CliqueClack TV

Supernatural – Things are going to get much worse

Crowley returns to lay out his plans for the Winchesters, and Sam's soul. With that knowledge, the boys are off to investigate what looks like a werewolf attack. The truth of the attacks is much darker, and points to bad things coming down the road.

- Season 6, Episode 8 - "All Dogs Go To Heaven"

My apologies for being a bit tardy with this week’s post. Supernatural was trumped, briefly, by my strange fascination with all things Canadian. When a gypsy jazz band from Quebec that does adaptations of ’80s pop songs makes a stop in my town, I just can’t resist. So, please check out The Lost Fingers when you get a chance. Now, on with your regularly scheduled Supernatural post.

The big revelation this week had to do with Crowley and how the boys might be able to get Sam’s soul back. Right there with that, though — and maybe more telling in where the future of this season is heading — was the revelation that their case of the week was just one of a number of skinwalker sleeper cells. We keep getting hints about various factions building their forces for the coming battle. This one really drove home the point of what that means. Skinwalkers as a viral outbreak in cities across the world. It’s a scary scenario, made all the more scary when you consider that any number of monsters could be planning something similar. That battle that is coming promises to be rather ugly.

The skinwalker cells also get right back to the major problem the boys face where Crowley’s deal is concerned. It sounds simple enough: bag an alpha and Sam gets his soul back. Right off the bat, we should question whether Crowley will even honor that deal. Because, really, what leverage do the boys have if he doesn’t? Even assuming that he will, the bigger problem is in finding an actual alpha. Given the state of the world, they are essentially looking for a needle in a needle stack.

I’m pretty confident that Sam will get his soul back, but I’m left wondering how that will come to be. Will they actually track down another alpha to deliver to Crowley? Or, before that comes to pass, will they find some way to get the upper hand on Crowley and force him to relinquish the soul? Either are perfectly plausible, but if I’m making a guess, I lean to the latter. For the simple fact that it also deals with the problem of Crowley backing out of the original deal.

As for the Sam without a soul, I’m curious to hear what other people think of him. I liked the little pow-wow where the boys tried to clear the air (again), and the idea that Sam without his soul is a whole different person. I can see how it could get tiresome if it goes on for too long, but for now I find the whole thing kind of fascinating. The loss of his soul makes Sam a complete wild card. His decision making skills and instincts are completely shot, and every time Dean leaves him alone he has no idea what could happen.

At the end of the day, “All Dogs Go To Heaven” was a pretty solid monster of the week episode that brought some intriguing revelations about where we’re headed. The big shootout with the skinwalker cell was particularly good, especially Sam’s guns-blazing entrance. I’ll chalk this one up as a win, and add that I am now completely sold on the decision to bring the show back for season six.

Photo Credit: CW

4 Responses to “Supernatural – Things are going to get much worse”

November 13, 2010 at 5:04 PM

I miss Sam, but the soulless Sam has been an intriguing character on the show. I agree, I am glad they came back for a sixth season. I am enjoying this season more than last season. I think that is because last season was all about the end game of a final showdown. This season so much is just unknown and that leads to more anticipation and anxiety each episode.

Right now, this season is right up there with Season 4.

November 13, 2010 at 5:21 PM

Well… hmmm… I didn’t dislike RoboSam until this episode. JP is doing a great job if he can make a lovable character like Sam into a complete creep. Kudos to him.
I am liking the whole season but this episodes story, I thought, was meh… however, the interactions between Dean and Sam were great. I was shocked by how eager Sam was to pretty much condemn anyone without any proof. And that last scene made me want to cry for Dean and punch Sam in the mouth but at least he was honest (maybe).
I have been watching reruns of the shows on TNT and I think Sam is way worse than Dean was in the beginning. I don’t think it is a true role reversal, at least Dean had a heart and wouldn’t kill innocents as Sam stated he had.
I truly hope he gets his soul back soon. It is hard to watch his character like that.

November 13, 2010 at 6:37 PM

I love Crowley, so I was expecting this episode to deliver a strong story. I don’t think it did. I’m fine with the ‘filler’ eps, provided they’re entertaining (Yellow Fever, Bad Day at Black Rock, etc…) About halfway through, I realized the only reason I was still watching was because I felt obligated as a Supernatural fan.

Maybe it’s just because I’m a dog person. :)

I give props to J.P. though. He’s got the creepy vibe down perfectly. Can we please give him back his soul now?

November 14, 2010 at 11:25 AM

Souless Sam is fun!!! and more entertaining that the old girly one (he was fun too). I really like these story line, and hope that Sam doesn’t get his soul back too soon :)

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