokes about fighting in a marriage were a tad obvious. Thank goodness Kenneth was a part of the story, because he reliably brings the funny all the time. The highlight of the whole Danny/Jenna story, though, was the mention that everyone forgot Danny actually worked there, which was a nice wink to the audience about Cheyenne Jackson’s absence this season.

Finally, Sherri Shepherd returned as Tracy’s wife Angie. It was a brief appearance, but funny as always. I really hope we get to see some of her reality show as 30 Rock moves forward. It sounds genius. With Tracy Morgan’s upcoming absence due to his kidney transplant, I’m wondering if Angie will be featured a little more moving forward.

My favorite quotes from the episode:

“Well, one of my New Year’s resolutions is to say yes — yes to love, yes to life, yes to staying in more!” – Liz

“Who will be there to raise my kids if I’m not around to pay someone to raise my kids?” – Tracy, on facing his own mortality

“Your show netted 600 dollars last year. Your parents had to buy an ad.” – Jack, to Liz

“For instance, Jack taught me not to wear tan slacks with a tan turtleneck. I thought it looked nice, but he, rightly, pointed out that it made me look like a giant condom.” – Liz

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | 30 Rock | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “30 Rock explores marriage”

January 22, 2011 at 8:32 AM




Loved the Episode, Dr. Spacemen killed – as always ;-)

January 23, 2011 at 5:33 PM

“You have no reflexes, and some of your bones appear to have vanished”. With that episode, I learnt Tracy Jordan was a human earthworm. A really funny episode, as always.

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