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Castle vs. Hawaii Five-0 – Behind the scenes at CliqueClack TV

'Castle' vs 'Hawaii Five-O' - the big showdown has arrived. Check out what the Clackers have to say and then vote for your favorite! Who will win?

Over the last several posts that An has written about Hawaii Five-O, she has compared Hawaii Five-O and Castle. So, last week when the Clackers received our daily reminder e-mail, I replied that everyone should stop by the Castle LiveClack since it is a much better show than Hawaii Five-O. Yes, I knew what would follow — a fun behind the scenes post! Enjoy!

Carla - Stop by the Castle chat tonight and see why it is such a better show than Hawaii Five-O….

Julia – LIES. As someone who has watched both, Hawaii Five-O is FAR SUPERIOR.

Deb – You couldn’t be more wrong … OK, I actually don’t know if that’s true b/c I only saw the pilot of Hawaii Five-O, but if I’ve been watching every episode of Castle for the last 46 episodes and haven’t made it past the pilot of Hawaii Five-O (and that’s with AOL eye-candy), that’s enough proof for me. AOL: No match for Nathan Fillion.  [Note: AOL is Alex O’Loughlin]

Julia – It’s not about hotness, it’s about actual character development, which Hawaii Five-O has had more of in eleven episodes than Castle has throughout all of its seasons. Look, I love procedurals as much as the next girl, but if you want to get me to tune into one regularly, I have to care about the people solving the crimes. With Castle, it’s just like meh, whatever. Nathan Fillion is extremely endearing, but he just does the same schtick every episode, and it gets old.

Ivey – I have had to lose Hawaii Five-O in my traveling challenges the past month, but I don’t remember any real character development before I left. So that’s changed?

Carissa – Gotta agree with Julia on this one. Castle has run out of charm. They have a set format that is followed week by week, same conversational jabs and the mystery is never much of a mystery. Oh, and Castle always figures it out while doing something completely unrelated with his family. The cops are a bunch of dolts. {ducks}

Keith – I’m with Deb in how much of Hawaii Five-O I’ve seen, but I will say I’ve grown tired of Castle. Not that I don’t like it, it’s just fallen into that fast-filling pit of shows I just don’t mind missing anymore. The formula is predictable and it’s grown further ridiculous in how much access an author has to crime investigations. Man, I really should aspire to become a popular crime novelist, because apparently they write a few hours a month and get to visit crime scenes all the time without having to answer to a boss.

Deb – Oh, it’s not about hotness for me, either — I don’t find Fillion hot (now I need to duck). I just enjoy the show, and I’m not that much of a procedural junkie. I just like what I like. I really liked the pilot of Hawaii Five-0, just didn’t need to come back for more. It was a great TV movie!

An – Wow, Carla, them’s fighting words. You’re definitely fixing for that CC Hawaii Five-OCastle, Jets vs. Sharks fight I wanted. We’ll just have to take it the boards and see how the ratings pan out tomorrow :) While I love them both, maybe Nathan Fillion should take his shirt off a wee bit more often….

Julia – (referring to AOL) He’s a very good-looking man. I don’t, like, have a visceral reaction to him or anything, but I wouldn’t kick him out of bed for eating crackers, either. Also, I normally don’t care about accents at all, but why is it that when he speaks with his real accent he becomes ten times more attractive? It’s really baffling.

An – I have to agree with you about the accent. I found him facially beautiful in Moonlight and loved his angsty expressions, but hated his wooden-almost Keanu-in-the-90s-sounding voice. But, when I saw an interview with him, he seemed so vocally alive it kept me invested in the show until his accent improved.

In the end, I’m not sure exactly where this leaves us. But, what do you think? Which is a better show – Castle or Hawaii Five-O? Tonight, you only have one option of which to watch, since Castle isn’t on and Hawaii Five-O is new.

Which do you like better: Castle or Hawaii Five-O?

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Photo Credit: ABC and CBS

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Categories: | Castle | Clack | General | Hawaii Five-0 | TV Shows |

9 Responses to “Castle vs. Hawaii Five-0 – Behind the scenes at CliqueClack TV”

December 14, 2010 at 1:10 AM

At the time I voted it looked like Castle FTW! That makes me happy, but I certainly don’t begrudge the lovers of H50. I think it’s pretty cool that two good shows can air opposite each other and get good ratings at the same time.

I only feel sorry for the people that like both and don’t have a DVR.

December 14, 2010 at 6:45 PM

How many times can you vote for Hawaii 5-0?

December 14, 2010 at 7:40 PM

Tim oh Tim. Only 1 time!

December 15, 2010 at 5:51 PM

Nathan F. has something Alex O. lacks , talent.

December 20, 2010 at 8:24 AM

“CASTLE” is way much better!!!!

December 21, 2010 at 5:54 PM

I’ve been watching Hawaii-50 looking for character development and something beyond guns and chases but nada. So it’s Castle for me because it’s got the hotness of the guys of 5-0 with Fillion, Huertas and Dever but it’s also got character development and a sense of fun which H 5-0 doesn’t.

December 21, 2010 at 7:18 PM

. . . . .

*pops popcorn … grabs a chair … settles in for the fisticuffs about to take place … realizes he has a simply terrifical seat for the show*

January 2, 2011 at 8:11 PM

Oh, just you wait until tomorrow night, Ms. Day. Just you wait!!!