CliqueClack TV

The Closer – Flynn is a bad-ass

'The Closer' returns with an epic fight scene involving Lieutenant Flynn, of all people. The second half of the season is starting strong.

- Season 6, Episode 11 - "Old Money"

We start the second half of the season with a pretty sweet fight sequence, which isn’t something we often see on The Closer. Generally the main action takes place in the interrogation room, but this week Flynn showed off his street-fighting skills. I have to say, that fight went on way longer than I thought it would, and was much more intense than I thought Flynn would be capable of. It was a high-energy and impressive fight.

As far as having Flynn murdered in a hit-man scenario, I love how they set it up: When the guy (Michael Mosley, aka Drew from Scrubs) talked to Flynn after the AA meeting, I knew it would be significant to the case of the week. However, I was expecting him to turn up as the victim, or as an innocent man who got caught up in something ugly. What I did not expect is that he would turn out to be the lover of a coke dealer on death row, set out in the world to do his bidding.

The story, of course, ended with the coke dealer confessing everything, but the way they did it was pretty clever: getting him to admit that the money was his. Although, it was a pretty transparent ploy, so even if he didn’t know that the bills were marked it’s a little weird that he didn’t suspect that something was up and keep his mouth shut. Criminals should always know that the smart money is on keeping their mouths shut.

Now that the whole “who will be Chief?” question is settled, I was looking forward to moving on. However, Fritz seems to be set on Brenda getting the Assistant Chief job. I honestly don’t know if I have it in me to care if she takes Will’s job or not. They’re going to need to work to make that storyline really interesting in order for me to be able to jump back into it.

A development that I did like, on the other hand, was Captain Raydor’s change in demeanor. She’s an interesting character, so I’m looking forward to seeing where her new-found spirit of cooperation takes her. I’d love to see Raydor and Brenda teaming up instead of being adversaries.

What do you guys think? Should Brenda and Raydor become allies, or should things stay the way they are? Also, are you into the idea of Brenda taking Will’s job?

Photo Credit: TNT/Karen Neal

One Response to “The Closer – Flynn is a bad-ass”

December 7, 2010 at 12:05 PM

All I know is more Raydor is a good thing. She’s an interesting foil to Johnson, and it never hurts to have someone like Mary McDonnell in the cast, despite what Brett says :)

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