CliqueClack TV

Glee – Love is in the air

Burt and Carole get hitched, but things aren't looking so good for Kurt as Dave ups his bullying. Meanwhile, Carol Burnett, Jo Anderson and Doc Arzt from 'Lost' pay a visit to McKinley High.

- Season 2, Episode 8 - "Furt"

Carol Burnett‘s appearance on Glee this week stirred up a lot of excitement, but she ended up with a bizarre role as Sue’s (alleged) Nazi-hunting mother who comes back to Ohio for Sue’s wedding … to herself. I don’t know what Ryan Murphy was smoking, but in terms of the absurd things they do on Glee, this had to be the most absurd, unbelievable and out of place piece of storytelling we’ve seen thus far. I mean, what purpose did any of that serve except to give Sue a chance to call her mother a bully? And does anyone really believe that Doris Sylvester is a globetrotting Nazi hunter (well, ex-Nazi hunter now that they’ve caught the last one)? It was nice of them to give Carol and Sue a number together, but in the end she was just wasted. Maybe she’ll be back in future episodes to reveal why she really left her kids behind. I love Carol Burnett, but her introduction into the Glee-verse was totally unsatisfying.

That aside, the rest of the episode was pretty great, in my humble opinion. It was nice to see Burt and Carole get hitched, and it was ever better to see Kurt plan the entire wedding, and for Finn to finally accept that they are now a family. Finn took some hard knocks thoughout the episode as Dave escalated his bullying behavior against Kurt, but for him to dedicate a song — and a dance — to Kurt (and Rachel and his mom) at the wedding reception really brought tears to my eyes. I loved the whole concept of the wedding. I know there’s a YouTube video depicting a similar wedding entrance, and I hope these types of ceremonies become more acceptable.

The bulk of the show continued the bullying story that started a couple of weeks ago and really seemed to divide viewers on how it was handled. This week, Dave’s behavior went from bad to worse as he just became more and more unhinged and creepy. He really is becoming dangerous, because whatever he’s been trying to deny about himself for so long is about to bubble over the top, and he’s not prepared to deal with that. I still say that Dave is going to meet a tragic end before this is all over. Dave’s behavior, however, did bring out the best in almost everyone else in glee, as they did what they could to protect one of their own. Finn seemed to be avoiding the whole situation because of his own discomfort with Kurt, so it was really sweet for him to acknowledge he’s now a real brother who has Kurt’s back.

Except, Kurt is transferring to Dalton Academy, now that the School Board has overturned the expulsion Principal Sue delivered when all of Dave’s behavior was brought to light. As a result, Sue even resigned as principal (Figgins will be reinstated) so she could go back to monitoring the hallways. I really liked that part of the Sue plotline this week, because she spent a lifetime being bullied, and seeing her sister bullied, so the fact that she really stood up for Kurt once again showed us that Sue Sylvester really does have a heart. However, Kurt will now be in competition with his old glee club, and he’ll be able to spend more time with Blaine. Darren Criss fans rejoice!

“Things I am most passionate about: Extreme Taxidermy, Tantric Yelling, Poking the Elderly with Hidden Pins …” – Sue’s online dating profile

“Are you sure we should release 300 live doves indoors? Won’t that get kind of messy?” – Finn
“That’s why we feed them glitter, Finn.” – Kurt

“Marsha, I’ll bet people say you look mannish. But you know something? I think it’s perfectly alright for a woman to be handsome.” – Doris to Sue’s wedding planner

“And to think I was going to send you to Israel for your honeymoon. They love me there.” – Doris after being dismissed from Sue’s wedding

“Besides, I miss my office. This room smells weird. I can’t shake the feeling that I’m inhaling a lot of dead skin.” – Sue after resigning as principal

Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | Glee | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Glee – Love is in the air”

November 24, 2010 at 1:54 AM

Didn’t get to watch this episode, but since I’m more-or-less the official Darren Criss fan on staff at CliqueClack, I rejoice on instinct!

November 24, 2010 at 2:45 AM

Well, he wasn’t on this week but with Kurt transferring we’ll be seeing more of him … and those reports of him becoming a regular look more promising.

November 24, 2010 at 7:57 AM

Seeing Sue’s wedding dress made the whole “Sue marries herself” thing worth it!

November 24, 2010 at 1:37 PM

Agreed. It’s too bad this show aired after Halloween. I bet that would have been a costume seen at many a party this year.

November 27, 2010 at 2:03 PM

I agree with everything you wrote, and I even fast-forwarded through the second half of the Sue / Mom number … it was unbearable. I was thinking last week that I’d dump the show b/c the characters had become so unlikeable, but this episode brought back everything I loved about the characters … and I cried at the Finn wedding number too! Such a great feel-good episode! Um, except for that bullying stuff…. ;-)

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