CliqueClack TV

Saturday Night Live – Robert De Niro / Diddy-dirty Money

Ooompa-Loompas, Boba Fett, Harlan Kate, Mr. Produce and a Blizzard Man. Yes, these all appeared in this episode of 'SNL,' and we'll have videos embedded of the skits when we've got 'em.

- Season 36, Episode 8 - "Robert De Niro / Diddy-dirty Money"

Cold Open: WikiLeaks: TMZ — When this started out with Obama again, I was ready for yet another ho-hum political cold open. Finally, something that happened to still be a bit political, but at the same time took it to the next level with the whole recent WikiLeaks hubbub going on lately. Also, have to seen the TMZ TV show yet? They nailed it!

Monologue: Robert De Niro — Something strange about hearing De Niro say “Diddy-dirty money is here!”

Harlan Kane’s The Abacus Conundrum — A silly commercial to throw De Niro into, but it’s so true. Have you seen some of these commercials for authors like, I think, Dan Patterson? Same crap. “I dunno. People keep readin’ ‘em!”

What Up With That? — Adding an Oompa Loompa, Boba Fett and Mothra to the show. Nice! Probably my favorite sketch of the night.

From the Garden with Mr. Produce — Maybe this skit was funny to some people, but De Niro flubbing his lines distracted the hell out of me.

Party at Mr. Bernards — This would have been funnier if the guys simple went to jail. Weekend at Bernie’s is such a silly permise to begin with, so turning it on its head like that is great.

Musical Guest: Diddy-dirty Money — I liked the second song much better than the first. I’m amazed I liked any of it at all, really, as this stuff hasn’t been my thing for, like, decades.

Weekend Update — When the Spiderman musical was brought up, I remember reading the story and realized reenacting some of it on SNL would’ve been perfect. Too bad we only got this little bit. But go read about the preview night — hilarious!

Little Fockers Fan — Hey, does Ben Stiller showing up count in my little guest host game that nobody’s playing with me? Come on, I’m doing crappy as it is! Anyway, really liked this sketch and the digs given to De Niro. Plus, of course, Stiller’s brief cameo.

The Blizzard Man — Obviously the funniest part of this sketch was seeing De Niro in drag and sticking his ass into Diddy. Other than that it was OK.

La Rivista Della Televisione — I have to admit I found it a little funny when the host was trying to trick De Niro into saying his line from Taxi Driver.

Bosley Hair Restoration — Not much to say here, since it appeared once before already, in September.

Who Do I Have To Screw? — One of the funniest skits of the night, though, unfortunately, that’s not saying much is it? Stiller makes another cameo too.

I, Hippie — Now this is weird. First David Spade did a “Dog In Purse” thing, which has yet to return (and I actually liked a little), and now Dana Carvey has this. I guess they are just one-off animated things with past hosts?

Photo Credit: NBC

3 Responses to “Saturday Night Live – Robert De Niro / Diddy-dirty Money”

December 5, 2010 at 4:23 AM

The animated thing – former cast members are providing the voices for those. Have they actually hosted too?

I always love What Up With That! Don’t forget the Robin Williams cameo! Blizzard Man was pretty funny too with DeNiro as the mother.

December 5, 2010 at 8:25 AM

They have hosted before, yes, but I did mean past cast members.

December 6, 2010 at 1:40 PM

Whats Up With That! isn’t always my favorite, but the sight of Boba Fett dancing elevated it to funny levels that definitely exceeded the sight of Diddy (That’s his name right? He didn’t change it again?) grinding against DeNiro’s ass.

The funniest moment however in the show overall was hearing Robert Deniro say, “Diddy Dirty Money featuring Swizz Beats.” Nothing like having an acting legend introduce the two hip hop groups with the dumbest names in the industry.

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