CliqueClack TV

The Vampire Diaries and the stupid contest … I mean sacrifice

Oh, they bumbled and they stumbled tonight, but I didn't mind one bit as 'The Vampire Diaries' delivered another great episode.

- Season 2, Episode 10 - "The Sacrifice"

Wow, stupid is as stupid does — which pretty much describes everyone on The Vampire Diaries this week. I know, I get it — the title of this episode is “The Sacrifice” and they were all trying to make one, which made them stupid. The thing is, it wasn’t frustrating to watch the characters make all these moronic decisions. It just worked for who they are and every scene was so well acted that it really succeeded in elevating everything. But if I were to offer our beloved characters a bit of advice. …

Luca — Distract the witch, Man, but don’t get so caught up in your literal windstorm that you leave your ID tags with her. How’d that work out for you? Pay attention — she isn’t even that disarming.

Bonnie — OK, it was pretty smart of you to channel Luca with his ID tags (see above) but if you’re going to take that risk, don’t fail. You failed the spell, you failed at snagging the super-hunk (and I mean Jeremy, not Luca, but you are so damn unlucky in love … can’t you do a spell for that?). Really? Dissing Jeremy? WTF, Bonnie? Stupid.

Jeremy — We really, really want to see you kiss someone, but we’re no longer attracted to the thought of you and Bonnie together. She’s way too damaged, or something. You can do better. So you’re stupid for falling for Bonnie and trying to do something about it. And for taking your sweet-ass time in the tomb and getting trapped as Katherine’s Boy Toy.

Elena — Giving herself up was pretty stupid, but I did see her point that she stated to Damon at the end of the episode, basically that everyone always tries so hard to save her, so why should they be surprised when she tries to save them. Maybe she should try working with them instead of against them, and they could all save each other. Awwww. …

Stefan — Dude, don’t go into the tomb. Have you learned nothing in your century and a half of life? I know some of you don’t like watching the previews, so I won’t spoil next week’s episode for you, but it looks like you get way, way stupider inside that tomb than I ever would have given you credit for. But back to this episode: I’m with Katherine on this one — you just handed over your gal to Damon. Um … stupid.

Now for a little of this and that:

  • Luca and Bonnie channeling their energy to do a spell together was reminiscent of Willow and Tara in the early days — ah, now they were some awesome witches. But really, Bonnie, we could have done without your orgasm sounds.
  • Mason taped his first transformation. Why? Re-watching that would be akin to me actually watching the video of me giving birth. Never. Going. To. View. That. Ever. But it was nice to have Mason’s video around to scare the pants out of Tyler, because we got some serious acting out of that guy tonight.
  • Aw, Matt and Caroline. Yes, please.
  • What is Elijah’s game? Did we not think he was the vampire that Klaus was going to use for the spell? Clearly he doesn’t want Klaus to have Elena, but I can’t figure out why. I love the questions!

Photo Credit: Quantrell D. Colbert/The CW

4 Responses to “The Vampire Diaries and the stupid contest … I mean sacrifice”

December 2, 2010 at 10:39 PM

I agree, they all need to start working together. Elena can’t live with the idea that if she is saved everyone else will die, and everyone else can’t live with the idea of Elena dieing, I get it. However it seems like they could get a lot further in coming up with a solution if they weren’t all working behind each other’s backs.

Also, Elena is bothering me lately, and I’m not sure why. She’s just sort of rubbing me the wrong way the past few episodes. Maybe it’s the whole doom and gloom attitude, or the way she is treating everyone. I mean, if you think you are going to be killed any day, wouldn’t you want to spend time with and be nice to the people you love and not push them away in a bitchy-like fashion?

December 3, 2010 at 10:40 AM

Mari, I agree with your agreement.

Deb, it’s almost as if you read my mind. On the Bonnie and Jeremy bit, I still want the two together. But, I don’t know why the writers keep throwing Luca into the mix. I know why, but, honestly, I’m on the Jeremy train all the way. Also, I’m glad they’re finding ways to fit Mason into the ongoing story-line.

December 3, 2010 at 10:56 AM

Oh, agree about Mason … I liked having him around.

I would probably want Bonnie and Jeremy together if Bonnie was the beginning of season one Bonnie She’s such a weird bitch now, whereas she was likable before. I thought maybe Jeremy would tame her, but she’s working the whole thing from the bitch angle.

December 3, 2010 at 9:09 PM

Ya… maybe they are going to kill Bonnie off and figure if we all hate her, we won’t get mad. :)

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