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It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia – We finally know who knocked Dee up!

For almost two months, we've wondered -- who is Dee's baby daddy?! Thanks to the season finale, we have an answer, and a surprise tender moment before the big reveal.

- Season 6, Episode 12 - "Dee Gives Birth"

I’ll be honest — when Dee was hesitant to reveal the baby’s father at the beginning of this episode, I started thinking it was some sort of scam. I didn’t want to be right because that would be too evil even for Dee. She was still plenty jerky during her labor, but it was Dee levels of jerky.

The guys try to find the father, but it was of course all for selfish reasons — they really did not want to get stuck taking care of the kid. We got to see the men of Dee’s past, who have all apparently been goaded into sleeping with her in the last year, including the estimated time of conception. From Travis Schuldt‘s military softie to the maybe retarded rapper Lil Kev, it was fun to see these one or two episode characters come back for an impromptu “party.” I loved that Frank threw Rickety Cricket in as the Wild Card.

Having Mac, Charlie, and Dennis realize that they would make good parents was a nice touch to the episode. I mean, they would actually make terrible, terrible parents. For one, Charlie thinks a woman gets pregnant when the sperm eats the egg to gain its power. For another, the last time they were near a baby the gang held a scimitar above his head. Still, seeing them genuinely enthusiastic about being in the kid’s life was nice, even if they imagined a ridiculous Three Men and a Baby scenario. The glow on their faces as Dee is wheeled into the waiting room with her newborn was a sweet moment. We could almost see the baby becoming part of the show. And then you see who’s standing right next to them.

SURPRISE! Carmen the Tranny is the father! Dee was only a surrogate, which was a pleasant surprise. It’s nice to see a main character on this show do something genuinely selfless. Even the guys admitted that Carmen and her husband are going to make great parents. The episode ended with an adorable photo of Axel Lee McElhenney, the baby of Kaitlin Olsen (Dee) and Rob McElhenney (Mac). Congrats you two and we’ll see you next season!

Photo Credit: FX

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