CliqueClack TV

The Amazing Race – No recovery from a six hour penalty

A trip to South Korea gives the teams some fun, if not very challenging, tasks as they head to the final three, but Nick and Vicki are never able to recover from their six hour penalty.

- Season 17, Episode 11 - "I'm Surrounded by Ninjas"

The Amazing Race 17

This week was one of those episodes of The Amazing Race that I really enjoy because they put the teams in a completely alien environment and basically hope for the best. As the teams arrived in Seoul, South Korea they quickly discovered that they had to do a lot of driving — nearly to the North Korean border — and that there were absolutely no road signs with Engish as a second language. As much as I’d love to be on the show, this is one of my nightmares. I have a hard enough time driving in Montreal with only my high school French to get me around, so I would be a nervous wreck someplace I couldn’t understand the language or the symbols. The teams, however, did surprisingly well and no one ended up in North Korea like one team did a few seasons back.

While there were some fun challenges this week, there really was no suspense as to who was going to be in the final three at the end because of Nick and Vicki’s six hour penalty from the last leg. Of course, had they started just a few minutes earlier that great airport equalizer could have put them back in the race, but after they missed the plane the other three teams were on and had to wait nine hours for the next flight, it was pretty much over for them.

Well, that is until Brook (I never noticed until tonight that there isn’t an “e” at the end of her name — sorry, Brook) & Claire committed that cardinal sin of the race … they didn’t completely read their clue. I know you all are trying to race for a million bucks but how long can it take to carefully read the clue before you start? Once again, the teams had to walk or take the subway to their next clue and the home shopping hosts took a cab, incurring a thirty minute penalty at the pit stop where they had been the first team to arrive. Thanks to that error, Jill & Thomas arrived second but finished the leg in first place with Nat & Kat coming in third.

While Nat & Kat were completing the final three, Nick & Vicki were still heading to the first task on this leg. I was surprised that they actually completed the entire leg, Speed Bump included (which evidentally required them to power wash a mud-covered army tank), because Phil usually drops in on the last place team to tell them they can stop. Maybe Nick didn’t want to quit after his whining and general awful behavior last week, or maybe the producers just felt like punishing them for the heck of it. Whatever the reason, Nick & Vicki checked in last and thankfully did not end up being one of the least worthy teams ever to compete in the final three. I think we have a good three-way race on our hands, and I am pulling for Brook & Claire for the win (I have a hunch they’ll win, but I’ll explain why next week). Read your clues, girls!

And what of the exciting announcement Phil has for us next week? Well, it could be one of two things (or both): next season will be an all-star season (but if early rumors are true, most of the teams are from season 14 — with Gary and Mallory competing from this season) and next season will – finally! — be shot in high definition! Yes, after saying it would be financially and logistically impossible to shoot in HD, CBS has confirmed the switch. That I’m excited about. All-stars, not so much. Who do want to see win The Amazing Race 17?

Photo Credit: CBS

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