CliqueClack TV

Men of a Certain Age – I’m glad Owen didn’t complain to his daddy

I know at some point Terry’s going to explode all over the salesmen on the lot and become the best of the group, but I still want him to get back to acting. I wonder how (and if) that’s being angled into the story.

- Season 2, Episode 2 - "Same As The Old Boss"

You know, one of the great things about Men of a Certain Age is that, as frustrated as some of the show’s plots can make me, it’s the frustration I’d feel if I was one of the characters instead of viewer frustration with the show. I feel a lot more connected to what’s going on in the guys lives.

There’s no question that the old commercial of Terry’s that reared its ugly head on last night’s episode was embarrassing, but don’t forget: Terry was in a commercial. Terrible or wonderful, it’s a whole lot more impressive than all of us who’re only as famous as our second grade school play made us.

I was frustrated for him that his colleagues at the dealership were as immature about it as they were. Are auto dealerships the new fraternal order of brothers ala sports locker rooms? Has the baton been passed? Because I didn’t get that memo.

Terry undertook a huge change in his life, so he is the new guy on the lot. At the same time, he’s almost fifty … does he really need to deal with cardboard cutouts of his commercial personas? I was disappointed in Bruce (Albert Hall) for joining in on the prank, but kudos to Terry for pulling it out for the win with the girl from the commercial.

Possibly more frustrating was Owen’s struggle with Jesse (Patrick Gallagher). I’ve worked under people I’ve had less than a positive opinion of, but who’s that disrespectful to their own boss? Regardless of how he landed in the driver’s seat, Owen has the ultimate decision on everything. Push too hard and you’re through. So why risk it?

I was proud of how he handled things at the end, and I hope that Owen will take the same approach with the salesmen on the floor. None of them are impressive enough to have much room to screw around, Marcus included.

Melissa thinking about going back to work could develop nicely. I really felt like she was too negative last season, but maybe having her own life will do her good. I wonder if she’d be interested in an assistant manager position at Joe’s party store.

And that was perhaps the most frustrating thing of all: feeling Joe’s frustration at his inability to find time to pursue his dream. I’d love it if promotions for DeShaun (Little JJ) and Maria (Emily Rios) meant more screen time for them both. And where’s Carlos (Shelly Desai)?

Joe as a father is interesting, and I loved how he smiled after Albert (Braeden Lemasters) stormed off to his room in anger. Albert certainly doesn’t seem to be friendless, and maybe he’s finally coming out of his shell. But I don’t know if we have the time to spare for a tale of teenage angst. Like with Joe trying to get out on the range, time is tight. If something had to go I’d probably vote for Albert … Lucy (Brittany Curran) and her make out buddy, on the other hand, might yet hold some promise.

I loved that we got back to the nature walks this week. And Joe totally blew it with Fantasy Woman (Patricia De Leon), because if that’s her boyfriend….

How can you not love this show?

Photo Credit: TNT

5 Responses to “Men of a Certain Age – I’m glad Owen didn’t complain to his daddy”

December 14, 2010 at 8:27 PM

I thought it was obvious that the salesmen were jealous of Terry and putting him down because he was once a “somebody.” They’re just car salesmen. Actors have a much better legacy than car salesmen. Add to that the fact that he’s friends with the new boss and hasn’t sold a car, and they all of a sudden felt superior. But, he turned that around on its head. And I liked it.

I also liked that Owen skipped out of the dance at the urging of his friends and went to a party and drank a beer. Not good behavior, but far more normal than what he’s been doing up until now. There’s hope for that little family yet!

December 15, 2010 at 5:44 PM

You’re probably right. But how immature are they to do the “I’m jealous so I’m going to make fun of you” thing? Our guys aren’t necessarily all sophisticated, but pushing 50 they shouldn’t have to deal with that in life. No one should.

Glad to see I’m not watching the show alone! :)

December 15, 2010 at 5:46 PM

One thing I’ve learned about getting older…it is nothing like I thought it would be!

Definitely not watching alone. This is one of the best shows on television!

December 15, 2010 at 6:45 PM

My husband is a car salesman and has been for over 12 years. And yes, those guys always kid and immaturely joke around in the salesrooms. We’ve actually been enjoying the authentication of the representation of what it’s like to work in a dealership. Don’t even get me started on the reps of carsalesmen being cruel and devious. I’ve liked most of them I’ve met over the years. Mostly they’re pretty funny guys killing themselves everyday trying to raise their families on 100 percent commission pay.
I like this show too. The only thing that I wish was different is Ray Romano’s voice. He can’t help it, but he sounds like a Muppet. He did create this show though, and for that I give him mad props.

December 16, 2010 at 9:46 AM

Okay, I won’t know until next week, but now I’m worried I’m only going to see Ray as a Muppet!

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