CliqueClack TV

Bob’s Burgers – Who’s the beef?

It's the grand re-re-re opening of Bob's Burgers, complete with extra fries and a heavy dollop of mirth and merriment. Plus! No human flesh was used in the writing of this review.

- Season 1, Episode 1 - "Human Flesh"

Well … let’s see what we’ve got:

A dysfunctional American family. Fart jokes. Butt scratching. A grill cooking daughter with an itchy crotch. Burgers supposedly made of human flesh.  “Adventurous” customers willing to try something new. A vindictive, whiny health inspector. Too much saliva. A funeral director who’s a bad jokester.

Bob Belcher, the “Bob” of Bob’s Burgers (the voice of H. Jon Benjamin), has got problems. He’s a bad marketer, he’s forgetful, he’s fat and his kids Gene (the voice of Eugene Mirman, Flight of the Conchords; Aqua Teen Hunger Force), Linda (the voice of John Roberts, Flight of the Conchords; Modern Family) and Louise (the voice of Kristen Schaal) are difficult to keep in line.

To make matters even more problematic, Bob’s got Hugo the health inspector — who used to be engaged to Bob’s wife Tina (Dan Mintz) — all over his ass. It seems daughter Louise told her school class at “Show and Tell” that her family’s restaurant offers burgers made of human flesh. Naturally, the rumor caught wind around the health department. Let the comedy ensue.

Have we got the makings of a spiffy premiere? You bet your bippy we do. The kids have some of the best lines in the entire show and, oft times, they’re as simple as guffaw-worthy pregnant pauses. H. Jon Benjamin’s Bob is voiced with such dry delivery as the patriarch of this goofy quintet it’s hard to improve on it. It’s just about perfect. And Tina? She’s almost Edith Bunker-like … you can’t help but like her.

Despite the fact there was little hope of a profitable day … despite the fact Bob’s showcase window cracked irreparably … despite the fact Bob completely schlubbed his anniversary … at the end of the day Bob is the hero, greeting customers who are flocking through the door attracted to a posted sign that reads “Food May Contain Human Flesh” … and winning the heart of his wife all over again.

Oh. And Linda’s crotch stops itching. A good day made better.

“You’re on a sinking ship, lady, and you better get off … before it sinks.”
– Hugo the Health Inspector to Linda

“I happen to produce a lot of saliva!”
– Bob to Linda

“Who’s the Beef?”
“Don’t put our sons in between buns!”
“Take the ‘me’ out of meat!”
- Several hand-made signs angry protesters sported
while picketing against human flesh in Bob’s Burgers

“Don’t tell me how to do my job! I don’t tell you how to grow your corpses!”
– Hugo the Health Inspector to Bob

The “Child Molester” Burger (comes with candy)
– Louise’s Burger Of The Day put on the chalkboard in place of Bob’s original entry

Photo Credit: Fox

14 Responses to “Bob’s Burgers – Who’s the beef?”

January 10, 2011 at 11:10 AM

(rofl) the “Child Molester” Burger comes with candy!

I must admit I was watching football last night, but I’m on Bob like flies on a burger in the dumpster next week!

January 10, 2011 at 12:54 PM

. . . . .

I hear Linda is rather the protective sort, bronsont. You don’t want to make enemies with her. It could get ugly.

January 10, 2011 at 11:38 AM

I tried to give it a chance, but we changed the channel about half way through. Not my cuppa tea.

January 10, 2011 at 12:45 PM

. . . . .

Lisana: And therein lies your problem, I believe. Bob’s Burgers doesn’t sell tea. They sell burgers.

Well … they might sell iced tea. That would make sense. And! If they did, I doubt highly it would come in cups.

You know … I’m going to look into this and get back to you …

January 10, 2011 at 12:37 PM

That was the most horrid thing I have ever watched on TV.

The animation is bad, the voice actors are annoying and the writing…. god who is writing this? 12 year old boys who just got their first pube? It was simply bad all around!

January 10, 2011 at 12:50 PM

. . . . .

“… the most horrid …”? Wow. That’s a low bar to navigate beneath, Oreo.

The dry humor isn’t for everyone. Maybe you just didn’t have a long enough weekend.

Come on! “Who’s the Beef?” That was Hillary-arious! “I can hear you … it’s just a window!” *snort*

There were quite a few instances when I guffawed heartily. H. Jon Benjamin’s delivery is within my acceptable parameters.

He’s vermouthy. Way, way in the green …

January 10, 2011 at 1:26 PM

I love dry humour, when it’s not written for tweens. British comedies are funny and have nothing but dry humour.

This show was just lame childish jokes that even Family Guy wouldn’t do.

That’s good through because the faster this show bombs the safer American Dad is.

January 10, 2011 at 7:58 PM

I’m with Oreo on this, Michael. I made it about 10 minutes in and then I just couldn’t do it. I can see it being some people’s humor, but for my tastes it was almost painfully bad. Yikes!

January 10, 2011 at 8:14 PM

. . . . .

Everybody’s got their likes and dislikes.

Coming from someone who loves Gilbert Gottfried, Sam Kinison and Bobcat Goldthwait (like me) might assist in enjoying the show. But then you throw in the fact I like “WaterWorld”, classical music, Brussel’s sprouts and going slower than normal on the freeway and, well, that just might tell you something right there.

It’s not the toilet humor I dig in Bob’s Burgers. It’s the subtleties I’m picking up on. As mentioned above, there are things that don’t even need be heard that get the chuckle. I’ve seen the comments out there from lots of sources and I’m not seeing any of these things being noted … except by me.

But you know what? That’s okay.

Glad you gave it a whirl, Aryeh. You, too, Oreo.

January 11, 2011 at 1:50 AM

I try to support all new cartoon comedies… even the ones that aren’t funny. :-p

January 11, 2011 at 1:57 AM

I lost hope in Family Guy a long time ago, but Bob’s Burgers made me laugh like crazy last night. It probably helps that H. Jon Benjamin’s voice is absolutely delightful (I still miss McGurk from Home Movies).

January 11, 2011 at 10:26 AM

I thought it was okay, not great, but still good enough to come back for more. I think it beats the hell out of anything MacFarlane has done. His shows are the most unfunny, juvenile, written by dirty-minded 12-year-olds wastes of 30 minutes I’ve ever seen. Even my teenagers can’t stand his stuff.

January 12, 2011 at 10:41 AM

. . . . .

Guess what?

Went back … watched it again.


Funnier …

January 16, 2011 at 8:24 PM

I absolutely love this show! Everything about it is fantastic.

I can’t wait to watch episode 2.

On a side note, I was sad to see American Dad go but thankfully it returns tonight with a new episode at 7:30.

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