CliqueClack TV

American Idol – Here comes season ten

There's certain to be tons of drama, surprises and grown-inducing fodder on 'Idol' this season. And whining about the loss of Simon Cowell and "Things just won't be the same without him!" won't fly, so just shut it and get watching already.

So … you think Fox’s juggernaut American Idol has lost its steam, huh?

You never really were on board with the four-judge format. (“It’s too slow!” News Flash: None of us were.) You never really were on board with the addition of Kara Dio Guardi. (“She’s too whiny!”) You never really were on board with Paula Abdul’s replacement Ellen DeGeneres. (“Cripes! She’s worse than Randy Jackson!”) You never really were on board with the instruments being thrown into the mix, either. (“It’ll take away from those who have real singing talent! This is a singing competition, not a musician’s forum!”)

And, come on: Enough with whining about Simon Cowell “being the entire show” and everything going downhill from here on out because he’s gone, daddy, gone. You sound like a broken record.

Let me tell you something: Until we get into the whole menagerie of the show, you’re just not going to know what American Idol has in store for us this season. You can nay-say all you want … complain Idol isn’t going to live up to what’s come before … bitch and moan about its rating’s woes (AI has consistently been nothing less than a #2 show in it’s time slot since Season 5 of 2006) … but mark my words: There will be fun, frolickry and plenty of jaw-dropping moments when it launches January 19th, throughout the auditions and right into the main competition.

You already know some of the changes coming: The lowering of the age of the contestants from 16 years of age to 15 … the addition of Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler to the judge’s panel … and the switch from Tuesdays and Wednesdays to Wednesdays and Thursdays in the schedule.

But … did you know there will no longer be guest mentors on the program this season? Instead, record producer and music executive Jimmy Iovine, chairman of Interscope Geffen A&M Records, will be on hand to dole out tidbits of musical knowledge to aid the contestants in their advancement each week to the later rounds of competition. We’re talking a major innovator and powerhouse in the industry giving it a go this time around. And, while Jimmy’s no Harry Connick, Jr. (who was monumentally enjoyed by all of us last season, even by our very own Idol-spurner Ivey West who doesn’t dig the show), he certainly has the potential to make some waves in the coming months.

And don’t even think about missing the audition rounds, folks. How many times do I have to tell you not to skip these shows?

Look: I’m just as skeptical as you are about the addition of JLo and Steven Tyler this season, not to mention what the formatting and other surprises The Powers That Be over at Fox have in store for us. It’s a well known fact I can’t stand Ms. Lopez, but I don’t doubt she’ll surprise me a time or two during the coming months. (Hell, I might even find her engaging every once in a while.) And Steve-O’s going to be loads of fun … take my word for it.

So, put on your big boy pants, plant your carcass in your favorite viewing spot with your Cheeze Doodles at hand and let’s all feel the love of Idol together in this brand new decade.

I mean … if Ivey can get into it every once in a blue moon, it’s not going to do you any major damage.

Photo Credit: Michael Becker/FOX

13 Responses to “American Idol – Here comes season ten”

January 2, 2011 at 11:17 AM

I can’t wait to see how it all plays out. I did not know about the change in nights so thanks for that info. I am kind of bummed about no mentors but glad that maybe they won’t take up the whole results show promoting their new CD. Thanks Rupe great post as usual.

January 2, 2011 at 12:05 PM

I’m excited to see how the changes work out. Jimmy Iovine is fantastic–that’s a great change.

January 2, 2011 at 12:38 PM

Rah Rah Rah. WTG on the pre-game hype Rupe. However your uncharacteristic optimism has me wondering….did you have a Fox in your piggy bank?

January 3, 2011 at 10:21 AM

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That was rather optimistic of me, wasn’t it Lois?

(*ching*) But here’s the deal: No … Fox doesn’t have me (*count, count, fold*) under their thumb in any way, shape or form (*print*). I couldn’t work alongside monkeyboy Bill O’Rielly at the network, anywho. (*deposit*)

Just think of me as a New Year Rupe, full of promise (*splurge*), hope (*payoff*) and faith (*feed*) …

January 2, 2011 at 1:18 PM

No more mentors….THANK YOU! Well, new time, new year and new idol season…onwards and upwards. P.S. If Jennifer Lopez sits in the middle…can the other two judges use her behind to hold their cokes? Did I say that?

January 2, 2011 at 2:04 PM

I’m not missing it fer nuttin! This show has become like Christmas for me. I look forward to it every year. Even when it has a bit of an ‘off’ season, there’s still bits there to enjoy. I’ll always miss Paula’s slurred comments and inappropriate giggles, but who knows.. maybe someone will slip something in JLo’s drink. Let the festivities begin!

January 3, 2011 at 10:22 AM

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I’m sitting right behind you on the train, Renee …

January 2, 2011 at 9:52 PM

American Idol would never be the same without Simon and Paula. But let’s see how ‘good’ or how ‘bad’ it’s going to be! I def going to read your comments too.

January 2, 2011 at 10:16 PM

Man. I loved the mentors! I’m slightly irritated by that. Not only did you get to see their thoughts on the contestants, but they performed as well! I am (maturely) stating “poop” on that.

January 3, 2011 at 10:28 AM

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The mentors brought a certain dynamic. But, as with judges’ comments, it was up to the contestants whether or not they took the advice proffered. And, when they did, many were still lambasted by Simon and Randy as to watch should have been done opposed to what was done during a performance.

There were so many meaningless mentors on the show for me that it got tedious. One of the shining moments for me – and surprisingly surprising – was Rod Stewart and how engaging he was and how I took on an entirely new perspective about the man.

Wonders never cease …

January 3, 2011 at 8:51 AM

Does your mention of the instruments mean they will NOT be allowed this year? I have enjoyed the instruments – especially Casey’s guitar. But they have kept some contestants – specifically Casey – in the competition longer than their voice warranted.

And J-Lo does not deserve the term “Fat Ass”. She is simply displaying the culturally inspired, all natural, bustle-less bustle. [Implants now available from Dolly Parton’s plastic surgeon.]

January 3, 2011 at 10:31 AM

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Instruments are allowed.

And as you’ve noted, Nyela, in the case of Casey and his guitar, I agree his stint was prolonged on Idol.

“All natural, bustle-less bustle”. I like it.

January 6, 2011 at 6:13 PM

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Hey, true believers!

American Idol premieres the 19th and 20th! Prepare … !!!

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