CliqueClack TV

Survivor – Alliances are made to be broken

Chase makes a really stupid move that could come back to haunt him, as Sash makes and breaks alliances in his quest for the million dollars.

- Season 21, Episode 13 - "Not Sure Where I Stand"

Survivor s21e13

With only two episodes of Survivor left after this week’s installment, it could be a very interesting final three if the right three make it to the finals. This week was certainly a very Sash-centric episode now that everyone in his alliance has either been voted out (by him) or quit. The remaining seven Libertad tribe members have been divided into two groups of three after NaOnka and Kelly quit last week, and Sash was the odd man out trying to figure out which tribe to swing over to — Chase, Jane and Holly or Benry, Fabio and Dan. But even being the odd man out, Sash still believed he held all the power.

I don’t know if it’s just the month on the island, a lack of food or just not being the sharpest tack in the box, but Chase made what could have been the dumbest move in Survivor history when he won the reward challenge this week. Everyone agreed Holly deserved to go on any food reward because of her selfless act last week, but picking the one other person that’s closest to you instead of someone who could be a potential threat or ally is just stupid. Jane knew it and it finally dawned on Chase that leaving Sash behind with the wolves could be his downfall. Sash was really working the guys, but at least they were somewhat aware that Sash can not be trusted after voting out Brenda.

Ironically enough, the two guys who needed immunity most got to play against Sash who snatched it from them and showed his loyalty to Chase, Holly and Jane as they totally blindsided Benry. It was definitely a good move for them to take him out because he is a physical threat and it positions some worthy players to take seats in the final three. I’m always of the belief that a cheap way to win the game is to keep someone around who will not get a jury vote — Exhibit A: Russell Hantz — but an honest way to win the game is to keep your toughest competition in so you actually have to earn it. It sucks when the jury has to basically hand someone the prize simply because they don’t like any other options. Everyone is afraid to go to the finals with Jane because she will win. She deserves to win! So does Holly, especially after her stunning turnaround early in the game when she wanted to quit. Neither of them may be physical threats to the guys (well, except for Dan), but they’ve played smart, social games and really haven’t made any enemies (except for Marty — but he could still give Jane a vote for her game play).

The only other person who really deserves to go to the finals is Sash. He’s played the game strategically, he got Marty to hand over his immunity idol, he blindsided Brenda, he blindsided Benry, and even though he’s been quite arrogant and not very subtle with his power, he’s played the game well. Those three really deserve to be in the finals and it would really give the jury something to consider. Keeping Dan around just makes him a sacrificial lamb because I don’t think anyone would seriously consider him a game player. Fabio has made friends with everyone, has stuck with his alliance, has been the perfect little puppy dog. Does that mean he deserves a million dollars? Not in my book. Chase has been all over the map, but started to come into focus once Brenda left (thanks to the influence of Jane). He’s physical and this week was his first strategic move in the game as he helped blindside his friend, but again is that one move and a few challenge wins really what playing Survivor is all about?

The remaining players really have some tough decisions ahead of them. Do they take an unwinnable player with them to the finals to guarantee themselves the money or do they take a real challenger with them to actually play for the prize. I’d rather see a group of really strong players in the finals, but if Sash continues to dominate his alliance I can see him choosing the easy way out by taking Dan and Fabio to the finals. Who do you think deserves to be in the final three?

Photo Credit: CBS

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