CliqueClack TV

Top Chef – Epic, epic failure

The group challenge at a Chinatown dim sum restaurant has the contestants falling apart. But we do learn that Tom Colicchio is kind of a bad ass. Scratch that, he IS a bad ass.

- Season 8, Episode 5 - "Dim Sum Lose Some"

OK, I have to get this out. What the hell was up with Padma’s outfit this week? I know they’ve put her in some weird outfits before, but the ’80s prom dress sleeves were driving me crazy. Maybe if it was a v-neck or she wore a necklace it would be better, but the way they had it was just off, especially with those pants. Don’t ask me why it bothered me — it just did.

The quickfire against Colicchio was inspired. I have a good feeling the producers have had this idea under their hats for a long time and were just waiting for the right moment to add it to the show. It’s easy to forget that Tom didn’t start out as a TV celebrity, but this episode proved that the guy hasn’t lost his touch … or his speed in the kitchen. His prep work was seriously impressive and he was so in the zone that he almost knocked over the left-over fish (too bad it didn’t hit Padma’s ugly shirt). And the guy made a solid dish in less than nine minutes. Bravo, Chef.

I think the contestants knew the elimination round was going to be a complete disaster. Like breakfast service, dim sum is not easy. It’s lots and lots of food going out at lightning speed. You almost have to do it everyday to be able to keep up that pace, but I don’t think most of the chefs chose smart dishes for the time restraints. Why Casey chose to braise chicken feet when she knew she’d have to cut off every nail on top of dealing with the front of the house, I’ll never know. When Tom feels the need to come in and ask what the hell’s going on, you know you’re in trouble.

A handful of chefs thrived. Fabio shocked everyone with his braised spareribs, mostly because the last time he attempted Asian cuisine it was bad. Dale won the challenge, which is still better than Angelo (who is still quite creepy). Casey went home for the bad dish and her part in the bad service, but the chefs all seem to be gunning for Jamie, who hasn’t been at the top of her game so far.

Photo Credit: Bravo

3 Responses to “Top Chef – Epic, epic failure”

January 9, 2011 at 2:27 AM

Jamie is still around because of the fine print at the end of every episode: Chefs were eliminated based on decisions by the judges and producers. Emphasis on the last bit. Bravo has a strong core gay demographic, and Jamie appeals to that. Money talks, plain and simple. They’re going to keep her around until it’s completely implausible that she stay any longer, because the producers say so. Hopefully that will be next week, because if I see any more time wasted on her I’m going to be even more annoyed.

January 9, 2011 at 3:11 AM

“[Not] at the top of her game so far”??

She hasn’t even participated twice now.

She was one of those I was rooting for at the start, but no more.

January 14, 2011 at 5:41 PM

Totally agree about Padma’s outfit. As far as I’m concerned, she is only there to “look pretty” and say “pack your knives and go”. If she can’t pull off the pretty, why is she there?

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