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Supernatural – Showdown with Crowley

Everyone's second favorite demon, Meg (we all prefer Ruby, right?), is back and roping the boys into helping her take down Crowley. Along the way, a very curious light is shed on what getting his soul back might mean for Sam.

- Season 6, Episode 10 - "Caged Heat"

Holy smokes, “Caged Heat” was all kinds of things I was not expecting. The big showdown with Crowley had to be coming sooner or later, but I really thought we would be waiting until the spring for any real answers there. That misguided notion led to all sorts of surprises with regards to the return of Meg. Then you throw in the revelation of what Crowley is holding over Samuel, and what that means for his relationship with the boys. It all made for a great episode.

Starting with Samuel, lots of people were really close on that one. Crowley holding something about Mary, John, or both over him wasn’t a huge leap to make. But I never guessed he would be bringing her back to life. It was an interesting twist, and worked perfectly in selling the double-cross. I totally bought that Samuel had come to his senses. After all, bringing Mary back to life seems like a crazy idea. I was as shocked as Dean when they made the reveal. And even at that point, I didn’t completely buy that he had really sold the boys down the river. With Christian off somewhere with Meg, I was still holding out hope that Samuel was working his own plan to take down Crowley.

Alas, that wasn’t to be. The scenes between Dean and Samuel that fueled all of it were great. The Winchester family dynamic has always been complicated, and it’s only getting more complicated. This particular version is especially interesting because you can see both sides of it. If Samuel is truly choosing between his daughter and his grandson back from hell without a soul…. Still, valid or not, my favorite bit of the whole thing was Dean’s speech from the cell: “I’ll tell you who I am. I’m the guy you never want to see again. ‘Cause I’ll make it out of here. Trust me.” That’s the old Dean, and it’s awesome.

As for Meg, I’ve always been a fan of the character, but wasn’t completely sold on this latest version quite yet. It’s one of the tough bits that comes with switching actors for the demon roles I suppose. Here though, Rachel Miner completely won me over.  Badass demon, the great one-liners, bizarro flirtation with Castiel. And the good sense to disappear at the proper time so we can see her again. I also appreciated the attention to detail as she was in the same torture apparatus as Ruby in “Heaven and Hell.”

And then there’s Sam, and the lingering question of his soul. The latest bit of news puts quite the spin on this story. The assumption was that Sam gets his soul back and we go back to where we were, pre-trip down the hole. Now, with that not necessarily being the case, things are much more murky. Soulless Sam was already leaning toward not wanting his soul back. Really, as best he knows, he’s happier without it, and he’s a complete badass. As we saw when he iced Meg’s goon, and when he saved Dean. Now though? With demons and angels both agreeing that it’s a bad idea? It’s hard to argue the point. Of course, I’m sure that won’t stop Dean from doing just that, and my best guess is still that he does get his soul back at some point.

I’m still completely shocked by how things ended for Crowley. Well, maybe not shocked how they ended, because the bag of bones was tipped off long ago. But shocked at when it ended. This really did set up to be a long battle between the two. Seeing it all go up in flames was way out of left field and leaves me awfully curious about where this season is heading now.

Overall, this was a great episode, just full of great moments. Meg is back. Sam threatening to kill Castiel. Samuel trying to bring Mary back. Porn is complex and Castiel has a boner.  What will happen if Sam gets his soul back. Meg versus the hellhounds. Seacrest out. Dick Cheney. Christian and the torture bed. Dean threatening to kill Samuel. Crowley is trapped. Crowley gets out of the trap. Castiel kills Crowley. That’s a jam-packed episode.

Next week, Death is back.

Photo Credit: CW

4 Responses to “Supernatural – Showdown with Crowley”

December 4, 2010 at 7:55 PM

I totally agree with you, Brett. I was so shocked when Crowley was killed. Totally unexpected. Chances are we have not seen the last of him but being that the meat suit was fried, Mark Sheppard may not be taking the role (sadly). I was also hoping that Samuel was working his own plan to get to Crowley but the dynamic between Dean and Samuel now should make for a good fight. Man, that is one dysfunctional family.
I loved the scene where Sam was biting his own wrist for blood though. At first I thought he was going to drink his own blood and use his psychic thing (after all, he does have demon blood in him) but the demon circle was cool. Good thing he is a massive giant so he could reach that roof though.
I still like the old Meg better.
One of the best lines of the episode was uttered by Cass though. “I learned that from the pizza man”… laughed my butt off.
As for Sam’s soul, is it possible for him to learn to change his ways without it? I still wonder if there isn’t at least something there. He risks his life to save his brother could there be some sort of love there and having the understanding that he may have a very bad time after his soul is put back, is there some small amount of fear there? Who knows.

December 5, 2010 at 12:39 PM

I think that was my favorite line too, and I agree about the old Meg. I also liked the first Ruby much better; I think it’s hard to change actors. At least it makes sense, b/c of the demon host thing (not like when they recast on soap operas!).

I mourned Crowley’s death! I LOVE Mark Sheppard and I will be very unaccepting of Crowley in another body. I didn’t feel like the Crowley story was over and Mark Sheppard’s departure from a show is a sad day indeed. SPN does a great job casting male guest stars and some of the females (Jo, Ellen, Bela), but some of the females not so great (Ruby2, Meg2).

December 5, 2010 at 12:12 AM

What a packed episode. Not really sure where we go from here either.

I expected Crowley and the Alphas story along with the war to carry us through the season. So, what becomes of the Alphas now? Will they be killed? Let go? Or, what?

Looking forward to seeing what happens.

I am enjoying Sam sans soul.

December 5, 2010 at 10:44 AM

Great episode, sad to see Crowley go, but anxious to see what comes ahead (you know is always good).

LOL with Castiel and porn :)

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