CliqueClack TV

Boardwalk Empire – Nucky makes some new enemies

'Boardwalk Empire' finished it's first season with a somewhat quiet finale. Relationships were mended, gang wars were resolved, and a new threat emerged.

- Season 1, Episode 12 - "A Return to Normalcy"

For an exceptionally amiable man, Nucky Thompson sure knows how to piss people off. I don’t think we’ve seen any better evidence of that than in tonight’s season finale of Boardwalk Empire. Nucky has proven through twelve episodes to be a master manipulator and politician, working just about every angle to get what he wants. With the events ending the season, however, it looks like he may have to deal with some fallout from his most recent dealings. Sure, he was able to eliminate the very real threat that the New York and Chicago gangsters posed, but he’s going to have some challenges from much closer to home to deal with come season two.

I wasn’t too surprised that the commodore would throw his weight behind Jimmy. Even with their strained past, Jimmy is still his son and it’s clear that his relationship with Nucky has deteriorated. I was a little surprised, however, to see Eli in on the deal to unseat Nucky from his seat of power. Even as the commodore and Jimmy entered into the conspiracy because of the blood bond, Eli betrayed his own. I suppose that has all been building through the season, with Eli constantly taking a back seat to his older brother. It definitely has set up an interesting second season.

Much of the relationship turmoil that was so prevalent last week seems to have been resolved in the finale. Namely, Nucky and Margaret reconnected after Margaret learned of his tragic past and the death of his son and wife. She was finally able to meet the real Nucky Thompson and it’s clear that she has feelings for that man. Things also seemed improved for Angela and Jimmy, as the two pledged to try to return to the relationship that they had before the war. I’m certainly a little more skeptical there, but we’ll see what happens.

I know some of the commenters called it last week, and we saw tonight that Lucy indeed is carrying Nelson’s baby. I’m resisting the urge to roll my eyes at that seemingly contrived plot twist. I’m going to withhold final judgement until I see how the story begins to play out next season. It was certainly a powerful sign from god for Nelson to tell him that Atlantic City is where he is supposed to be. I’m glad the super creepy character will be staying around, but any time I think of he and Lucy being together or having a child I can’t help but think of it being hilariously awkward in an Odd Couple sort of way. It just seems out of place for this show.

Overall, I thought it was a successful, if a tad anticlimactic, season finale for the first season. It gave us a little hint as to what we have to look forward to in the new season as well as wrapping up some of the stories. With the gang war appearing over, I’m very curious to see what role Luciano, Rothstein, and Capone will play in the second season. Are they going to take a back seat to the events in Atlantic City? After spending a season with the characters I hope they don’t just disappear.

As for the first season of Boardwalk Empire, I thought it was good. This is definitely one of the more well done shows on television today. I’m not sure that the series really lived up to the hype and the standard that was set in the Martin Scorsese directed premiere, but I’m not sure how it could have without the Hollywood heavyweight at the helm of every episode.

What did you think of the finale?

Photo Credit: HBO

4 Responses to “Boardwalk Empire – Nucky makes some new enemies”

December 5, 2010 at 11:19 PM

What a blow to Jimmy for Angela to cut her hair! The very source of his imagined comfort while he was at war. So vicious. They can never put it back together now.

Margaret. Curious that by Tuesday night, the day she’s supposed to be out of Harding’s Tart’s house, she decides she can live with just a wee bit o’ sin. Not a judgement of her, just an observation. I do believe she loves Nucky.

After the million dollar handshake, the scenes that “took care of all the family business” reminded me of the Godfather’s baptismal scenes.

Can’t wait until next season!

December 6, 2010 at 4:13 PM

I’m going to miss reading your piece on this show. Too comments on this website from others.


I think that you’re reading Jimmy incorrectly. First off don’t forget the book given to Nucky by the Commodore’s departing maid. I think it contained information about visitors and phone calls to that house along with other helpful things for Nucky.

Too, Nucky swiftly put Eli back in control and dismissed Jimmy. I think that Eli doesn’t “believe in blood being thicker than water” and Jimmy will be loyal to Nucky. He loves him and was hurt when Nucky didn’t think of him “as a son”. But I think Nucky did to both, Jimmy and Eli what he did because of what he read in the book and to test the loyalties of the both of them. Jimmy will win that one in the end.

Eli is jealous of Nucky. Their father and he have the same ideas about him. The father loves Eli because he is blue collar, a cop and is bothered by the fact, though via illegal activities Nucky has surpassed the both of them. Nucky is a hood but he is very intelligent. Eli and dear old dad aren’t intelligent.

Angela is confused. Not only in love but she wants Europe. Jimmy realized that when he saw that she changed her hairstyle. She has not fully devoted herself to him, their relationship.

Margaret came to understand that she loves the lifestyle provided by Nucky. Especially for her children. She tried to act like the “rag” found in her slice of cake didn’t bother her but she was perturbed by it. I think that you’re correct that she is falling in love with him but I’m happy that Nucky made her return to him. She is smart and will be very loyal to him I think. He really trusts her and wants her and her children like he has never wanted or needed people previously.

Van Alden and Lucy as parents. I can’t stop laughing. When the man told Van Alden that a woman was there to see him, I think he actually thought it was Margaret. He should be busy next season. Not only dealing with Lucy and their child (please don’t miscarry), his own wacko demons but let us not forget that murder that involved him.

Just loved the nasty looks, comments, smart-aleck remarks and so-called business agreement between Johnny Torrio, Al Capone, Arnold Rothstein, Nucky and Jimmy on that dusty road.

Season finale anti-climatic? That’s because we are spoiled by one-themed murders, pregnancies, will they get married…etc…season finales to some of our favorite other shows. BE left many unanswered questions that will slowly be fleshed out, or not in the upcoming seasons.

Yes, I love this show.

December 6, 2010 at 5:25 PM

Благодарю за данный пост.. По больше таких давайте!

December 8, 2010 at 12:53 AM

It seems likely that Harding’s tart will end her life and Nucky will want to keep the baby.

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