CliqueClack TV

Modern Family – You never truly lose your childhood

It's a fight to make it to Manny's birthday party, where we all learn the lesson that it's impossible to lose your childhood when everyone around you acts like a child.

- Season 2, Episode 8 - "Manny Get Your Gun"

“You’re being such a Pritchett!” That line really threw me for a loop when Cam said it to Mitchell, because I had completely forgotten that Pritchett is the family’s last name. It really is the perfect name to throw out as a quasi-insult though. Someone’s making you late: “You’re being such a Pritchett!” Someone’s telling a boring story: “Dude, you’re being such a Pritchett.” I love it.

The not-at-all-implausible reason that the family was all going to be gathered in one place this week is Manny’s birthday. He’s turning the big 4-0 I believe, and is doing so while dressed as Al Capone. I loved Jay’s birthday present and subsequent explanation that sent Manny down his lost childhood spiral — it sounds exactly like something my dad would have said to me. “You were never much of a kid, which is a good thing, ’cause I never liked kids.”

Each of the families had strong storylines this week: Gloria with the BB gun and Manny trying to recapture his lost youth were both amazing on that side, plus the race between Claire and Phil. I especially loved Luke’s nonchalant reaction to the news of his parents splitting up.

I also feel for Claire, because having to be the “not fun” parent isn’t easy, but Luke’s justification of thinking Phil would need him more is probably right on the money. Speaking of Phil, the crying scene in the car with him and the girls was one of my favorite scenes of the entire episode. I can’t watch people cry without crying myself! It was like the vomiting scene in Stand By Me.

However, the Dunphy crying jag comes in second to Mitchell’s participation in the flash mob. I wasn’t on board at first, because I honestly thought he was jumping in to show Cam how spontaneous he is, and was supposed to just be such a good dancer that he figured out the moves right there on the spot. But as soon as Mitchell interviewed that he had been practicing for weeks and that it was his “love letter to Cam,” I was completely won over. Plus, “Free Your Mind” is a great song.

Photo Credit: ABC

2 Responses to “Modern Family – You never truly lose your childhood”

November 18, 2010 at 12:16 PM

This felt to me like the weakest episode of the show in its entire run so far. Predictable sitcommy scenes. Cam was way over the top, as was the whole Dunphy plotline, on both sides. Claire really needs to see a shrink to deal with her control issues. Even the Manny stuff was ringing false for me. My best surprise was seeing Norman Lloyd as the old man, and he was underused.

November 18, 2010 at 4:21 PM

Pretty good episode. There wasn’t a story that knocked it out of the park, but I don’t think any of them were duds.

And was it just me, or was Sofia Vergara’s chesticle area being prominently displayed in this episode more than usual? My roommate and I both thought so. It went from “Niiiccce” to “Well, that’s a little excessive” to “Isn’t this supposed to be a family show?”

It was like coming back from a commercial during Lakers telecast.

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