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The Good Wife – Just give them the Golden Globe and be done with it!

Was it creepier that Cary’s cousin admitted to having a crush on Cary, or that Zach has suddenly fallen for Kalinda? With so much focus on her sexual ambiguity already, the last thing Kalinda needs is a little puppy dog following her.

- Season 2, Episode 9 - "Nine Hours"

Yesterday the Golden Globe nominations were announced. Up for best drama? The only network nominee alongside four cable series was The Good Wife. If for some odd reason you were wondering what made The Good Wife so special, last night should have put your concerns to rest. Because that’s what good TV is all about.

The episode also served to reinforce, at least for me, how superfluous Peter is. The mayhem in the Florrick apartment was symbolic of the havoc Peter’s nonsense wreaks on what is otherwise a breathtaking drama. Sure it was amusing that he cursed on live TV, but the high road he took when questioned about his family … try not cheating on your wife and then get back to us.

But that’s just the noise. Last night’s last minute appeal of the imminent execution of Carter Wright (Chad Coleman, Cutty on The Wire) was awesome. From the opening moments with the call Alicia received from the clerk, to the closing scene where Ruby (Alexandra Metz) rushed in to see her father, the entire episode was tense, interesting, and wonderfully written and acted. I love this show.

And I loved the mystery that the call dumped in Alicia’s lap. The race against the clock was so much more enthralling because the firm had no idea what addendum the clerk was referring to. And it dragged Cary into the mix — and his super creepy first cousin who checked and discovered that their coupling wouldn’t technically be incest — in a much more organic way than when Kalinda goes to him for help. His call with Barry Scheck from The Innocence Project was really funny.

I was glad that the prison figured out a way around the sodium thiopental problem. Obviously if you’re the one set to die you take what you can get, but I would have been disappointed in the writers if they’d taken an easy out like that. Thanks to tw111 for pointing out that it’s a “ripped from the headlines” issue — I’m not up on my Texas news.

Anyway, the changes in arson science that the clerk was alluding to in the first place was a much more exciting angle, and I loved seeing Roger Rees as Dr. Grossman. It’s good to know he’s sobered up since The West Wing!

I will say, however, that I was disappointed in Alicia going the sympathy route with her plea to the judge. I know it was unintentional that she got emotional, but I’d hope that the law, and not heartstrings, were what moved people in these situations. It’s important to have a heart, but that shouldn’t cloud a legal issue. And I think Alicia realized that … that’s part of what makes her so awesome!

Some other things of note outside of the case:

  • The preteen, self esteem raising Jamboree that Grace was trying to get Alicia to let her attend … is she for real? She’s becoming Sue on The Middle with her church group.
  • What was up with the overuse of the words “phone” and “phoning” instead of “call” and “calling?” They all sounded so stupid!
  • Just as we were about to get some background on Kalinda….
  • Kalinda getting detained at the airport. At first I thought it was connected to her past life, but then I realized, “dark skin.” Crazy.

And congrats to Julianna Margulies and Chris Noth on their nominations!

“My dad swore on TV.” – Zach to Kalinda … nice flirting!

Photo Credit: CBS

4 Responses to “The Good Wife – Just give them the Golden Globe and be done with it!”

December 15, 2010 at 11:47 PM

I loved this episode’s ‘day in the life’ take. I loved the Kalinda-Alicia bonding. I loved how covertly Will grabbed the tie of his co-worker. And, I loved that Diane, despite her partner status, held her client’s hand (while admitting that her office’s legal aide section wasn’t up to snuff). I loved how the guard took pity on the family. I did think the first cousin was creepy. I also liked Zach’s interest in Kalinda. I didn’t think the kids liked Alicia’s job, so seeing Zach see his mom (or at least her co-workers) in a different light was nice (and funny).

I love Kalinda’s ambiguity, but I’m still rooting for her to match up with her nemesis, Alicia’s former nemesis or both. Side note: Although the guard also had dark skin, I did think she singled Kalinda out based on ethnicity.

December 16, 2010 at 11:24 AM

I’m not sure I get where they’re going with the whole religion angle. They definitely made Grace’s friend look buffoonish in the pop star episode, and now they show that she’s… “infecting” Grace by getting her to pray? Constant shocked looks on the part of the racist grandmother and Alicia herself means we’re supposed to be what? Horrified? Oh no, sweet little Grace is being duped by religion? Whatever they’re doing here, I don’t think I like it.

Other than that, really enjoying the show. I like Cary as a character, always did, so I’m glad they’re finding ways to work him it despite him working for the enemy.

December 16, 2010 at 12:18 PM

I’m with you in finding it distasteful. I wonder if they mean to tie it into Peter’s “new found” religion? Certainly Pastor Isaiah’s saga is far from over.

December 16, 2010 at 9:19 PM

I was thinking about Pastor Isaiah today, actually. Poor guy. I’ve enjoyed his characterization, so I guess I can hold out hope that they’ll go somewhere good with this disputed storyline.

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