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Fringe – The universes are about to collide and I cannot wait!

I don't want to argue the merits of advertising and ratings and all that crap ... but that this quality show is a constant bubble show just puzzles me. Another solid episode hurtling story forward as the universes grow closer.

- Season 3, Episode 7 - "The Abducted"

The first thing that hit me about “The Abducted” is that I didn’t know, until the Fringe Division showed up on screen, which universe we were in. They’re kind of morphing for me, and I think that’s cool. I guess the city “New Yonkers” or something should have given it away, but I figured I don’t know all cities’ names. In any event, when it turned out to be the alternate universe, it didn’t make a lick of difference to me, because I enjoy both so much now. Both story lines are so solid that I don’t miss one group over the other, and all the actors are knocking it out of the park for both sides of their characters. Fa la la … I love Fringe!

Our characters on the other side sure have gone through some crap. More than one has has a child abducted? It was quite a surprise to find out that Broyles’ child was abducted (by this episodes big bad, Candyman), and how it affected his work and home life. Our Broyles doesn’t have a family, does he? I liked seeing that part of the character, and it gave Lance Reddick a chance to wander off the standard acting fare for a bit. Good work.

Why didn’t I know that Broyles knew Olivia wasn’t their Dunham? It just never dawned on me. At the beginning of the case, he really felt at a disadvantage not having his entire “team” together during such an important, and personal, case. What he learned is that when it comes to Fringe Division, and lives of the innocent, Olivia doesn’t care who’s side they’re on — as long as she can do something to help. What’s great about Olivia is even though she now knows she is trapped there, and being used, she still gives every case her all. After asking Henry the cabdriver for help to get to Liberty Island, when she is “this close” to trying to make her escape, she has another thought about the case, and goes back. She’s not thinking about herself, but about the innocents. The same can’t be said for Fauxlivia, as up to this point she always seems to be working an angle first, the case second.

Broyles catches Olivia using a term long gone in his universe — FBI — and knows she knows who she is. But by this time, she has proven herself to him. He, too, now has doubts about their universe versus our universe — good vs evil. There is gray, and he knows it and shows his appreciation to her by letting her walk away. Just one more thing that makes the damned characters over there so endearing. I actually like alternate Broyles better than our Broyles. I’ve said it before, but I’m a repeater. I’m going to be hard pressed to let these guys go. The ones in the know (Olivia, Fauxlivia, Broyles) are going to have to be jaded about the big story — that only one universe can prevail. They’re forming attachments that challenge what they are otherwise being told. I really hope the Fringe writers are working this into the future.

My question to you: Are you still as sure, after the end of this week’s show as you were last week, that Peter has known the truth all along? I’m more convinced that he talked himself out of it and believed Olivia just changed after meeting her alterself. The look on his face wasn’t easily revealed, but I felt from his eyes that, in that second, he was reliving everything that happened over the past month or so, and he was shocked. You?

Photo Credit: Fox Television

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4 Responses to “Fringe – The universes are about to collide and I cannot wait!”

November 18, 2010 at 11:27 PM

Being the optimist, I am hoping that William Belle and Walternate are wrong about the collision of the universes and the purpose of the machine. I’m kind of hoping that the machine can repair the universes maybe even allow travel between them. Lord knows the AU certainly needs someone who knows something about making vaccines and our universe use many of their inventions. The machine is supposed to deal with creation and destruction. I’m hoping that when Peter powers it, the end result will be creation of unified universes.

November 19, 2010 at 12:34 AM

I totally agree with you. I meant collide in a less literal sense in my title…my preference is for a fusion of both. I have no idea how it would work, but it IS a sci-fi show, so I’m keeping the faith.

November 19, 2010 at 6:18 AM

We already saw that “our” Broyles had a family. He went to see his ex-wife, when he closed the case of the russian cosmonaut and the radiation-sucking alien shadow. And she tells him, that the kids aren’t there.

I can only say: “love is blind”. After all Peter and Olivia have been through, Peter just wanted it all to be OK. At least that is what I think.

Now I’m looking forward to what comes next. What will Peter do about Fauxlivia? Confront her, or play along for now.

And will Olivia get help from someone on the other side to get home? Broyles?

Somehow I wished the show had started out like this, so more people would know what a great show fringe is and look forward to every episode.

November 19, 2010 at 11:21 AM

The thing that makes me sad about the ending of this storyline is it will be hard to not see Charlie and now Lincoln any longer. I loved Charlie in the first season and again now. I hope they can find a way to keep these characters. It is amazing how the “evil” universe can have characters that I have come to care about so deeply.

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