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The Big Bang Theory – Loose lips lose FBI clearance for Howard

Kaley Cuoco made her first appearance as Penny this season and was kept behind a bar. No, she's not hiding a pregnancy like many actresses do as long as she can. She broke her leg while horseback riding in September. I've missed her.

- Season 4, Episode 7 - "The Apology Insufficiency"

So Leonard has a new idea to spice up his love (sex) life, eh? The suave, whip off the eyeglasses and talk to women like he’s a cool guy approach. Um, maybe that might work for Barney Stinson, but it’s so not Leonard. The second I saw it, I knew he’d crumble. No way can the likable comic fan and science geek pull that act off for more than a minute or two. He proved me right.

A bit similar to last week’s betrayal session with the boys, we had some more betrayals tonight. Perhaps they weren’t intentional betrayals, but one set Howard’s career back two years. Howard had to have FBI clearance to get in on a special project for the government. The FBI just had to do a quick background check on him. Simple, right?

Nope, not with our four dudes. You see, when pressured by a beautiful FBI agent (played by Eliza Dushku), it all became about themselves and not helping Howard to clear the clearance hurdle.

Raj was so worried about being sent back to India (although he’s in this country legally) and being confronted by a pretty woman, that he scarfed down handfuls of rum cake just so he could talk to her. When he could talk, all he could do was panic about being sent away. Leonard tried his new approach to women on her until she mentioned her 6’2″ Navy Seal husband. Then he choked.

But it was Sheldon who put the nail in the clearance coffin for Howard. When asked about whether Howard was responsible or not, he went into a tirade about mistreated blu-ray cases, not paying Sheldon fine monies when he didn’t return books to him on time … this … that … damaged the Mars Rover to impress a girl … changed Sheldor to Smelldor in his WoW game … on and on.

Mars Rover? Nice going, Smelldor! That blew the clearance (as it should) for the new government project. Both Raj and Leonard thought they did Howard in, but it was indeed Sheldon. And then we found out that Sheldon does indeed have a human conscience. He started having bad Gorn dreams. He tried to retract his statement with the FBI agent to no avail. He tried to apologize to Leonard only to be shunned.

As Leonard pointed out, Sheldon was in the pits of a Kobayashi Maru situation — a no-win scenario. Yet Kirk won, so maybe Sheldon can, too! Sheldon went above and beyond in his attempt to get Howard to accept his apology. He gave him his spot on the couch.

It lasted all of 94 seconds, but Howard forgave him. All is hunky-dory and peachy keen in Geekish Nerd Land once again. Phew! I like the friends together and stories which feature them all. A fun episode for sure. But under no circumstances should Howard EVER be given top secret clearance! She could have just asked us!

Photo Credit: CBS

4 Responses to “The Big Bang Theory – Loose lips lose FBI clearance for Howard”

November 4, 2010 at 10:13 PM

I had no idea rum cake was so fast acting. lol

Although I think you are wrong on one point, its not the 1st we’ve seen of Penny. We saw her in the first couple of episodes of the season.

November 5, 2010 at 12:53 PM

well his condition is all in his head anyways it acts as fast as he wants it to

November 5, 2010 at 9:41 PM

He’s had non-alcoholic beer and lost his fear of talking to women before…so as blahblah said, it’s all in his head!

November 7, 2010 at 3:09 PM

Wasn’t the apology that was shunned to Howard? Also, the conversation about Kirk and the Kobayashi Maru was with Penny behind the bar, wasn’t it?

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