CliqueClack TV

Weeds – Copenhagen’s not ready for the Botwins

Shane killed someone, Andy made a fake execution video and cut off a dead man’s penis, and Silas grew and sold weed … so why was it the helpless mailman who got arrested and taken off the plane?

- Season 6, Episode 13 - "Theoretical Love Is Not Dead"

Some of the promos that I saw in advance of last night’s season six finale of Weeds warned viewers not to miss the explosive final five minutes of the episode. Can I let you in on a little secret? If not for those final minutes (more like two than five), last night’s finale would have been awesome. But the final minutes? Not so much.

Part of me was proud of Silas for refusing Andy’s entreaties to join the rest of the family in their getaway. And how about Nancy falling apart when Andy told her that Silas wasn’t coming? I’ve been watching season one of Weeds On Demand, and that was totally first season Nancy back again. She’s still in there!

Anyway, Silas has been through way too much for anyone, and he deserves to lead a life of happiness. I don’t know if Lars could give that to him — staying with his biological father might only be a constant source of pain — but if Silas set out on his own, went to school, got a job, got married and led a normal life, he might have a chance.

On the other hand, how could he desert his family like that? It’s not as if he bears no blame in all that happened — no one told him to become a pot grower, go into business selling weed, and/or to start a medical marijuana shop. When he had the chance to be a normal kid, he opted not to. So why shouldn’t he stick with his family, who always has been and always will be his life? Plus fleeing the country is the only thing that might keep him safe.

Esteban, looking for Stevie, would have done anything to achieve his goal, including killing Silas if Nancy had slipped through his fingers. I’ve never really liked Esteban, but I did enjoy the fun Nancy (and the show) had with all of the travel precautions in place at international airports. Esteban and Guillermo (who was awesome) getting stopped because Esteban tried to purchase tickets to anywhere without considering the terrorist ramifications was hilarious. And I dug Guillermo’s shoes … he’s never been just another thug. The man’s always been able to make me laugh.

The episode was a great end to Mr. Schiff’s character. There’s unfortunate truth to the enthusiastic American bit that he used to get past security without any scrutiny (although, who would have been looking closely at him?). But I have to disagree with his Jesus hat theory, no matter how right he turned out to be — on a flight, you take what you can get. People would have sucked it up and dealt with his noise for the entire trip. Either that, or they would have suffocated him with a pillow for some peace and quiet.

But I certainly didn’t see his arrest coming. Did he actually burglarize a post office, or is that what it’s called when you steal mail? I thought for sure the cops were coming for Shane, and that that was the explosive “don’t miss it” scene. Hell, Andy and/or Silas could have been arrested for something as well. But Mr. Schiff? That one caught me by surprise.

Plan “C” didn’t make very much sense. What happens with Nancy in prison for killing Pilar? Okay, so Shane can live his life free, but what about Stevie? Either Esteban gets him anyway as his father, or Andy does … that’s right, Andy was the name Nancy put down on Stevie’s birth certificate as the father. So if he’s still on there, why did the customs agent not say “We also need the mother’s permission” to let Stevie out of the country? I think someone dropped the continuity ball there.

We’re left with three major questions. One, what did Nancy succeed in doing by executing plan “C?” Two, will season seven begin with Nancy in prison and Andy, Silas, and Shane in Copenhagen?

And, most importantly, where in the world is Doug?

“Please, uh, when you kill her let us know. Just for closure” – Silas to Esteban and Guillermo

51ODmrgnnXL. SL160 Weeds The visual of the floating penis was a bit much51AOb75rRbL. SL160 Weeds The visual of the floating penis was a bit much51DzCXSyjYL. SL160 Weeds The visual of the floating penis was a bit much

Photo Credit: Showtime

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows | Weeds |

7 Responses to “Weeds – Copenhagen’s not ready for the Botwins”

November 16, 2010 at 6:11 PM

I think you missed a quick part during the last episode where a news report showed a surveillance tape of Schiff in a ski mask breaking into the post office. It wasn’t just the mail, so it’s totally plausible that they were looking for him and had an apb out with the airports.

Who knows what was on their Icelandic passports? Andy may not have been listed there. As for plan c, I think it will work. Nancy protects the family, will inform on Esteban and the crime syndicate from prison, and the baby will go to Andy or nancys next of kin (her sister?). As you said, there is no record of Esteban as the father, and I’m pretty sure she is planning on bringing him down. I loved plan c.

November 17, 2010 at 11:17 AM

Thanks Bob (and tracey8051!). I think I actually asked in last week’s review about that video. I totally didn’t see that it was a news report of Schiff; I thought Schiff was watching his own surveillance footage of his mail truck, and I wondered aloud what the point was. Thanks for clarifying. :)

The problem with Stevie going to Andy is, if authorities can find him to get Stevie to Andy, how successfully are they fleeing? And I doubt Nancy wants her sister raising her baby. And what’s Nancy’s life worth if she testifies against Esteban?

November 17, 2010 at 1:47 PM

I don’t think Nancy is thinking about herself at the moment. Remember, this was not the first or second option, this was plan C. As I see it, if Nancy gets Esteban put away and confesses for the murder of Pilar (as she did at the end), then the rest of the Botwin clan won’t really have a reason to flee, right? Sure there are lots of other little crimes, but none that were really on the radar of the authorities.

Given the choice between Esteban and her sister, I think Nancy would prefer to have Stevie with her sister.

I don’t know. I think it will be interesting to see where next season picks up.

November 18, 2010 at 8:24 PM

I don’t know, it’s all very confusing. But I’m with you in looking forward to seeing how (and where) next season starts.

November 16, 2010 at 9:53 PM

I really enjoyed the episode, but I was pretty distracted by how much green screen they used for the busy airport scenes.

November 17, 2010 at 10:57 AM

Yes, he really did rob the post office. They showed a very short clip of him leaving the post office and looking around all guilty. Remember, when he said “I’LL get the money” and got up and left, that is where he was going.

It always amazes me how people can watch the same show and see completely different things. My friends always see things I didn’t and the other way around as well.

November 28, 2010 at 3:48 PM

i think she did it so she will be under the protection of the government then she can squeal about everything she saw. the tunnel. the drugs. the guns. the dead journalist in the trunk of esteban’s car…etc. i think the show will continue exactly where it left off. or right after they (andy, shane and silas) land in copenhagen.

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