CliqueClack TV

Modern Family – Oasis for Men

Phil finally snaps, Claire stuffs her bra, Manny has a fashion meltdown, and Lily is a biter. Everyone on 'Modern Family' is falling apart.

- Season 2, Episode 10 - "Dance Dance Revelation"

There was a lot of Jay/Phil action in this episode, which is always fun. They say that women always marry their fathers, but in Claire’s case, she ran to the exact opposite. What I love about them so much is that I usually agree with Jay, but what I actually do in a situation is definitely more in line with Phil. I would yell at that guy for taking my parking spot in the comfort of my own car, but I would never actually do anything about it. I would just take comfort in the knowledge that he’s going straight to hell.

I have mixed feelings on Phil attacking the cologne guy: on one hand, it’s always fun to see Phil snap, but on the other, the aggressive cologne purveyor is such a tired comedy cliche. Seriously, that guy sprayed Phil right in the face. With all of peoples’ allergies and general whining, could you imagine the shitstorm that would rain down if a department store employee had actually done that? I’m pretty sure Gloria Allred would be involved.

I’m not as interested in Claire and Gloria, because I’m pretty sure that they have the exact same storyline every time they’re together: Claire wants to control something. Gloria wants to be included. Gloria has big boobs. Claire is sad. Everyone is happy at the end– until the next episode when the whole process starts over again. My only hope from this is that Danny Trejo becomes a recurring character. I love him.

For me, the hands-down best part of the episode was Lily’s biting. As the parent of a toddler who went through a biting stage of his own, this made me laugh harder than anything else. The writers did a great job at all of the different stages when you have a biter: denial, shame, bargaining, and then the pain from when your child sinks his or her teeth into you over and over again. Then, of course, there’s the depression that sets in once you realize there’s not a whole lot you can do about it– that they’ll grow out of the biting phase in time.

The part at the end was great though, when they said that they had to admit that their little angel wasn’t so perfect– but then totally took it back. Because even when your kid is a piranha pariah, they’re still pretty perfect.

Speaking of perfect, here are the lyrics to Cam’s no-biting song:

Take a bite of an apple, take a bite of a pear
Take a bite of a cookie that you left over there
Here’s one thing that you should never do:
Don’t bite Taylor or Brandon or Sue.
Because people aren’t food
People aren’t food
Your friends will run away if they’re scared of being chewed.
And as a side note:
Private parts are private

Photo Credit: ABC

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